
Автор многочисленных книг по истории Петербурга представляет очередное увлекательное исследование достопримечательностей города на Неве. Издание составляют рассказы об истории архитектурных шедевров – самых знаменитых особняков – и их гениальных создателях, о фасадах и уникальных интерьерах зданий; о судьбах их владельцев – представителей знаменитых фамилий, оставивших яркий след в истории Петербурга и России. Книга имеет серьезную познавательную и художественную ценность, она создана на основе точных научных данных, архивных материалов, мемуарной литературы и будет полезна всем, кто интересуется историей, архитектурой и культурным наследием Петербурга.


Tantra Goddess is Caroline Muir’s memoir of her personal journey from innocent Kansas girl to skilled sexual and spiritual healer and leader. She shares the experiences that shaped her and lessons learned over a lifetime of searching for, and most often finding, love. While pioneering the now burgeoning Tantra movement in the United States and abroad, she experiences the highs and lows of the polyamorous, Tantric lifestyle, finds peace at last in a sexually monogamous relationship, and a new found sense of herself.


Book will contain a visual biography of Wells 8 to 12 photos and a preface by a well known writer (still to be determined)


*author has a devoted fan base *this is the sequel to the passion of mary magdalen which sold 9000 copies net in hardcover and paper *passion of mary magdalen received close to 50 reviews *BDM provides answers to questions raised by the da vinci code, but in a clearly fictional form *presents a compelling alternative history of the formation of the early church and what happened to the women involved * as in the previous books in the maeve chronicle series, BDM is thoroughly researched including biblical references and onsite travels by the author *BDM has strong appeal to anyone interested in the holy grail legend. as portrayed in the da vinci code, the holy grail refers to the blookline of jesus and mary magdalen. this book features the daughter in a fresh and surprising way *has strong course adoption appeal for biblical studies, particularly courses teaching alternative histories. also strong appeal for courses in feminist theology, or women in the bible *strong appeal for readers looking for heroic female characters. *national tour and aggessive marketing


“Cunningham weaves Hebrew scripture, Celtic and Egyptian mythology, and early Christian legend into a nearly seamless whole, creating an unforgettable fifth gospel story in which the women most involved in Jesus’s ministry are given far more representation.”—Library Journal “This year’s must-have summer reading.”—KINK Radio “Lavish and lusty . . . Cunningham’s Celtic Magdalen is as hot in the mouth as Irish whiskey.”—Beliefnet (chosen as one of this year’s “heretical beach-books”) “Explodes off the page with its tales of love, hope, power, and redemption—book clubs looking for a great discussion, take note.”—TheBookBrothel.com


Иоанн Дамаскин – самый поэтичный систематизатор богословия, показавший, как весь аппарат античной философии может быть преобразован для изложения парадоксов христианского учения. Неутомимый полемист, внимательный мистик, прославленный метафизик – универсализм Иоанна Дамаскина поражает и в наши дни. Чтение трудов Иоанна Дамаскина позволяет понять, как соотносится теоретическая философия с духовными и культурными потребностями жизни, исподволь вознося их на небывалую высоту. © Storysidе


Personal branding is today's killer app and must-have skill for career-minded leaders, executives, their teams, and their companies.
Why? In today's new world of work every executive is a contract player, every company needs strongly branded employees, no one has any time–and traditional career management just doesn't work.
What does work? Personal branding–and Ditch. Dare. Do! leads the charge with executive branding revolutionized for the time intensive, rapidly evolving 21st century workplace.
Ditch. Dare. Do! is filled with fast, fun, furious branding–66 bold and brief tips designed for today's 24/7 schedules and dwindling attention spans. It's the definitive (and irreverent) career and corporate success plan for defining, aligning, and living the power of brand–with an action plan that can be executed in 9 minutes a day!
Challenging long-held assumptions and habits, the authors dare the reader with a «ditch» (a mindset that must be shattered), a «dare» (a challenge to up their game), or a «do» (a critical action that must be taken to ensure success).
Although Ditch. Dare. Do! is revolutionary, it's also evolutionary–the next-generation of time-tested Reach Personal Branding methodology developed by author William Arruda (dubbed «Personal Branding Guru» by Entrepreneur), and used by Fortune companies, leading universities, and hundreds of Reach's Certified Personal Branding Strategists worldwide for more than a decade.
Executives (indeed anyone building a career) who follow this proven «GPS for success» will advance faster, support the corporate brand, deliver greater value to their companies–and become influential, indispensable, and incredibly happy at work


It's hard to imagine that a car with the racing pedigree of the <i>Rebel Corvette</i> could be neglected to the point of it being lost. Winning the GT class at the 1972 12 Hours of Sebring wasn't enough to keep this car from becoming just another old wreck out behind the shed. It was many years before Kevin Mackay came to rescue this prominent machine.</p><p>Finding, documenting, restoring, and selling rare and valuable Corvettes is one of Mackay's specialties. His business, Corvette Repair Inc., is considered the premier Corvette restoration facility in the country. However, it just wasn’t the Rebel L88 Corvette that he found and restored. </p><p>Mackay tells story after story of finding and restoring valuable Corvettes such as the 1960 Briggs Cunningham Le Mans racer that took 1st in class. He also tells stories of Steve McQueen's 1966 Corvette, the 1967 <i>Bounty Hunter</i> racer, 1968 Sunray DX #2 and #3, and chassis #003 from 1953. If you like L88 Corvettes, no one has bought and restored more of them than Kevin Mackay!</p><p>Few authorities in the hobby could be counted on to provide this much entertainment in a single volume.


Эта книга о советском прошлом, которое, как известно, непредсказуемо. Каждый оценивает его в зависимости от своего опыта и мировоззрения. Я позволил себе высказаться по разным сторонам жизни в СССР, потому что многое видел, многое узнал. Родился в Москве, но жил также и в Якутии, Аджарии, Латвии, а в трудное послевоенное детство – на родине предков, в тамбовском селе Сергиевка. Я – журналист с полувековым опытом (работал в разных редакциях: от «МК» до «Курантов»), писатель («По скользкой дороге перемен. От стабильности Брежнева до наследства Ельцина»), путешественник («Оймяконский меридиан», «Жемчужина БАМа»). Эта книга не о героях, она состоит из зарисовок о выживании простых людей, попавших в историческую круговерть; о том, как и чему нас обучали; как мы играли; как выбирали профессию; как, служа в армии, крепили оборону в «окружении врагов»; как я своим скромным трудом «ковал базис коммунизма»: на заводе, в комсомоле, на стройке, в школе.


Это рассказ о людях, которые, несмотря на трудности эмигрантской жизни, достигли вершин в своей творческой деятельности и вписали имена в историю мирового кинематографа. Данное издание посвящено основателям студии «Уорнер Бразерс», легендарным братьям Уорнерам – Гарри Уорнеру (1881—1958), Альберту Уорнеру (1883—1967), Сэму Уорнеру (1887—1927) и Джеку Уорнеру (1892—1976), чьи родители иммигрировали из Российской империи в США. Ныне «Уорнер Бразерс» представляет собой один из крупнейших концернов по производству фильмов на территории Соединенных Штатов.