
This book is going to share with you how to see the world in HAPPY LIGHT. It is about how to always seeing the BRIGHT side of things, for example we need to lose something in order to learn, but as long as we are safe and HAPPY, we can always get it back and more!<br><br>WHY DO WE NEED TO SEE THE WORLD AS HAPPY?<br><br>There are people who incurred huge financial debts and when they learned to get out of the debts, they became millionaires and more! The solution they found actually helped them to increase their capacity to have more, even though the initial hardships caused them tremendous pain and suffering.<br><br>Being HAPPY doesn&#39;t mean suppressing your other emotions, it is letting out that, thus by not holding onto the past, you are free to pursue your DREAMS!<br><br>Why do we always believe that Others are better in this and that, rather accepting that we are all unique and different. We may sing, dance, write better than others, thus there is division of labour where each individual has the choice to choose what you enjoy doing and exchange these &quot;goods&quot; and &quot;services&quot; with others. Goods are known as Goods simply it feels GOOD to US! (Do you want to buy BADS? Hahaha)<br><br>The other way to see things in a HAPPY WAY is simply accepting that we allow things to unfold in its own timing, like a flower will bloom in spring and wither in autumn. <br><br>For me, based in Singapore, where it is SUMMER all year round, since I am living on the tropical climate of the Equator that receives lots and lots of Sunshine, I would travel out of Singapore to experience the four seasons! That was the reason that captivated me to stay in UK, where I was based in Manchester, Cambridge and Glasgow. After staying in UK, I realised I missed Sunshine a lot, so it is good to be back! As such, one can always change as we discover what we enjoy and it can remain HAPPY as long as we see the bright side of thing.<br><br>I love the cold and cloudy &quot;gloomy&quot; like weather because I can sleep lots, stay indoor to read and of course drink lots of HOT Tea that I constantly put on the hot water boiler in my room. And yes room temperature (20 degrees celsius) COKE taste warm and yummy in cold snowy winter (-3 degrees celsius).<br><br>In a nutshell, we see the world as HAPPY to keep us positive and enthusiastic and appreciate our life for what it is. Only then, can we bring joy and love to those around.


We are what we see, because the world outside of us can have infinite ways of interpreting. For example, a picture of Jimmy Chua may elicit different emotions; some see his picture will feel that he is HAPPY. Some say it is not possible to be ALWAYS HAPPY, he is faking it! So who is RIGHT, everyone is RIGHT, because we are always RIGHT and others are WRONG. <br><br>Read this book and discover happiness with me.



Do you wonder why some people handle crises so well while others encounter the same situation and do so poorly? Take Control of Life&#39;s Crises Today! shows you how to confidently deal with nearly anything you encounter. You can assess your current skills and learn how to effectively handle crises &mdash; a fight with a partner, a job interview, dealing with a natural disaster like a hurricane, or reacting to a car accident. <br><br>While this book is written for anyone looking to improve his or her ability to handle crises in life, special chapters are designed to address: <br><br>**Parents helping their children learn to cope with crises<br><br>**Teachers preparing themselves and their students for a crisis<br><br>**First Responders learning to better cope with crises on the job<br><br>Take Control of Life&#39;s Crises Today! is personal and easy to read. It is filled with case examples, practical suggestions, and simple, concrete steps for developing your skills in managing crises.


A step by step guide to buying your dream home NOW without a mortgage using the rent-to-own method while rebuilding your credit. The entire rent-to-own process is covered explaining key fundamentals including:<br><br>– How to find your dream home NOW<br>– How you can save thousands of dollars on your purchase<br>– Dozens of ideas to help you rebuild your credit along the way<br>– How to keep from making costly mistakes <br>– Understanding the paperwork<br>– Pitfalls to avoid<br>– How to Make an offer and handle negotiations <br>– How to qualify for financing of the final purchase <br>– Numerous tips to make sure things go smoothly <br>– Ways to add peace of mind/reduce stress during the process


This book of prayers is a continuation from my second book, &quot;Peace be still.&quot; That book was inspired by the writing of the 14th century mystic, Julian of Norwich.<br><br>In the prayers I have shown that regardless of what trial and tribulation we encounter in our temporal life our faith and the Holy Spirit will help us prevail.<br><br>Also if we turn from our self-will and seek God&#39;s will for our life then the problems we had before will disappear as we are given new direction, purpose and joy through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in overcoming our nature.


Why are we in a leadership crisis? Up to 85% of mergers and acquisitions destroy value, executives are in jail, economies are shaky and politics isn&#39;t providing answers.<br><br>This new book provides answers. Based on my doctoral research and work with leaders on 5 continents for 25 years, I also draw on my experiences teaching and learning in a Karate Dojo.<br><br>You will find out why leaders fail and what can be done about it&mdash;a blend of Eastern and Western approaches.


Launched in honour of President Obama&#39;s inaugural, this book was written during the most remarkable political season in American history. The author visited all major presidential campaign offices in New York and New Hampshire, attended the presidential debates and was a commentator for PBS and National Public Radio. Allan also attended the historic Democratic convention and toured most presidential libraries.


Sam Saunders finally has a quiet life. After years of unexpected pregnancies, two marriages and subsequent divorces she is unnerved by how routine life has become. Her life is stable, her kids are happy, so why does she have a nagging feeling that everything is about to change? When she finds herself at the center of a practical joke involving her favorite movie star proposing to her, she finds it hard to keep herself grounded. Could this be the change she had sensed?<br><br>Jake Jameson has made a career out of romantic comedies, but his love life is far from it. He&#39;s going through the motions and everyone knows he&#39;s lost his spark. After his fake proposal is televised, he finds that having a family could be what he&#39;s been craving. Will the media scare off his fake fianc&Atilde;&copy; before he figures out what he wants?


&#39;This book is not refined, I am not a writer. But I wrote this book for you.&#39; <br><br>Whether you are navigating your way through studies, taking your steps in the work place, carving out a career, or analysing what you have started and where you want to go, this book will inspire you to see how you can make good choices for yourself, work, and in relationships. Having done my twenties, these are the tips I give you to empower you to choose well and be chosen in work and life.<br><br>Philippa works in Organisational Learning and Development as a Soft Skills Trainer and Career Coach. This is her journey – the highs and the lows and a few tips she picked up over the decade, for likeminded, high achieving, urban living, made for purpose people, wishing to make their life work better. Narrated through her own journey, she shares her excitement, fun, the expectations and the real life challenges. This book gives opportunity for reflection – to enable you to choose how you live, and what you can do to be the person you want to be. This is her story on how to get picked for work and life.