
Will you do everything to be right with God to make a huge impact on a world that desperately needs Jesus? It all starts with a heart exam. <br><br>Your heart is the wellspring of life; it is the source of everything you&#39;ll ever say and do&mdash;every affection, every action, and every attitude. We need to examine our hearts, and we need to get rid of anything that is polluting it. We need to keep our shields up at all times and be alert. <br><br>We all should want to bring glory to God, and we should want to make the biggest impact we can with our lives with the short time we have on this earth. What you will find all through the Bible is God&#39;s promise that He works powerfully through unpolluted people. He wants to use you as a mighty warrior. <br><br>Do you want a powerhouse life? Begin Guarding Your Heart today!


The life of a hardened soldier and prosecutor for South Africa&#39;s Apartheid government was transformed when he accepted God&#39;s calling and became a peacemaker.<br><br>Can God really protect you in these troubled times; provide for you in a weak economy and does he have a destiny and purpose for your life? The answer is an emphatic yes. The author testifies how, after he &quot;saw the light&quot; and experienced God&#39;s immense power, not a hair was harmed on his head (Luke 21:18), in spite of a price having been placed on it by an Apartheid police death squad. This book tells of how the life of a hardened soldier and prosecutor for South Africa&#39;s Apartheid government was transformed when he accepted God&#39;s calling on his life. After his Damascene experience, he became a peacemaker, making an important contribution to the miraculous transformation that took place in South Africa. <br><br>Inspired in his youth to join an airborne unit by the lyrics of the Ballad of the Green Beret, the author narrowly missed death on several occasions. He narrates how God sustained him and guided his every step through harrowing times. This moving testimony is a &quot;must read&quot; for those wavering in their faith and anyone serving in the armed forces or in law enforcement, as well as their families.


Whether we can put words to it or not, many of us are searching for &ndash; longing for &ndash; the same thing. We desire peace, joy and freedom; our souls yearn for alignment with the Essence of who we are; and our unique breathtaking song awaits our surrender in order to be sung. Out of the Darkness chronicles one woman&#39;s final journey of emergence from an agonizingly painful Dark Night of the Soul into freedom and living life as a creative force. That which began as a week long project became a year long unexpected path to freedom and an understanding of life as the song of the Soul. Out of the Darkness is a transformational journey of seismic proportions from feeling dominated, burdened and enslaved by life into the bliss of freedom and the light of rude magnificence.


Have you ever wondered: &quot;when will I ever be creative?&quot; Think you are not creative at all? Then think Twice, this book is for you! In this book , Dr. Jasmine Renner helps you to discover how you can be creative simply because you are a living, breathing human being with a God-given creative DNA. .Think Twice: You Can be Creative takes the reader into an eye-opening journey of a lifetime. The chapters in this book come full circle enabling the reader to attain the full realization of his or her creative DNA and compels you to think twice about your creative nature and abilities. You will discover that being creative is an innate part of who you are and taking advantage of your creative abilities is really not as complicated as many of us are led to believe. An absolutely handy tool for all leaders, teachers, pastors, entrepreneurs, students, and anyone desirous of tapping into their creative wealth. This book will transform your life and teach you how to apply principles that will enable you to glean out of your creative juices and effortlessly become who you really were meant to be.<br><br>Seeing what no one else is seeing; thinking what no one else is thinking and making your thoughts tangible and a reality is an endowment given to all by our Creator. From Albert Einstein, to Thomas Edison, to Steve Jobs, learn how creative geniuses have effortless ideas, whenever they need them and learn how you can too. Through engaging examples and useful tools, Think Twice :You Can Be Creative takes you on a journey to unleash your creative genius.


The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling is surely the most detailed, intricate, compelling and impressive of all the modern gospels written to update scripture and to reveal spiritual truth for a new era. Though it claims to be a channeled revelation, it is obvious that Leo (&quot;Levi&quot;) Dowling expended stupendous effort not only on content (with numerous fascinating tales, parables, and sayings) but also on form (the entire, massive work being set in iambic pentameter and hexameter). <br><br>New Testament scholar Robert M. Price (Ph.D. in Systematic Theology; Ph.D. in New Testament, Drew University), having long been intrigued with the Dowling gospel, has undertaken to study it with the tools of modern biblical research. As with the Bible, the Aquarian Gospel yields new riches of understanding once one applies the methods that traditionalist believers most fear. For there are certainly believers in The Aquarian Gospel who are as stubbornly fundamentalist as any Baptist. Price&#39;s book aims at opening up a wider vista of interpretation to these people as well as demonstrating to outsiders that the Aquarian Gospel deserves serious intention. He is friendly to the text under study and pays it due respect by scrutinizing it unflinchingly.


From the heart of the Amish culture in Holmes County, Ohio, comes this story of an Amish preacher&#39;s faith in Christ, a story of a father&#39;s love and prayers reaching across the expanse of time and touching the heart of his son seven years after his own death. A father&#39;s prayer, answered by JESUS CHRIST Himself, turns the heart of a rebel son to the heart of God.<br><br>A book conceived in suffering and birthed through prayer, Rob&#39;s story and his deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ will touch your heart as you contemplate your own spiritual journey.


Nearly 10 percent of pastors have adulterous affairs and 15 percent are addicted to Internet pornography. Clergy Sexual Misconduct addresses how prevention, education, and treatment interventions can positively impact all levels of the clergy system. Numerous contributing experts share guidance on how individuals, families, congregants, and denominations can achieve recovery and reconciliation through a systemic approach.


In The Eloquence of Truth, Ralph Wright, OSB uses poetry, prose and authoritative teaching to address such egregious issues as abortion, euthanasia, and slavery. Using these art forms, he make readers aware of Truth and how that truth affects our freedom in every day life. Truth alone, he stresses, can guarantee respect for the inalienable dignity and rights of each man, woman and child in our world &ndash; including the most defenseless of all human beings, the unborn child in the mother&#39;s womb. His main message in Eloquence is to show us the immeasurable value of each human being in the eyes of God, and he prays that fellow human beings will realize the truth about the &#39;almost divine dignity&#39; of humankind, also realizing that this dignity subsists in us from the moment we are conceived.


David, the narrator of &quot;Diary: Alone on Earth,&quot; is a loner, but he is yet to discover what true loneliness feels like. David suffered a great tragedy in life, so he has decided to cut himself completely loose from all those who love him. This man now feels safe inside his comfort shell, having abandoned friends, family for a hermit lifestyle in a tiny Alabama town. But his world is turned upside down on one particular day: November 16, 2016. An intermittent humming noise is emitted throughout the entire world. No one seems to understand from where it is originating. Russia suspects the United States is up to something, and is threatening war. India has suddenly invaded Pakistan due to their age-old hatred. Droves of people are committing suicide throughout the world. President Obama has put the U.S. Military at Defcon 3. Animals, particularly birds, are very hard hit by this humming noise. All the talking heads on the news channels are describing the day&#39;s bizarre events. That night, David goes to sleep with his beloved beagle, Ralph, at the foot of his bed. They both feel a little sick, both hope the humming noise is past them. David thinks tomorrow it will all have blown over.<br><br>He is wrong.


The author emphasizes the humanity of the Prophet Jesus and corrects misconceptions about him among both Muslims and Christians.