
Here available is the sheet music of the title for Bands with all Intruments and Voices. (Bass, Piano, Vocal, Drums, Violin, Accordion, 1 & 2 Trumpet in Bb, Guitar, Alt-Sax. in Eb, Tenor-Sax. in Bb, Alt-Sax. in Eb and Trombone.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» for Piano. Easy arranged in C major. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» für Klavier. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in C-Dur.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» for Piano, Vocals and Guitar. Easy arranged in C major with lyrics. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» für Klavier, Gesang und Gitarre. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in C-Dur mit Liedtext.


Das Hauptwerk Maria Trebens, die „Gesundheit aus der Apotheke Gottes“, ist 1980 im Ennsthaler Verlag erschienen und wurde bisher in 27 Sprachen übersetzt. Es werden 31 Heilkräuter, deren Heilkraft und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten als Tee, aufzulegender Brei, Bad oder Frischsaft ausführlich beschrieben. Maria Treben hat sich als eine der wichtigsten Pioniere der Kräuterheilkunde ihren Platz in der Geschichte erobert. Viele verehrten sie wie eine Heilige, tatsächlich war sie ein Frau, die sich ein Leben lang mit Heilkräutern beschäftigte und ihre Erfahrungen möglichst vielen Menschen nahe bringen wollte.In all den Jahren hat ihre Popularität und die ihrer Werke nie nachgelassen. Ihre Bücher erleben heute durch die fortschreitende Anwendung der Alternativmedizin eine neue und ungebrochene Aktualität.


Information about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain and other cryptocurrencies for interested parties, for beginners and advanced. To be active in the emerging world of cryptocurrency, you must first to understand the systems that underpin it and that will help to shape the future. It is vital that you understand three fundamental pieces of information before you begin any activity related to cryptocurrencies. Without these three key considerations, you cannot fully understand and navigate the intricacies of the crypto world. Without these three foundational rules, you become extremely vulnerable to financial losses if you become active. For that reason, you should read thus book. Internalize the information and let them sink deep into your subconscious. The principles in this bool must be applied intuitively. Gauge everything—every single thought and decision—by these principles. With these three principles at the core of your every decision, you will be safe from fraud and you will understand how our world is going to work in the near future.


The best strategies for investing in new crypto coins, ICOs, token sales and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and many others. An ICO is an initial investment in the construction of a new crypto system or a new cryptocurrency There are of course great opportunities and also risks connected with that. There is currently a great feeling of euphoria around cryptocurrencies; yet at the same time, it is still very much a Wild West with few lawmen and lots of desperados. Many of these characters present an honest appearance and claim to have a high level of motivation to change the world for the better. But, as with all lucrative, new industries, many are bandits whose motives are generally more focused on changing their own bank balance—not the world. The situation is very opaque and people who do not do a lot of research can very quickly lose a lot of money. In the crypto world, these rip-off merchants are everywhere.


As modern healthcare becomes increasingly personalized and data-driven, traditional healthcare is being transformed into a dynamic, multi-layered and highly connected global ecosystem. New players, such as medical entrepreneurs and tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google and IBM Watson are continuing to expose and challenge the current healthcare market by providing innovative digital products and know-how. Digital health offers both—a suite of new capabilities and new approaches that unlock health(care) from constraints of time, place, distance and knowledge. It opens up entirely new ways to address and understand people and their health needs. This is how XPOMET© was born, and has been continuously growing as a platform, that is dedicated to innovative trends in medicine and care and at the same time creates a community that promotes cultural change in the healthcare industry. In 2019, the XPOMET© Medicinale has become an international event to showcase best practice, highlight trends in global healthcare and forecast future developments in health and tech. The book offers a broad collection of the extensive knowledge of contributors to the XPOMET© Medicinale 2019. International experts share their novel ideas, challenges and achievements in the global healthcare market. The reader is invited to join in the XPOMET© community’s vision and to be inspired by the latest discoveries and technological know-how in healthcare.


Santaklaus – Quadrology of Love. This book series is my interpretation of the transition from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius, to its higher vibrations. All-encompassing love is relevant to all of us – this is something we can learn now, because the vibrations are growing and if we don´t, we will not be able to bear them. Enjoy my book series and feel free to visit my website … www.santaklauspublishinghouse.com … KPW


Englische Sprachausgabe des Titels «Für ein anderes Europa» (ISBN 978-3-80152-7002-5): In the face of the «euro crisis» the question arises: how does the European Union look in terms of the fundamental values and goals of the political left – democracy, self-determination, freedom and prosperity for as many people as possible? Is the EU an emancipatory instrument for the citizens of Europe? Or is it an agent of their creeping disenfranchisement? Do we need more Europe – or less? Is the EU eroding the political and welfare achievements of the twentieth century? In what direction must the European Union develop in order to solve the manifold problems of the integration process? Leading intellectuals from 10 EU member states have set out their visions of a more progressive Europe, with no holds barred or conventional formulae. They are united by the insight that Europe can do better.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Alice im Wunderland – Title song of the TV series „Alice in Wonderland“ (1984)» for Piano. Medium difficulty in G major. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Alice im Wunderland – Title song of the TV series „Alice in Wonderland“ (1984)» für Klavier. Mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad in G-Dur.