
Knallende Türen, ewige Diskussionen oder Ohren auf Durchzug – die ersten Anzeichen der Pubertät kommen oft überraschend. Plötzlich verhält sich das eigene Kind so ganz anders als gewohnt. Schnell wird klar, dass hier Hormone im Spiel sind, aber was nun? Ein Kind auf dem Weg zum Erwachsenwerden zu begleiten kann frustrierend und herausfordernd sein. Aber keine Sorge! Michelle Dostal erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Kind mitfühlend und verständnisvoll durch diese turbulente Zeit führen und dabei dennoch die richtigen Grenzen setzen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie auf typische Konflikte am besten reagieren, wann Sie Ihr Kind vielleicht einfach nur loslassen sollten und wie Sie sein Selbstbewusstsein stärken können. Auch Tipps zum Umgang mit Internet und Social Media, Sex und Mobbing kommen nicht zu kurz. So meistern Sie auch diese schwierige Phase und bleiben dabei in Kontakt zu Ihrem Kind.


This book is a philosophical essay on the sun. It draws on Georges Bataille’s theories of the solar economy and solar violence and demonstrates their relevance to a world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. The sun, which, since Antiquity, has played an essential role in our utopian imaginations, is the ultimate source of energy, both productive and destructive. According to Georges Bataille, its infinite generosity can be taken as the model for human societies, which suggests an alternative to the capitalist economy with its infinite expansion, colonization, and disastrous consequences on the cosmic scale. Taking a step from solar economy to solar politics, Timofeeva locates the grounds for it in solidarity with nature, treated neither as a master nor as a slave, but as a comrade. The book will appeal to students, academics, artists, and other readers interested in the philosophy of nature, ecology, social and political theory, postcolonial and decolonial studies, and the humanities generally.


Images of killer robots are the stuff of science fiction – but also, increasingly, of scientific fact on the battlefield. Should we be worried, or is this a normal development in the technology of war? In this accessible volume ethicist Deane Baker cuts through the confusion over whether lethal autonomous weapons – so-called killer robots – should be banned. Setting aside unhelpful analogies taken from science fiction, Baker looks instead to our understanding of mercenaries (the metaphorical ‘dogs of war’) and weaponized animals (the literal dogs of war) to better understand the ethical challenges raised by the employment of lethal autonomous weapons (the robot dogs of war). These ethical challenges include questions of trust and reliability, control and accountability, motivation and dignity. Baker argues that, while each of these challenges is significant, they do not – even when considered together – justify a ban on this emerging class of weapon systems. This book offers a clear point of entry into the debate over lethal autonomous weapons – for students, researchers, policy makers and interested general readers.



A case-focused Otolaryngology primer for trainees and practicing clinicians alike  As disorders of the head and neck continue to become more prevalent, otolaryngologic head and neck surgeons are in greater demand than ever before. Many schools of medicine are integrating Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to help students develop the skills necessary for surgical management of head and neck conditions, yet the selection of guidebooks available to trainee otolaryngologic surgeons is limited.  Essential Cases in Head and Neck Oncology  uses real-life clinical cases to present clear and up-to-date explanations of treatment strategies for a wide range of cutaneous, salivary gland, and upper aerodigestive tract conditions, including benign and malignant tumors. Written and edited by renowned leaders in the field, and endorsed by the American Head & Neck Society, this essential resource contains full-color photographs, illustrations, and diagrams to better support readers in acquiring, synthesizing, and applying essential skills and knowledge in a clinical context. Its chapters provide detailed coverage of the oral cavity, skull base, trachea, thyroid, larynx, paragangliomas, salivary glands, and more.  This textbook also includes:  Covers the full spectrum of head and neck surgeries, including reconstructive procedures Discusses ethics related to cancer treatments, medical research, and other care issues Promotes multidisciplinary critical thinking, clinical problem-solving, communication, and collaboration Helps medical students and trainees evaluate their learning and contextualize their knowledge Features high-quality images and succinct explanatory text throughout  Essential Cases in Head and Neck Oncology  is an indispensable study aid for trainee clinicians, residents, and fellows studying for board certification and other exams, and an excellent reference guide for oncologists, otolaryngologists, surgeons, and other practitioners working in medical oncology, radiation oncology, and oromaxillofacial surgery.


Learn how to secure a place at the professional table for Black, Latinx, and other marginalized groups In Upper Hand: The Future of Work for the Rest of Us , celebrated Founder and CEO of The Plug, Sherrell Dorsey, delivers a personal and eye-opening exploration of how to ensure that marginalized communities aren't left behind as technology continues its inexorable march forward. In the book, readers will learn to think about how we can strategically shape the coming decade to include Black and Brown communities. Upper Hand offers guidelines, insights, and frameworks for navigating the new world of work that is dominated by Silicon Valley-rooted technologies, inaccessible networks, and constant automation that continues to slash jobs in the Black and Latinx population. You'll find ways to: Help families and community leaders design clear pathways to understanding alternatives to obsolescence Thrive in an ever-changing, tech-driven economy that is beginning to leave people of color behind Embrace new strategies that guarantee a place for Black and brown people in the new economy The startling and insightful discussion in Upper Hand will earn it a place in the libraries of families, teachers, community advocates, workforce development leaders, professionals of color, as well as anyone interested in learning how to distribute the benefits of the new tech economy to those historically left out.



Anton de Kom’s We Slaves of Suriname is a literary masterpiece as well as a fierce indictment of racism and colonialism. In this classic book, published here in English for the first time, the Surinamese writer and resistance leader recounts the history of his homeland, from the first settlements by Europeans in search of gold through the era of the slave trade and the period of Dutch colonial rule, when the old slave mentality persisted, long after slavery had been formally abolished. 159 years after the abolition of slavery in Suriname and 88 years after its initial publication, We Slaves of Suriname has lost none of its brilliance and power.



Is work a primordial curse? Or a spiritual calling? Or is it a tedious necessity that technology will abolish, freeing us to indulge lives of leisure? In this book David A. Spencer argues that work is only an alienating burden because of the nature of work under capitalism. He makes the case not for the abolition of work – which can remain a source of meaning and dignity – but for its lightening. Engaging with thinkers ranging from Marx and William Morris to Keynes and Graeber, he rejects the idea that high-quality work can only be open to a few while the majority are condemned to menial tasks, and sets out an agenda for shortening the working week while also making work a site of creativity, usefulness and joy for all. This erudite book sets out a compelling agenda for radical change. It’s essential reading for anyone interested in the future of their work.