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307 12. Bestowal of Countship of First Order, without Office 307 13. Bestowing the Honorary Rank of Master of the Bureau and Count of the First Order on an Officer of the Courts in Active Service 308 14. Bestowing Rank as a Senator 309 15. Of the Vicarius of the City of Rome 310 16. " " Notaries 311 17. " " Referendarii 311 18. " " Praefectus Annonae, and his Excellency 312 19. " " Count of the Chief Physicians 313 20. " " Office of a Consular, and its Excellency 314 21. " " Governor (Rector) of a Province 315 22. " " Count of the City of Syracuse 316 23. " " Count of Naples 316 24. To the Gentlemen-Farmers and Common Councilmen of the City of Naples 317 25. 'De Comitiva Principis Militum'(?) 317

       Table of Contents


1. Of the Count of a Province 319
2. Of a Praeses 319
3. Of Count of the Goths in the Several Provinces 320
4. Of the Duke of Raetia 322
5. Of the Palace Architect 323
6. Of the Count of the Aqueducts 324
7. Of the Praefect of the Watch of City of Rome 326
8. Of the Praefect of the Watch of City of Ravenna 327
9. Of the Count of Portus 327
10. Of the Tribunus Voluptatum 327
11. Of the Defensor of any City 328
12. Of the Curator of a City 329
13. Of the Count of Rome 329
14. Of the Count of Ravenna 330
15. Addressed to the Praefect of the City on Appointment of an Architect 331
16. Of the Count of the Islands of Curritana and Celsina 331
17. Concerning the President of the Lime-kilns 332
18. Concerning Armourers 332
19. To the Praetorian Praefect concerning Armourers 333
20. }
21. } Relating to Collection of Bina and Terna 333
22. Exhortation addressed to two Scriniarii

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