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24. Gudelina to Justinian. Same subject 436 25. Theodahad to Justinian. Same subject 436 26. Theodahad to Justinian. Monastery too heavily taxed 437 27. Theodahad to Senator. Corn distributions in Liguria and Venetia 438 28. Theodahad to Senator. Grant of monopolies 438 29. Theodahad to Winusiad. Old soldier gets leave to visit baths of Bormio 440 30. Theodahad to Honorius. Brazen elephants in the Via Sacra. Natural history of elephant 442 31. King Witigis to all the Goths. On his elevation 444 32. King Witigis to Justinian. Overtures for peace 445 33. King Witigis to the Master of the Offices (at Constantinople). Sending of embassy 447 34. King Witigis to his Bishops. Same subject 448 35. King Witigis to the Praefect of Thessalonica. Same subject 448

       Table of Contents


Preface 449
1. To Senate. On his promotion to the Praefecture. Praises of Amalasuentha. Comparison to Placidia. Relations with the East. Expedition against Franks. League with Burgundians. Virtues of Amal Kings 452−457
2. To Pope John. Salutations 458
3. To divers Bishops. The same 459
4. To Ambrosius (his Deputy). Functions of Praefect's Deputy 460
5. To the Same. Grain distributions for Rome 461
6. To Joannes. Functions of the Cancellarius 462
7. To Judges of the Provinces. Duties of tax-collectors 464
8. Edict published through the Provinces. Announcement of Cassiodorus' principles of administration 465
9. To Judges of the Provinces. Exhortation to govern in conformity with Edict 467
10. To Beatus. Davus invalided to Mons Lactarius. The milk-cure for consumption 468−469
11. Edict. Concerning prices to be maintained at Ravenna 469
12. Edict. Concerning prices along the Flaminian Way 470
13. The Senate to Emperor Justinian. Supplications of the Senate 471
14. To Gaudiosus. Praises of Como. Relief of its inhabitants 474
15. To the Ligurians. Relief of their necessities 475
16. To the Same. Oppressions practised on them to be remedied 476
17. To the Princeps(?). Promotions in Official Staff of Praetorian Praefect 477
18–35. Variously Addressed. [Documents, for the most part very short ones, relating to these promotions.] 477−480
36. To Anat(h)olius. Retirement of a Cornicularius on superannuation allowance justified on astronomical grounds 480
37. To Lucinus. Payment of retiring Primiscrinius 482
38. To Joannes. Praises of paper 483
39. To Vitalian. Payment of commuted cattle-tax 484

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