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to me that not more than one-third of each letter is copied. In this manner the 'Variae' are compressed into the otherwise impossible number of 33 folios (149–182).

      All these MSS., even the best of them, give me the impression of being copied by very unintelligent scribes, who had but little idea of the meaning of the words which they were transcribing. In all, the superscription V.S. is expanded (wrongly, as I believe) into 'Viro Senatori;' for 'Praefecto Praetorio' we have the meaningless 'Praeposito;' and the Agapitus who is addressed in the 6th, 32nd, and 33rd letters of the First Book is turned, in defiance of chronology, into a Pope.

       Table of Contents

       CHAPTER I.


Historical position of Cassiodorus 1
His ancestry 3−4
His name 5−6
His birthplace 6−9
Date of his birth 9−12
His education 12
Consiliarius to his father 12
Quaestor 14−16
Composition of the 'Variae' 16
Their style 17−19
Policy of Theodoric 20
Date of composition of the 'Variae' 23
Consulship 25
Patriciate 27
Composition of the 'Chronicon' 27
Composition of the Gothic History 29−35
Relation of the work of Jordanes to this History 34
Master of the Offices 36
Praetorian Praefect 39
Sketch of history during his Praefecture 42−50
End of official career 50
Edits the 'Variae' 51
His treatise 'De Animâ' 53
He retires to the cloister 54
His theological works 60−63
His literary works 64−66
His death 67
Note on the Topography of Squillace 68−72

       CHAPTER II.


Content of the MS. 74−75
To whom addressed 76
Information as to life of Symmachus 77
Information as to life of Boethius 79
Religious position of Boethius 81
Information as to life of Cassiodorus

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