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33. " Jews of Genoa. Their privileges confirmed 251 34. " Duda. Reclamation of buried treasure 252 35. " Representatives (Actores) of Albinus. Extravagant minor 252 36. " Faustus. Remission of taxes for Provincials 253 37. " Theodagunda. To do justice to Renatus 253 38. " Faustus. Taxes to be reduced 254 39. " Theodahad. His encroachments 254 40. " Representatives (Actores) of Probinus. The affair of Agapita 255 41. " Joannes. Unjust judgment reversed 255 42. " Argolicus. Property to be restored to sons of Volusian 256 43. " Senate. Punishment of incendiaries of Jewish Synagogue 256 44. " Antonius. To do justice to Stephanus 257 45. " Comites, Defensores, and Curiales of Ticinum (Pavia). Heruli to be forwarded on their way to Ravenna 258 46. " Marabad. Case of Liberius' wife to be reheard 258 47. " Gudisal. Abuses of the Cursus Publicus 259 48. " Eusebius. His honourable retirement 260 49. " Provincials and the Long-haired Men, the Defensores and Curiales residing in Suavia. Appointment of Governor, &c. 260 50. " Faustus. Campanian taxes remitted. Eruption of Vesuvius 261 51. " Symmachus. Restoration of Theatre of Pompey 263

       Table of Contents


1. To King of the Vandals. Thanking for presents 264
2. " the Haesti. Their present of amber 265
3. " Honoratus. }
4. " Senate. } Promotion to Quaestorship, &c. 266
5. " Mannila. Abuses of the Cursus Publicus 268
6. " Stabularius. }
7. " Joannes. } Default in payments to Treasury 269
8. " Anastasius. Transport of marbles to Ravenna 270
9. " Possessores of Feltria. New city to be built 270
10. " Veranus. }
11. " the Gepidae. } Payment on march to Gaul 271
12. " Theodahad. His avarice and injustice 272
13. " Eutropius and Acretius. Commissariat 272
14. " Severi(a)nus. Financial abuses in Suavia 273
15. " Possessores in Suavia. Same subject 274
16. " Abundantius. Formation of navy 274
17. " Abundantius. Same subject 275
18. " Uvilias [Willias?]. }
19. " Gudinand. } Same subject 276
20. " Avilf. }

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