

Действие фантастической повести «Джава» происходит в Баку середины XXI века. Герой повести, некогда знаменитый, а ныне полузабытый азербайджанский астронавт, отставник, живет размеренно, можно даже сказать, скучно – встречается с друзьями, читает лекции, возится в саду… До тех пор, пока в его монотонную жизнь не вторгаются необыкновенные, чрезвычайные, страшные обстоятельства, ставящие экс-астронавта перед сложным нравственным выбором…


Sie spielen mit dem Gedanken, sich ein E-Auto zu kaufen, wollen sich aber zuvor gründlich informieren? Dann wird Ihnen dieses Buch eine große Hilfe sein. Reiner Silberstein erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie den richtigen Wagen für Ihre Bedürfnisse finden und wie Sie Fördermittel erhalten. Er gibt Ihnen Tipps, was das Laden des E-Autos betrifft und wie Sie den Akku schonen. Zuletzt räumt er noch mit einigen Mythen über E-Mobilität auf. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch, eine gute Entscheidung beim Autokauf zu tätigen.


Practical strategies for ensuring leadership success within nonprofit organizations In Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework For Success , veteran senior leader and CEO Paul L. Dann, PhD, draws on over 30 years of developing and advancing nonprofits to walk you through practical strategies that support success as a nonprofit leader. The book is filled with universally applicable examples of how to implement its leadership techniques. Leaders working in a variety of sectors will benefit from the author’s careful balance of theory and practice. In the book, they’ll also find: How to choose a leadership style that suits your personality, the people you work with, and your organization How to engage in the co-creation of leadership through generative leadership practice, including the development of an organizational philosophy, practice, and structure How to manage employee performance and engagement and how to choose successful management systems to leverage success Ideal for practicing and aspiring nonprofit organization managers, board members, and directors, Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework For Success is an indispensable, one-stop resource for the development and deployment of leadership skills in challenging as well as complex nonprofit environments.





Work for social change through constructive engagement and systems disruption in this practical resource for social change advocates and conflict specialists In The Neutrality Trap, expert mediators and facilitators Bernard Mayer and Jacqueline N. Font-Guzmán deliver an insightful and practical exploration of how to understand the conflicts we face as social change agents. You'll learn about systems disruption and constructive engagement: how to develop the relationships and change strategies that help people, systems, and societies confront their most important social challenges. In this important book, you will: Discover how to challenge the status quo in an effective way Practice how to «get into good trouble,» and pick the battles worth fighting Learn to be strategic in your approach to social change and sustain your efforts over the long term Perfect for anyone interested in progressing and achieving social justice, The Neutrality Trap is an indispensable guide to engaging in and managing the necessary conflict that comes with meaningful change.

