
Ebba is in Celestia, the land of the gods, and the only way to return to earth is to journey across a barren, lifeless landscape until she reaches the Fiery Spiral. But the road is fraught with difficulties and danger. She must learn the meaning of love and courage before she can fulfil her true destiny. It seems that Lucas has to share her journey. But to save everyone she loves, she might have to give up her life . . . and her heart. This is the exciting conclusion to the popular fantasy trilogy set in a futuristic Cape Town.


Time is running out. A military coup has put General de Groot in control of Table Island City. There are only three months until the winter solstice, and all four amulets are missing. If Ebba does not find them in time a second and final calamity will wipe out Earth completely. But she has other pressing problems. Food is running out in the Colony, and the General is planning a final solution. Can she get the 2000 young adults out of the bunker in time? Can she use her new position as a member of the General’s Council to her advantage? And how can she negotiate the growing social and political tension without losing her integrity? Then there’s Micah, the love of her life. Why is he spending so much time with the gorgeous Samantha Lee? Is their relationship purely professional as they co-lead the Resistance? Or are the rumours that he is unfaithful to her true? How can she prove her love to him? As the final days approach Ebba has lost everything. Disaster has destroyed Greenhaven, and she hasn’t been able to find the fourth amulet. The General is planning a genocide. Micah has a plan – if she can assassinate the General the 2000 will be saved. With nothing left to lose but his love, she agrees to this one final sacrifice.


Someday I’ll see the sky. I’ll climb the thousand steps. The gates will open and my family will be waiting, ready to take me home. Sixteen-year-old Ebba has never experienced life outside the underground bunker deep inside Table Mountain, known as the colony. But in a sudden twist of fate she is Elevated to join the elite living on the surface in a post-apocalyptic world. Was she saved because of the mysterious birthmark on her hand? The High Priest and his handsome son Hal are especially keen to keep her close, but can she trust them? When Ebba learns she has a sacred task to find three lost amulets to save the earth from a second and final Calamity, it is clear that her life will change forever.


The beautiful Anglo Arab horse, Oreo, is for sale and Jamie has her heart set on him. But her mom has more important things to buy than ponies. Time is running out and it looks like the bratty new girl, Shardonnay, may be putting in an offer before Jamie can scrape together the money. Meanwhile the professor’s underpants are still disappearing, Tick and his pet monkey are up to their usual mischief and Toby is desperately hoping for a date with Shardonnay. Will Jamie ever get to ride Oreo in the competition? Jamie’s mother is a vet and life among all kinds of adorable pets is never dull. This is the second title in this humorous series bursting with adventurous animal antics.


’n Pragtige perd, Oreo, is te koop en Tania het reeds haar hart op hom verloor. Maar die tyd is besig om uit te loop en dit lyk asof die neus-in-die-lug nuwe meisie, Shardonnay, ‘n aanbod op Oreo gaan maak nog voordat Tania genoeg geld kan bymekaarskraap. Haar ma kan haar nie help nie, want die laaste ding wat hulle nou kan bekostig is ’n perd. Intussen verdwyn die professor se onderbroeke nog steeds, Tiek en sy apie is weer met hulle ou streke besig en Tobie is dolverlief en desperaat om Shardonnay se aandag te trek. Sal Tania ooit vir Oreo in die kompetisie kan ry?


Princess Talia saves the day when she cleverly, but politely, gets rid of the fierce dragon that has landed on the roof of the palace. But why had the dragon landed there in the first place? And why didn’t he want to budge? Read this playful, humorous story and find out for yourself – and at the same time learn some new interesting words.


Prinses Talia is almal se heldin toe sy op ’n baie ordentlike, maar slim manier van die kwaai draak op die paleis se dak ontslae raak. Maar hoekom het die draak nou juis dáár geland? En waarom het hy geweier om weg te gaan? Lees hierdie oulike, prettige storie en vind self uit – en leer sommer ’n paar interessante nuwe woorde by.


Wat maak ’n meisie wanneer sy die eerste keer in haar lewe verlief is? Op ’n ou met oë so donker soos Bel-giese tjoklits? ’n Ou met ’n tergende lag en seesout op sy lippe? ’n Droomou soos Scott . . . Hoe vang jy hom? Dít is Tamara se probleem. En dit sou geen probleem gewees het as dit nie vir Jasmin was nie. Jasmin met die designer-klere wat altyd haar sin kry. Jasmin wat net een doel voor oë het: Scott. Watter kans het ’n beginner soos Tamara teen ’n ervare flirt? Iets drasties sal moet gebeur. Soos ’n totale makeover. Ander hare, klere en houding. Hopelik is dit nog nie te laat nie. Hopelik het Scott nog nie finaal vir Jasmin geval nie. Maar is hy ooit so genuine soos hy maak? Of speel hy net met almal se gevoelens?


Katrina is moeg vir vervelige mense, moeg vir ’n vervelige lewe, moeg vir haar outydse naam. Sy is Kat . . . en Kat is sexy, suave en gesofistikeerd. Net jammer haar lewe bly so gewoon en saai. Naweke werk sy en Van Aardt op die kunsmark en by die skool het sy te doen met irriterende mense soos Marlé Groenewald, die girl met die supergroot boobs. Tot hý op die toneel verskyn. Hý met die ontwerperstoppels en die romantiese Franse naam. Kat is verlief. So verlief dat sy haar beeld heeltemal verander sodat hy haar móét raaksien. Maar die Fransman het ’n geheim. Iets wat sal maak dat Kat haar romantiese idees van voor tot agter moet hersien en haar hart net so deeglik moet ondersoek