
Neuauflage des Klassikers! Deutsch-Spanisch.Die Seepferdchenbande (Band 1). Deutsch-Spanisch.Im Jahre 2555 n. Chr., lebt in den Meerestiefen eine Seepferdchenbande in einem untergegangenen Leuchtturm. Seepferdchenprofessorin Kora macht mit Hilfe ihres Muschelfernrohres eine tolle Erfindung. Sie kann Seepferdchen in die Hülle von Menschen beamen (verwandeln).Die Menschen leben auf Seifenblaseninseln, die nicht untergehen können.Sie nehmen nach der Verwandlung das Wesen und Aussehen der Seepferdchen an. Als Punky, ein Mitglied der Seepferdchenbande wieder mal verfolgt wird, beamt ihn die Professorin in die Hülle eines Menschen. Dieser ist ein nervöser Dirigent, der ein Konzert leiten soll.Doch er findet seinen Taktstock nicht. Das Publikum ist sehr ungeduldig und fordert ihn auf endlich anzufangen. In diesem Augenblick verwandelt er sich langsam in das Seepferdchen Punky.Und hier beginnt das erste Abenteuer der Seepferdchenbande.¡Una nueva edición del clásico en Alemán-Español!La pandilla de los caballitos de mar (Volumen 1)En el año 2555 d.C., en las profundidades marinas vive una pandilla de caballitos de mar en un faro hundido.La profesora de caballitos de mar, Cora, descubre con ayuda de su telescopio de conchas un invento fenomenal. Puede proyectar (convertir) a caballitos de mar en humanos. Los humanos viven en las Islas de las Pompas de Jabón que no se hunden. Después de la transformación adoptan el carácter y el aspecto de los caballitos de mar.Entonces alguien persigue a Punky, uno de los miembros de la pandilla de los caballitos de mar y la profesora lo proyecta en un humano. Este humano es un director de orquesta muy nervioso que debe dirigir un concierto pero que no encuentra su batuta. El público está impaciente y le exige que empiece de una vez. En este momento se convierte lentamente en el caballito de mar Punky.Y aquí comienza la primera aventura de la pandilla de los caballitos de mar.


The story of the little wild boar Max, who doesn't want to get dirty.New release of the classic in English-Mongolian!On her search for a bristle Ladybird Marie meets Max, the little wild boar who thinks mud and dirt are disgusting. He doesn't want to get dirty. All the animals laugh at him.Max is not amused. Then Max's friend is drowning in the pond. Can Max save her? Maks hemeeh bohir bolohiig ul huseh bodon gahai Анхны шинэ хэвлэл! Англи-Монгол.Мари цох бохир болохыг үл хүсэх Макс хэмээхбяцхан бодон гахайтай тааралдав.Түүнийгийнхүү бохир болохыг үл хэсэхэд бусад амьтад шоолон инээнэ.Тэгтэл Максын найз нь намагтунан живэх дөхөв. Макс түүний аварч чадах уу?


Die Geschichte vom kleinen Marienkäfer Marie, die überall Punkte malen wollte.Neuerscheinung! Deutsch-Mongolisch.Marienkäfer Marie findet einen Malkasten. Alle Tieren malt sie an. Die Tiere finden das gar nicht lustig.Marie ist darÜber sehr traurig. Sie fliegt von zu Hause weg!Wird Marie einen Ort finden, wo sie ihre Punkte malen darf?Nominiert für das beste europäische Hörspiel beim Prix Europa. Mari hemeeh haa saigui tolbonuud zurahiig chussen tsohАнхны шинэ хэвлэл! Герман-Монгол.Мари хэмээх бяцхан цох амьтан болгонд толбо зурж өгөхийг хүсэвч түүнд нь амьтад ихээр дургүйцэнэ.Ингэж дургүйцэхэд нь машид гомдсон Мари орон гэрээ орхин одов.Хэн хүссэндээ толбо зурж өгч байж болох тийм нэгэн газрыг Мари маань олох болов уу?Уг цуврал нь Европын «Prix Europa» дахь хамгийн шилдэг бүтээлд нэр нь дэвшигдсэн.


Conceived as the answer to all of mankind’s seemingly insoluble health and social problems, and promoted as a substitute for orthodox religious beliefs, the pseudo-science of eugenics recruited disciples in many countries during the latter years of the nineteenth and early years of the twentieth centuries. Nowhere was this doctrine more enthusiastically endorsed than in Germany, where the application of eugenic theory received its most fervent support. A programme born of what were often contradictory opinions began, under Nazi rule, with the compulsory sterilization of thousands of Germany’s citizens before morphing into the mass murder of the most vulnerable of the state’s own population under the guise of so-called “euthanasia”, before ultimately escalating into a continent-wide policy of extermination of those who did not fit the Nazi eugenic template.
The progress of this inexorable descent into barbarity was marked by successive stages of development. From the practical application of “euthanasia” through the organisation dedicated to it—later on called Aktion T4—and the killing centres that this institution spawned, to the centrality of Aktion T4 to Aktion Reinhard and the Holocaust, important elements of the historical record can be seen to emerge.
How did it happen? What impact has it had on contemporary society? And what of the character and fate of the individuals involved in the gestation and implementation of this murderously inhumane quasi-religion? Deceptively simple questions that require complex and often disturbing answers.


Beckett’s Late Stage reexamines the Nobel laureate’s post-war prose and drama in the light of contemporary trauma theory. Through a series of sustained close-readings, the study demonstrates how the comings and goings of Beckett’s prose unsettles the Western philosophical tradition; it reveals how Beckett’s live theatrical productions are haunted by the rehearsal of traumatic repetition, and asks what his ghostly radio recordings might signal for twentieth-century modernity. Drawing from psychoanalytic and poststructuralist traditions, Beckett’s Late Stage explores how the traumatic symptom allows us to rethink the relationship between language, meaning, and identity after 1945.


Witchcraft is very much alive in today's post-communist societies. Stemming from ancient rural traditions and influenced by modern New Age concepts, it has kept its function as a vibrant cultural code to combat the adversities of everyday life. Intricately linked to the Orthodox church and its rituals, the magic discourse serves as a recourse for those in distress, a mechanism to counter-balance misfortune and, sometimes, a powerful medium for acts of aggression.
In this fascinating book, Alexandra Tataran skillfully re-contextualizes the vast and heterogenuous discourse on contemporary witchcraft. She shows how magic, divination, and religious rituals are adapted to the complex mechanisms of modern mentalities and urban living in the specific historical and social context of post-communist countries. Based on years of first-hand fieldwork, Tataran offers fascinating insights into the experience of individuals deeming themselves bewitched and argues that the practice can also teach us a lot about particular forms of adapting traditions and resorting to pre-existing cultural models.


Combining phenomenological analysis and affect theory, this book takes stock of the various ways in which the body in Samuel Beckett’s drama participates in the affective ecology of performance. If the post-human innovation up until the present has worked to decentre the ‘human’, by rendering notions of thinking, experience, and affect impersonal and by developing new models of expression and communication, then this innovation seems to be already underway in Beckett’s theatre of affect where the assault against language is made possible through the thematising of the body as a mode of encountering presence. The corporeal turn in Beckett’s drama therefore has far-reaching implications for the production of meaning in his work.


This special issue provides a forum for discussion of what Belarusian Studies are today and which new approaches and questions are needed to revitalize the field in the regional and international academic arena. The major aim of the issue is to go beyond the narratives of dictatorship and authoritarianism as well as that of a never-ending story of failed Belarusian nationalism—interpretive schemes that are frequently used for understanding Belarus in scholarly literature in Western Europe and Northern America. Bringing together ongoing research based on original empirical material from Belarusian history, politics, and society, this issue combines a discussion of the concept of autonomy/agency with its applicability to trace how individual and collective actors who define themselves as Belarusian—or otherwise— have manifested their agendas in various practices in spite of and in reaction to state pressure.
This issue offers new approaches for interpreting Belarusian society as a dynamically changing set of agencies. In doing so, it attempts to overcome a tradition of locating present Belarusian political and social dilemmas in its socialist past.


According to general Realist premises, after the end of the Cold War, the United States took an interest in remaining the only super power. Accordingly, it was attempting to maintain and manage unipolarity. The pursuit of this Grand Strategy, however, required the U.S. to adapt its various strategies to the various receiving states.
Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus played very unalike roles in that configuration: Whilst Poland was labeled “America’s best friend” by President George W. Bush, Belarus was not seeking alignment with the U.S., whereas Ukraine-U.S. relations were subject to many ups and downs. The three countries’ diverging attitudes towards Washington led to very different policy approaches from a U.S. vantage point. As this study shows, the U.S. did not have an overall strategy for the region. Rather, Washington managed its relations with European states through a set of mainly bilateral relations.
Madeleine Albright once described the tools of foreign policy as including “everything from kind words to cruise missiles”. This book is a comparative case study of the United States’ use of these tools in its approaches towards Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus after the end of the Cold War. As the “only remaining superpower”, Washington played a key role in the formation of post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. Yet, its actions and policies have received comparatively little attention. This book contributes to filling that gap by providing three in-depth case studies.


New release of the classic in Russian-English! On her search for a bristle Ladybird Marie meets Max, the little wild boar who thinks mud and dirt are disgusting. He doesn't want to get dirty. All the animals laugh at him. Max is not amused. Then Max's friend is drowning in the pond. Can Max save her?История о маленьком кабанчике Максe, который не хочет быть грязным. Русский-Английский. Istoria o malenkom kabanchike Makse, kotorij ne xochet bit' grjaznim. Po-russki i po-anglijski.Новое издание! Божья коровка Мари ищет кабанью щетинку и встречает маленького кабанчика Макса, который нехочет мараться.Но вдруг подруга Макса попадает в болото.Сможет ли Макс ей помочь?