
In this book Debra shows you how you can WIN SOULS and DO OUTREACHES. Ordinary people can be used by God to do extraordinary things. Get ready for the fire of God to ignite you and for God to use you as never before to help hurting humanity!


Millions of professing Christians are lulled to slumber in their unconverted state indefinitely, all the while comfortable with the false assurance of salvation, misplaced confidence, misconception, their good deeds and religious activities. They have been misled and are unknowingly living under the deception of false conversion. <br><br>Therefore it is important for professing believers to understand among other things: God&#39;s grace and God&#39;s sovereignty in salvation; true conversion versus false conversion; the importance of preaching and hearing of the Gospel; the false doctrines; the danger of the false gospels and the altar call evangelism; the great evil scheme; the warnings from Jesus; and the urgent need for personal awakening. How can one know if one has been converted? What are God&#39;s ways of dealing with mankind in regard to salvation? What to do if you have not been converted? In short, professing Christians ought to know all the relevant and significant matters pertaining to true and false conversions. <br><br>If nobody raises the alarm over false conversions and the great evil scheme is not exposed, countless professing Christians around the world would continue to live in false hope. By raising the issue and sharing the knowledge concerning true and false conversions, and by the grace and mercy of God, the author may help to set many false converts free from the devil&#39;s deception so that they are able to seek God&#39;s mercy and the true salvation.


This book illuminates the love and mercy and unconditional forgiveness of God and the power of Jesus Christ. Bear witness to numerous accounts of demonic oppression overcome in the name of our Lord. &quot;For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.&quot; (Ephesians 6:12)



Revelation – God&#39;s Word Revealed is the title of this book. Revelation is variously defined as: &quot;an uncovering, a bringing to light of that which had been previously wholly hidden or only obscurely seen. God has been pleased in various ways and at different times (Heb. 1:1) to make a supernatural revelation of himself and his purposes and plans, which, under the guidance of his Spirit, has been committed to writing&quot; (Easton&#39;s Dictionary). Although this book does contain an interpretation of the Book of Revelation, anything God does or speaks is in and of itself revelation in that it is bringing to light something hidden. <br><br>The Bible is unlike any other book written by man. The bible, although written by man, is the inspired writing of that man moved by the Spirit of God and so becomes not the word of man but the Word of God. Books written by men convey emotions, ideas, entertainment, concepts and other mental images. God&#39;s word brings revelation to the Spirit of man. Jesus said: &quot;It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life&quot; (John 6:33). The words are food for man&#39;s spirit, just as natural food nourishes the body. <br><br>Revelation is highly valued in the Kingdom of God. &quot;Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, &quot;Who do people say that the Son of Man is?&quot; And they said, &quot;Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.&quot; He said to them, &quot;But who do you say that I am?&quot; Simon Peter answered, &quot;You are the Christ [Messiah], the Son of the living God.&quot; And Jesus said to him, &quot;Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven&quot; (Matthew 16:13-19). <br><br>The Lord was overjoyed in that man had not talked Peter into anything regarding the Lord&#39;s identity but Peter had received revelation directly from the Father. This book, along with others I have written, attempt to convey the truth of the Lord through revelation obtained from Him. The following are some odds and ends I have gathered together helping you will gain a better understanding of Him from His words. Everything said here is confirmed by scriptures from God&#39;s word. I hope it opens an even clearer picture as to He is and His purpose in the earth.


Planet X was the subject of free and open debate among astronomers and scientists decades ago. Harrington searched for the same object that famous astronomers such as Percival Lowell also searched for. He published a paper on where he believed he would find Planet X and traveled to New Zealand with his own telescope to observe his discovery.<br><br>After his trip, Harrington was silenced by a bizarre onset of esophageal cancer and died before he could publish his findings. Following his death, an anonymous obituary stated that he had been disappointed with his research. However, Harrington&#39;s widow rejected this notion; she believed her husband was murdered to silence him before he could alert the world to proof of Planet X&#39;s existence.<br><br>This object &ndash; what we call Planet X &ndash; exists, and it is inbound. How do we know? Both current data and the ancients tell us so. If you&#39;ve noticed the alarming and ever increasing pace of catastrophic Earth changes, doesn&#39;t it make sense to become informed about the root cause?<br><br>Why has the US installed a huge telescope in Antarctica (the only real viewpoint for Planet X)? As a Southern Hemisphere observation post, Chile would have been much easier. The South Pole Telescope cost billions and took years to put into operation. The Hubble has been used to monitor this situation with PX very closely and through an observatory in Kilauea Hawaii as well. Planet X is why we have the Seed Vault in Greenland. Planet X is why governments have spent trillions in deep underground bases. This is a book that will take the reader deep into the mystery and the truth.


The people who wrote their names in gold in the sight of God were people of faith. Those ordinary people changed their world by believing God in the face of incredible odds. Each of them passed through unimaginable circumstances but because they held unto God, He moved in their favor.<br><br>To prove God as they did or to excel their exploits in the field of faith, it is important for us to peep into their mindset when they were in the eyes of the storms of life. The problem is that if we fail to walk in faith, we miss God. On the other hand, if we fail to learn from people of faith, we stand to lose. <br><br>A close look at what people of faith said or did when they were in the battlefield will help anybody who wants to travel far with God. A good understanding of how they were feeling and proper appropriation to our circumstances will give us the much needed victory. If they succeeded with few examples to guide them, we can do better. The ball is in our court.


When a new year begins, many people try to take some time to reflect on the past, and resolve that they want to do things differently. This is a season when people are probably more focused on personal change than any other time of the year. Now is a great time for reevaluating life&#39;s priorities because all of us are keenly aware of things we need to change in our lives.<br><br>Do you desire to be a better person this year? In this e-book, &quot;The New You,&quot; you will find a strategy for personal change that can work! <br><br>Start today. If you delay, it gets a little less likely you&#39;ll ever tackle it. No matter how hard, just take it a day at a time. Soon enough, you will realize there&#39;s a new you!


Everyone is looking for the &quot;Right one&quot;… But why do so many end up with the &quot;Wrong one&quot;?<br><br>Dr Cheri Moore has done a wonderful job in summing it up for you. This Guidebook answers the questions about dating and the Ins and outs of Relationships on all levels. She is a Relationship Expert and gives you straight answers to the serious questions on Dating.<br><br>Dating can be a game to win or the game choice of life. It is a very crucial steppingstone in the life you choose to live. Engagements are real and stakes are high. Stop getting hurt looking for &quot;love&quot;.


This book boldly takes on why there is so much evil prevailing in our world today. It is because there are far too many &quot;powerless&quot; &quot;religious&quot; churches calling themselves Christian. They have a form of Godliness, but deny the power (The Holy Spirit).<br><br>This book contains a wake up call for the True Body and Bride of Christ. Our apathy in many areas, is what is causing satan to have a field day, claiming spirits and souls for his kingdom of sin and darkness. It is time the True Bride rises up in spiritual power, to do battle with demonic forces.Those who fear doing this, or feel they don&#39;t know how (because they&#39;ve never received any training) are under the influence of a powerless religious church. Label worshipers, who fear allowing the Spirit of Truth, to teach within their walls.