
Go ist eine der neueren Programmiersprachen, die Softwareentwickler in ihrer Werkzeugkiste haben sollten. Die Sprache wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, besonders gut lesbar, benutzerfreundlich und effizient zu sein, und ist eine gute Wahl für Entwickler, die Anwendungen für die Cloud erstellen. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen die ersten Schritte in Go. Steigen Sie ein und beginnen Sie mit dem Schreiben von Code, der Daten aus der Cloud holt und sie in die Hände der Benutzer legt.



Modern social and political life is characterized not only by a passion for freedom and a desire for human contact, but also by the urge to shut down, to refuse freedom and the responsibility that goes with it, to barter it away in return for our security: this is the temptation of the wall, a temptation with which every modern society has to come to terms. Drawing on his experience as a psychoanalyst, Recalcati shows that the temptation of the wall is rooted in a deep psychological inclination: human beings have always drawn up borders and rejected the risks associated with being open to the outside world. But when these borders are turned into walls, they can only result in an impoverishment of the value of exchange and the loss of the dynamic plurality of a life shared with others.



A practical guide to the methodologies used in language teaching and learning research, providing expert advice and real-life examples from leading TESOL researches Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning provides practical guidance on the primary research methods used in second language teaching, learning, and education. Designed to support researchers and students in language education and learning, this highly accessible book covers a wide range of research methodologies in the context of actual practice to help readers fully understand the process of conducting research. Organized into three parts, the book covers qualitative studies, quantitative studies, and systematic reviews. Contributions by an international team of distinguished researchers and practitioners explain and demonstrate narrative inquiry, discourse analysis, ethnography, heuristic inquiry, mixed methods, experimental and quasi-experimental studies, and more. Each chapter presents an overview of a method of research, an in-depth description of the research framework or data analysis process, and a meta-analysis of choices made and challenges encountered. Offering invaluable insights and hands-on research knowledge to students and early-career practitioners alike, this book: Focuses on the research methods, techniques, tools, and practical aspects of performing research Provides firsthand narratives and case studies to explain the decisions researchers make Compares the relative strengths and weaknesses of different research methods Includes real-world examples for each research method and framework to highlight the context of the study Includes extensive references, further reading suggestions, and end-of-chapter review questions Part of the Guides to Research Methods in Language and Linguistics series, Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning is essential reading for students, educators, and researchers in all related fields, including TESOL, second language acquisition, English language teaching, and applied linguistics.





Eine Bilanz muss kein Buch mit sieben Siegeln sein, im Gegenteil: Wer versteht, was sie aussagt, kann viel aus ihr ablesen. Dieses Buch erläutert, wie eine Bilanz, eine Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung oder die wichtigsten Berichte für den Anhang und Lagebericht erstellt werden und wie man Bilanzpolitik betreibt. Es zeigt leicht verständlich, wie diese gelesen und interpretiert werden können, um so versteckte Risiken entdecken zu können.<br> Die Bestseller-Autoren Michael Griga und Raymund Krauleidis legen in ihrem Buch den Schwerpunkt auf die Analyse von Bilanzen. Die Leser erfahren unter anderem, was sich hinter Begriffen wie Finanzierungs- und Investitionsanalyse, Liquiditätsanalyse oder Erfolgsanalyse verbirgt und was der Unterschied zwischen qualitativer und strategischer Bilanzanalyse ist. Die gewohnte Prise Humor fehlt natürlich ebenso wenig wie anschauliche Beispiele aus dem prallen Leben, Übungen, um das Erlernte gleich anzuwenden und Erläuterungen der unterschiedlichen gesetzlichen Grundlagen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.<br>


How to design a solar power plant, from start to finish In Step-by-Step Design of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants, a team of distinguished engineers delivers a comprehensive reference on PV power plants—and their design—for specialists, experts, and academics. Written in three parts, the book covers the detailed theoretical knowledge required to properly design a PV power plant. It goes on to explore the step-by-step requirements for creating a real-world PV power plant, including parts and components design, mathematical formulations and calculations, analyses, evaluations, and planning. The book concludes with a discussion of a sample solar plant design, as well as tips on how to avoid common design mistakes, and how to handle the operation and maintenance of PV power plants. Step-by-Step Design of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants also includes: Thorough introductions to the basic requirements of design, economic analyses, and investment revenue Comprehensive explorations of the requirements for feasibility study and grid connection study Introducing solar resource, and determining optimum tilt angle and module inter-row spacing Presenting methodology for design of large-scale PV plant, requirements of engineering document, and optimal design algorithm In-depth examinations for selecting PV module, inverter, string, and DC side equipment Practical discussions of system losses, as well as estimation of yearly electrical energy production, capacity factor, and performance ratio of large-scale PV plant Perfect for professionals in the solar power industry, Step-by-Step Design of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants will also earn a place in the libraries of equipment manufacturers and university professors seeking a one-stop resource for the design of PV power plants.