
Rudi is nou al twee keer deur iemand in ’n motor agtervolg. Daar is reeds drie kinders van sy skool deur ’n motor omgery en elke keer het die skuldige weggekom. Die eerste een wat omgery is, is Suné, sy meisie. Wat is haar verbintenis met die ander twee? En hoekom tree die kinders wat omgery is so anders op wanneer hulle uit die hospitaal kom? Min weet Rudi dat hy baie na aan die antwoorde op al sy vrae is, en lig gaan hy nie daarvan afkom nie . . .


Wat maak ’n meisie wanneer sy die eerste keer in haar lewe verlief is? Op ’n ou met oë so donker soos Bel-giese tjoklits? ’n Ou met ’n tergende lag en seesout op sy lippe? ’n Droomou soos Scott . . . Hoe vang jy hom? Dít is Tamara se probleem. En dit sou geen probleem gewees het as dit nie vir Jasmin was nie. Jasmin met die designer-klere wat altyd haar sin kry. Jasmin wat net een doel voor oë het: Scott. Watter kans het ’n beginner soos Tamara teen ’n ervare flirt? Iets drasties sal moet gebeur. Soos ’n totale makeover. Ander hare, klere en houding. Hopelik is dit nog nie te laat nie. Hopelik het Scott nog nie finaal vir Jasmin geval nie. Maar is hy ooit so genuine soos hy maak? Of speel hy net met almal se gevoelens?


The English for Life Reader for Grade 6 contains examples of a novel, folklore, short stories, dramas, and various information and media texts, such as newspaper and magazine articles, poems, advertisements, brochures, posters, and notices. These are the texts suggested as teaching support material for Grade 6 by the Department of Basic Education.
The English for Life Reader provides a volume of reading material that is easy to access, and which has been chosen specifically for the Grade 6 learner. The content is interesting, thought-provoking and exciting and offers examples of texts that can be found in everyday life. The Reader can be used on its own as a supplement to classroom material, or in conjunction with the English for Life Grade 6 textbook for English as Home Language.


In English for Life Grade 6 you will be covering a range of interesting, thought-provoking and often humorous texts with integrated activities through which you will also improve your language use for some of your other subjects. These texts form the basis for extending your understanding and application of language use and communicative skills, for interpreting and responding to a variety of visual material and for reading, understanding and responding to literature.
Furthermore you will participate in assessing your progress and language competence by using various methods and instruments such as rating scales, checklists, and rubrics. You will continuously listen and speak, read and view, write and present and at the same time you will practise using English functionally, fluently and creatively by producing a range of language texts for particular purposes, audiences and contexts, both orally and in writing. You will have the opportunity to role play or play-read dramas, and to write your own stories and poems.
English for Life Grade 6 is an integrated language textbook for learners taking English as their Home Language.


The English for Life Reader for Grade 5 contains examples of a novel, folklore, short stories, dramas, and various information and media texts, such as newspaper and magazine articles, poems, advertisements, brochures, posters, and notices. These are the texts suggested as teaching support material for Grade 5 by the Department of Basic Education.
The English for Life Reader provides a volume of reading material that is easy to access, and which has been chosen specifically for the Grade 5 learner. The content is interesting, thought-provoking and exciting and offers examples of texts that can be found in everyday life. The Reader can be used on its own as a supplement to classroom material, or in conjunction with the English for Life Grade 5 textbook for English as Home Language.


In English for Life Grade 5 you will be covering a range of interesting, thought-provoking and often humorous texts with integrated activities through which you will also improve your language use for some of your other subjects. These texts form the basis for extending your understanding and application of language use and communicative skills, for interpreting and responding to a variety of visual material and for reading, understanding and responding to literature.
Furthermore you will participate in assessing your progress and language competence by using various methods and instruments such as rating scales, checklists, and rubrics. You will continuously listen and speak, read and view, write and present and at the same time you will practise using English functionally, fluently and creatively by producing a range of language texts for particular purposes, audiences and contexts, both orally and in writing. You will have the opportunity to role play or play-read dramas, and to write your own stories and poems.
English for Life Grade 5 is an integrated language textbook for learners taking English as their Home Language.


The English for Life Reader for Grade 4 contains examples of a novel, folklore, short stories, dramas, and various information and media texts, such as newspaper and magazine articles, poems, advertisements, brochures, posters, and notices. These are the texts suggested as teaching support material for Grade 4 by the Department of Basic Education.
The English for Life Reader provides a volume of reading material that is easy to access, and which has been chosen specifically for the Grade 4 learner. The content is interesting, thought-provoking and exciting and offers examples of texts that can be found in everyday life. The Reader can be used on its own as a supplement to classroom material, or in conjunction with the English for Life Grade 4 textbook for English as Home Language.


In English for Life Grade 4 you will be covering a range of interesting, thought-provoking and often humorous texts with integrated activities through which you will also improve your language use for some of your other subjects. These texts form the basis for extending your understanding and application of language use and communicative skills, for interpreting and responding to a variety of visual material and for reading, understanding and responding to literature.
Furthermore you will participate in assessing your progress and language competence by using various methods and instruments such as rating scales, checklists, and rubrics. You will continuously listen and speak, read and view, write and present and at the same time you will practise using English functionally, fluently and creatively by producing a range of language texts for particular purposes, audiences and contexts, both orally and in writing. You will have the opportunity to role play or play-read dramas, and to write your own stories and poems.
English for Life Grade 4 is an integrated language textbook for learners taking English as their Home Language.


Six friends attend a music festival in the Cederberg. Only five come back. For her seventeenth birthday Demi Crowley invites her five closest friends to join her at a music festival for a party to end all parties. But what was supposed to be the night of their lives soon becomes a nightmare none of them will ever forget. Sharp Edges is a topsy-turvy tale of love, loss and friendship that will stay with you long after the final page has been turned, and leaves you questioning what you really know about your friends.
Sharp Edges is S.A. Partridge’s fourth novel for young adults


Меня зовут Дарья, я – создатель сети школ «Англомания», автор самого жесткого языкового марафона #бдсманглийский, и книги «Жесткий английский». Я – твой самый страшный кошмар. Ты хочешь знать английский? Учи. Все твои отговорки меня не волнуют. Я доведу тебя до слез, но ты получишь бесценную привычку – учиться. Почему БДСМ? БОЛЬНО. Во время чтения книги ты вырабатываешь в себе привычку учить английский каждый день. Выполняешь задания и выкладываешь с хештегом. Не будешь делать – буду бить. ДОСТУПНО. Объясняю просто и понятно, поймут все, даже новички. Я заставлю тебя разобраться в твоих тараканах и начать учить английский. СЕРЬЕЗНО. Никаких песен, плясок, котиков, мимими, лести и улыбок. Потому что ты от этого устал, и я тоже. Если ты хочешь выучить язык, садись и учи. МАКСИМАЛЬНО. Эта книжка направлена на то, чтобы разобраться у тебя в голове и перестать откладывать английский «на потом». Грамматика – это хорошо, но если ты не разберешься со своими внутренними препонами, далеко не уйдешь. Я хочу, чтобы ты учил английский сам, без меня. А для этого надо поработать.