

The Fountain of Humor Number 2, available as an eBook and as an audiobook.<br><br>It is a collection of jokes and stories. These jokes can be read and listened to or read and/or played to people who live, work or love others. The material is helpful to mind and body. It is funny, tasteful and likely to make most people laugh out loud. <br><br>It&#39;s all about feeling good, feeling much better, reducing sad feelings, healing mind and body. All anyone needs to do is to laugh loud and long to feel good and better. Yes, it works. It&#39;s not a cure-all for aging and not a Fountain of Youth . . . simply a Fountain of Humor for all. It is a supply of funny jokes and stories that really helps, for a while, to reduce the depression about aging, the loss of loved ones, chronic illness, loss of sight, sound and mobility. <br><br>Our jokes and stories are provided through our unique process of selection, customization and cleansing by our &quot;Joke-Jury.&quot; This combined publication of text and audio has been designed so that:<br><br>A healthy person can see and hear the jokes and laugh. <br>A blind or partially blind person can hear the jokes and laugh. <br>A deaf or partially deaf person can see the jokes and laugh. <br>Even the dying find something to laugh about for a moment in time and will ask for more jokes. <br><br>My father-in-law, terminally ill with cancer, called often in his last year asking my wife and me to read a joke or two to him. Hearing him laugh from miles away also opened the door to comforting conversation and made it easier for all of us. This is mighty important for all of us.<br><br>An 85-year-old, losing her mental capacities, repeatedly asked for our jokes to be read to her. It comforted her right up to her passing.<br><br>A professional woman purchased the set for &quot;signing&quot; to groups of deaf people. She works with them as the audio version plays the jokes for her. <br><br>How Best to Use Fountain of Humor in Groups:<br>Instructions are provided on how to read them to diverse audiences in institutional settings or families or to their friends. We believe that the elderly, infirmed, families or just two people enjoy the togetherness and communal feeling that laughter brings. People love having jokes read to them. That &quot;legitimizes&quot; laughing out loud. Everyone wants to laugh, whether they are kids age 1 or 100.


If you like your Romance novels Short, Swwweeet, and Petite, then this is for you. Parody, innuendo, more innuendo, prose only Bulwer/Lytton could love, and plaid cows. It doesn&#39;t get any worse … or does it?<br><br>Betty Tungsgood has to deliver a herd of Argyle Steers to Oregon. The only thing standing in her way is a bad woman in the Badlands and a penchant for swimming nude. But she has Jack at her side. And back. And front.<br><br>Critical Reviews for &quot;Big Gun on the Tetons&quot;.<br><br>&quot;… hilarious, LOL … &quot; – Katherine M.<br>&quot;… lusty fun …&quot; – Gretchen G.<br>&quot; … you don&#39;t think I actually read that stuff do you?&quot; – Patricia F.


A couples guide to identifying and addressing toxic issues that destroy relationships.


Blue Feather is the true story of a combat veteran who graphically shares his life of sin and the harsh realities of war. Christopher A. Dennis looks back on his life through a Christian lens so that other people who may be facing similar challenges can see that with God, all things are possible. <br><br>There is no doubt that the vision and calling Christopher&#39;s life is revealing itself as the promises written in this book begin to actually become a reality. <br><br>The name Blue Feather is simply a promise that was spoken in a dream. The feather represents peace and blessings and reward after a life of what can only be described as war. Those blessings are replacing every destroyed area of Christopher&#39;s life to this very day! <br><br>This testimony serves as proof that God loves each one of us, no matter how lost we seem to be.


This is the heart-warming story of a backward boy coming from a dysfunctional family and a broken home. Unable to talk at age four, he was sent to a boarding school to learn to speak. Branded a moron and dragged through ten schools in seven years, he suddenly &quot;finds his feet&quot; and becomes dux of one of India&#39;s most prestigious colleges. Later he becomes an officer in one of the Indian Army&#39;s most famous regiments and Adjutant of its premier battalion.<br><br>Laugh at his misfortunes and exult in his successes. At age four he barely escapes a kidnap attempt, he travels to boarding school on the world&#39;s most famous railway, Darjeeling&#39;s toy train, which was once chased by a wild elephant. Accompany the author as he goes to catch a monkey and shoot a panther, and as his Brigade confronts the Russians over possession of the Iranian oilfields; and he reads fairy tales to a blood-thirsty Pathan warrior who asks if the stories are true!<br><br>Feel the desperation of millions as murder and mayhem stalk the Indian sub-continent. See the refugee trains, ushered in by the granting of independence to India in 1947 when inter-communal violence spawned ten million refugees overnight and one million hapless men, women and children were slaughtered.


High-Yield Review of sorted COMLEX Level 1 Facts and Concepts.


Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies, Spring and Winter Sessions


The will to succeed is way more powerful than any advanced business knowledge or turnaround strategy. The person you are working with has to want to win in order to win! By this I mean that individual personally has to want the activity to succeed. It won&#39;t fly if his primary motivation is someone else wanting it.


HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF SCHOOL is a practical guide in which you learn:<br>1. How to become the best student you can.<br>2. What you need to buy to be productive.<br>3. How to plan time and organize yourself.<br>4. How to squeeze an extra hour out of each day.<br>5. The SQ3R system for reading and studying.<br>6. How to listen and take notes.<br>7. How to use mapping and highlighting.<br>8. How to prepare for tests and exams.<br>9. How to set goals.<br>10. The 12 skills that will help you get ahead. <br>11. How to make your school a better place.<br>12. How to look after your safety.<br>13. The importance of keeping parents involved.<br>Master these skills and you will get the most out of school!