
The adage that &#39;the rich are different from you and me&#39; is crystallized in BAD DAD, a psychological crime novel that explores the dark side of wealth and privilege.<br><br>Lester Fuller, as BAD DAD, is heir to a Wyoming natural gas fortune who hires his ranch foreman to murder his daughter-in-law. Mary Lou has provoked Fuller&#39;s scorn by luring son Danny away from an upper class existence, transforming him into a Southern redneck who sweats at a menial job to support her and their son. She is also having an affair, Fuller&#39;s private investigator reveals, producing photographic evidence that pushes BAD DAD over the edge. <br><br>Fuller&#39;s privileged life is compromised, his mental state contaminated by his orchestration of Mary Lou&#39;s murder. Not only does he fear that his wife and son are suspicious, but the dead woman&#39;s mother, Rose, unleashes a nightmare scenario: she taunts Fuller by insinuating he&#39;s behind Mary Lou&#39;s disappearance, then confides her suspicions to a detective who is too intimidated by Fuller&#39;s wealth and influence to do anything about it. This reprieve, however, does not spare Fuller his struggle with the aftermath of this crime.


The plays selected for this anthology reflect the issues and styles typical of the new wave of dramatic writing in Russia.<br><br>New drama flourished (almost) exclusively in small spaces, often in dingy basements that employed and accommodated small numbers of people. The big theaters largely turned a blind eye to what was happening on small stages and in backrooms in playhouses, libraries and community centers in a few chosen hot spots around Russia &mdash; primarily Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Togliatti. In many cases, they took actively hostile stances toward it. This would change, however. And by the beginning of the century&#39;s second decade, new drama was threatening to become a mainstream phenomenon. Not every theater staged plays associated with new drama, but almost every one began staging plays influenced by the themes, methods and language of the new drama movement.


My Lyrical Journey &mdash; How I painted my heart wide open, is a collection of blog posts about how my art changed me. I&#39;ve opened my heart and become transparent in many of these little stories. I share my fears, disappointments, dreams and desires. And, as a result, I have a story of painting my heart wide open and finding courage, healing, strength, compassion and love.


This book is about this guy HAPPY who is from a humble background in SINGAPORE, and his life experience, serving in the army to escort the President on the Police Bike, Selling Insurance, Romance, Investing in Stocks, Generating multiple Streams of $$$, ups and downs… and eventually realising his DREAM of running a resort and cruise service to connect with Whales and Dolphins in Australia!<br><br>Be inspired by the lessons in this book!<br><br>Jimmy Chua is a Singaporean who has travelled round the world, realizing his dreams along the way! The stories experienced by HAPPY are inspired by Jimmy&#39;s own life journey! Anything is possible when we believe in whatever we are doing helps us in getting closer to living our desired DREAMS! And we don&#39;t have to settle for anything less than what we want, that is the message, love ourselves for who we are, accept the past as it is past, and move on to doing whatever our hearts guide us to do! It is following our passions that make all the difference.<br><br>Jimmy Chua has tried countless jobs in his lives, escorting the President on the Police Bike, driving boat along Singapore River, working for an Investment Bank, famous Universities, Selling Life and General Insurance, Real Estate, Household Surveys, Credit Cards, Telemarketing, Selling Bubble Tea, Portable Air Cons, teaching meditation and most importantly selling the idea of DREAMING BIG and be HAPPY!


What is true success? How should one really measure it, and against what standard? <br><br>&quot;God knew and wrote our success story long before our arrival on this planet. True success depends on how we position ourselves in relation to God&#39;s purpose for our existence in this world. It is our purpose that determines our presence, our provision, our position, our power and our prosperity in this world.&quot;<br><br>This thought-provoking book offers you the enviable opportunity to re-position yourself for &quot;good&quot; success. It would be very unfortunate for you to have lived and died and never to have realized the successful life that God planned for you.<br><br>Your pre-ordained destiny awaits your presence. O child of God, rise up, move forward, and embrace your future NOW. God is eagerly waiting to perform great wonders in, and through, YOU!


The Remnants begins in Edwardian England and follows the story of Danny and Rose through their desperate struggle to hold on to their love – and their lives, during a time of momentous change.<br><br>Danny Pulbrook is a handsome and rebellious young man. Born the bastard son of a minor royal and orphaned at birth he is determined to find a new life far beyond his &quot;pre-ordained oblivion&quot;. His only way out – a forced enlistment into the army brings him to an inevitable confrontation with his own demons in the cauldron of the first world war.<br><br>Rose Quayle is a beautiful and confident hazel-eyed housemaid who, like her mother and her mother&#39;s mother is employed in service at Meaford House – an expansive vice-regal estate near Tunbridge Wells. Like Danny she longs for a life beyond the tyranny of the rigid class system that defines her humble destiny.<br><br>Their chance meeting becomes the catalyst that changes both of their lives forever. <br><br>The Remnants spans four continents and is a true emotional rollercoaster. Told through the lives of two young lovers it&#39;s a legacy of love and loss, passion, despair and quiet redemption; the profound story of enduring human spirit amid the agony of chaos and devastation.<br><br>..... &quot;Downton Abbey&quot; meets &quot;Atonement&quot;.


Jacob Barrstein and his friend James Eaton have a $1000 bet going. James claims that a group of 21st Century people cannot last a week without smartphones, computers, tablets, GPS&#39;s etc., while Jacob aims to prove him wrong. They organize a camping trip with 12 people up in the Angeles National Forest Mountains, allowing no electronic devices. When they suffer severe hardship and are stranded on the mountain with no way out, Jacob goes for help on foot and never returns.<br><br>Six months after his disappearance, hikers stumble onto his remains, and the case changes from a missing person&#39;s file to a full-blown police investigation. Once events are brought to the surface, another member of the group is killed. The unexpected ending of A BET TURNED DEADLY is something the reader will not easily forget.


This book is a guide for selecting, training, and supervising lay pastoral care providers in churches and other faith communities. It was written primarily for liberal religious faith communities.


A book of short stories should well suit the busy American with 30 minutes here and there throughout the day and at bedtime. Such a book is especially appropriate for older readers whose short-term memory will not be challenged. The stories may be read in any order; many of the titles give a hint as to the content. <br><br>Like all fiction, these short stories are the resultant brew of the experiences of a lifetime. There is truth to be discovered here, coupled with signs pointing to the future as well as to the past. After all, many would agree that time is a sort of loop. Additional bonuses are a dollop or so of humor and a better understanding of unusual human behavior.


THE CURE FOR GOD&#39;S EPIDEMIC is a revolutionary book dedicated to last reformer of India who wanted to create a worldwide religious revolution. He was a saint and an intellectual warrior. By his name the minds of Priests, Acharyas, Pundits, and Mullahs tremble with fear. This book is based on logic and reasoning -a book which opens up Hinduism and sheds light on Islam and Christianity. This book will make you to think who you are and why you are on this planet. For Hindus it will be an eye opener as what they have been practicing so far and even practice today is not what Hindu Dharma is? This book is bound to touch your inner soul and mind. <br><br>The Book focuses for the first time in the History of religions on the following topics.<br><br>Is Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, etc. a GOD or not?<br>Who is the True GOD and does GOD exists -a scientific approach?<br>Concept of GOD, Matter and Prana -i.e., the Life Force<br>What is True Spirituality?<br>How can all religions live in peace?<br>Theory of Karma from Scientific angle<br>How is the universe created?<br>How was the human created first?<br>What happens after death?<br>Why one should NOT marry with cousins or direct blood? <br>What the Universe is made up of?<br>Demolishing Big Bang Theory!<br>Unified Theory of Creation<br>Concept of Prana<br>What is Space?