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21. " Capuanus. } 22. " Senate. } Appointment as Rector Decuriarum 277 23. " Abundantius. Archery drill 279 24. " Epiphanius. Property of intestate claimed for the State 279 25. " Bacauda. Appointment as Tribunus Voluptatum 280 26. " Goths settled in Picenum and Samnium. Summons to the royal presence 280 27. " Guduim. The same 280 28. " Carinus. Invitation to Court 281 29. " Neudes. Blind Gothic warrior enslaved 281 30. " Gudui[m]. Servile tasks imposed on free Goths 281 31. " Decoratus. Arrears of Siliquaticum to be enforced 282 32. " Brandila. Assault of his wife on Regina 282 33. " Wilitanch. Adulterous connection between Brandila and Regina 283 34. " Abundantius. Frontosus compared to chameleon 284 35. " Luvirit and Ampelius. Punishment of fraudulent shipowners 285 36. " Starcedius. Honourable discharge 285 37. " Jews of Milan. Rights of Synagogue not to be invaded 286 38. " all Cultivators. Shrubs obstructing aqueduct of Ravenna 286 39. " Ampelius and Liveria. Abuses in administration of Spanish government 287 40. " Cyprian. } 41. " Senate. } Promotion to the Comitiva Sacrarum Largitionum 289 42. " Maximus. Rewards to performers in Amphitheatre 291 43. " Transmund [Thrasamund]. Complains of protection given to Gesalic 292 44. " Transmund [Thrasamund]. Reconciliation 293

       Table of Contents


1. Of the Consulship 294
2. " " Patriciate 296
3. " " Praetorian Praefecture 296
4. " " Praefecture of the City 299
5. " " Quaestorship 300
6. " " Magisterial Dignity, and its Excellency (Magistratus Officiorum) 302
7. " " Office of Comes Sacrarum Largitionum. 303
8. " " Office of Comes Privatarum, and its Excellency 304
9. " " Office of Count of the Patrimony, and its Excellency 305
10. For Promotion as Proceres per Codicillos Vacantes 306
11. Conferring the Rank of an Illustris and Title of Comes Domesticorum, without Office

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