
&quot;Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect&quot; &mdash; Matthew 5:48, NRSV.<br><br>Imitating God is not only possible, but it is also guaranteed. This book will provide you with very precious keys to your true identity in Christ, and will show you, in very simple steps, how to release the power of God&#39;s life from within you.<br><br>You will learn how to: <br><br>* Hear from God<br><br>* See like God<br><br>* Speak like God<br><br>* Walk like God<br><br>* LIVE LIKE GOD<br><br>This is an absolute life-changer, keepsake and sacred treasure to pass on to all future generations. You owe it to yourself to achieve God&#39;s ideal for your life. This precious gem definitely teaches you how.


&quot;His father and mother did not know that this was from the Lord; for he was seeking a pretext to act against the Philistines&quot; &mdash; Judges 14:4, NRSV.<br><br>It is most alarming that this ignorance was not only the misfortune of Samson&#39;s parents and his people, Israel, but it is also reflected in the Christian tradition. This tradition has perpetuated an incorrect, promiscuous view of this hero of faith by failing to consider the gracious outworking of God&#39;s peculiar providence and sovereign will.<br><br>Truly, this unconventional masterpiece is filled with surprising truth packages that prompt faith and bring fresh hope to life. In this volume, Dr Roy takes you into a very intriguing journey through the window of this X-file (Judges 14:4), to unveil the wonderful workings of God&#39;s mysterious purpose in the life of his childhood hero, Samson.<br><br>You will be greatly amazed, as he was, when you come face to face with yourself in the life of Samson. There you will discover that God&#39;s guiding providence is able to work out, and through, all situations&ndash;the Xfile in your life&ndash;for your present and eternal good, and His glory.


What is true success? How should one really measure it, and against what standard? <br><br>&quot;God knew and wrote our success story long before our arrival on this planet. True success depends on how we position ourselves in relation to God&#39;s purpose for our existence in this world. It is our purpose that determines our presence, our provision, our position, our power and our prosperity in this world.&quot;<br><br>This thought-provoking book offers you the enviable opportunity to re-position yourself for &quot;good&quot; success. It would be very unfortunate for you to have lived and died and never to have realized the successful life that God planned for you.<br><br>Your pre-ordained destiny awaits your presence. O child of God, rise up, move forward, and embrace your future NOW. God is eagerly waiting to perform great wonders in, and through, YOU!


This book truly lives up to its name by showing how being born again can be an enjoyable, meaningful, sustainable experience to anyone who believes. It speaks with clarity and certainty about how to be a true follower of Christ without any regrets, or any desire to turn back. <br><br>Born-again life is not an upgrade or a transformation of our life in Adam, but a total replacement of it. This life, though expressed through our physical humanity, has not a thread of humanity in it. It is absolutely incorruptible and totally divine, because it originated directly from the incorruptible God. <br><br>Many born-again Christians are failing in their walk with God because, unknowingly, they are disconnected from the very life they received from Him, while attempting to do the impossible&mdash;desperately trying to make their life in Adam live for Christ. However, born-again life is not about me trying living for Christ, but totally about Christ living for me, and me surrendering to the reality of His presence and work in, and through, me.<br><br>This book is designed to show believers&mdash;new and old&mdash;how to recognize and connect with the incorruptible, victorious life of Jesus within them, and how to successfully integrate and reflect the power of that life in all their daily interactions and affairs. God has created us anew in Christ Jesus to accomplish great and wonderful things in the earth, and it is time for the world to see the magnificent manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. <br><br>Certainly, this priceless, literary gem holds a lot of pleasant surprises for you. It is guaranteed to challenge your current understanding of yourself, and produce a positive, permanent change in your life. God gave you the inalienable right to become His child, through Jesus Christ, and you deserve to enjoy the full measure of that life NOW! This book will show you how.