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222 48. " Goths and Romans living near Fort Verruca. Fortification 222 49. " Possessores, Defensores, and Curiales of Catana.Repair of walls 224 50. " Provincials of Noricum.Alamanni and Noricans to exchange cattle 225 51. " Faustus. Stipend of charioteer. Description of Circus 226 52. " Consularis. Roman land surveying 231 53. " Apronianus. Water-finders 233

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1. To King of the Thuringians. Marriage with Theodoric's niece 235
2. " King of the Heruli. Adoption as son 236
3. " Senarius. Appointment as Comes Patrimonii 237
4. " Senate. Same subject 237
5. " Amabilis. Supply of provisions to Gaulish Provinces 238
6. " Symmachus. Sons of Valerian to be detained in Rome 238
7. " Senarius. Losses by shipwreck to be refunded 239
8. " Possessores and Curiales of Forum Livii (Forli). Transport of timber to Alsuanum 240
9. " Osuin. 'Tuitio regii nominis' 240
10. " Joannes. Repression of lawless custom of Pignoratio 240
11. " Senarius. Dispute between Possessores and Curiales 241
12. " Marabad and Gemellus. Complaint of Archotamia 241
13. " Senarius. Supplies for Colossaeus and suite 242
14. " Gesila. Evasion of land-tax by Goths 242
15. " Benenatus. New rowers, and their qualifications 243
16. " Senate. Arigern entrusted with charge of City of Rome 243
17. " Ida. Church possessions to be restored 244
18. " Annas. Enquiry concerning a priestly Ghoul 244
19. " Gemellus. Corn, wine, and oil to be exempt from the Siliquaticum 245
20. " Geberich. Church land to be restored 245
21. " Gemellus. Promptness and integrity required 245
22. " Argolicus. }
23. " Arigern. } Accusation of magic against Roman Senators 246
24. " Elpidius. Architectural restoration at Spoleto 247
25. " Argolicus. Petrus to become Senator 247
26. " Citizens of Marseilles. Remission of taxes 248
27. " Tezutzat. }
28. " Duda. } Petrus assaulted by his Defensor 248
29. " Argolicus. Official tardiness rebuked 249
30. " Albinus. Erection of workshops near Roman Forum 249
31. " Aemilianus. Aqueduct to be promptly finished 250
32. " Duda. Crown rights to be asserted with moderation 250