
Table of Contents<br>Principles of the Kingdom of God – Title Page<br>Table of Contents<br>Preface<br>Introduction To Principles of the Kingdom of God<br>God Is Real<br>Who and What Is God?<br><br>Introduction &ndash; Names of God In the Old Testament – Names of God In the New Testament &ndash; The Father &ndash; The Son &ndash; The Holy Spirit &ndash; Oneness of the Trinity<br>Man: Body, Soul and Spirit<br><br>The Soul &ndash; The Body &ndash; The Spirit<br>The Principle of Faith<br>More Things About Faith<br>The Principle of Hope<br>The Principle of Love<br>The Principle of Spirituality<br>Transference and Appropriation – How God Transfers His Nature to You; The Way He Removes Sin<br>The Principle of the Father&#39;s Family <br>The Principle of Prophecy and Prophets<br>The Principle of Salvation<br>Becoming a Son of God<br>The Body of Christ<br>The Principle of Resurrection Life<br>Hell; Hades; Gehenna; Sheol<br>Satan: His Nature; Purpose and Spiritual Warfare<br>The Lord&#39;s Supper and the Last Supper<br>The Principle of Worship<br>The Second Coming of Jesus Christ<br>The Principle of Authority Over Futility<br>Creators of a New Age<br><br>Principles of the Kingdom of God is the title of this Book. This Book explores spiritual principles as opposed to the principles of this present age. In everyday life we are well familiar with the principles that operate here on the earth. We know that when a door is shut we must open it in order to pass through. We know that touching a hot stove will cause pain and a burn. Science is aware of the rules and boundaries of the laws of physics and chemists know the results of mixing elements together to cause a certain result. Although there are many of the scientific laws of nature currently unknown to mankind, he continues to strive to find answers and to reconcile the scientific world of which we are aware using out five senses. <br><br>What science does not understand, or is unwilling to admit, there is a realm beyond the certainties of this physical realm that is incapable of scientific proof. That realm is called &quot;The Spiritual Realm&quot;. Most deny its existence or if they mentally assent to the possibility that such a realm exists they know little about it and certainly don&#39;t apply it to their everyday lives or scientific pursuits. Some look on such things as foolishness as the Apostle Paul said: &quot;But a natural [unspiritual] man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised&quot; (1 Corinthians 2:14). <br><br>However, as this book will attempt to point out, the spirit realm is very much a real place, actually more real than our physical world. The spirit world has its own set of rules and principles that govern it. However its ways are past finding out by the natural mind of man and thus invisible to those without spiritual sight. The Apostle Paul said in the Bible: &quot;because the human mind is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so&quot; (Romans 8:7). Thus our intellect is useless in knowing anything beyond what we can see or touch. <br><br>Just taking the most basic of the spiritual laws, the 10 commandments for instance, who can argue that we all would be a little better off if everyone was able to follow these basic rules? There would be no crime, therefore no expensive jails to confine criminals. The family unit, which has been broken down in this generation, would stay intact as children would respect their parents; there would be no adultery to break up the family and coveting would all together cease. There would be no serious disparity between the rich and the poor and the poor would be taken care of without great expenditure of funds to do so. There would be no greed, war, competition etc. just to name a few. <br><br>Jesus said that if we were to pray at all we should pray to God: &quot;Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven&quot; (Matthew 6:10). In other words, let the spiritual Kingdom and its principles be done on earth as it is done in the spiritual realm. According to His words we need not worry about our food, our clothing, our finances and worry would be a thing of the past. &quot;For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? &quot;Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? &quot;And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? &quot;And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. &quot;But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! &quot;Do not worry then, saying, &#39;What will we eat?&#39; or &#39;What will we drink?&#39; or &#39;What will we wear for clothing?&#39; &quot;For the Gentiles [unbelievers] eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. &quot;But seek first His [spiritual] kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. &quot;So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own&quot; (Matthew 6:25-34). Forgiveness would rid us of all conflicts including wars and the destruction that goes along with them. And do not let us be tempted to do evil which itself leads to ruin. <br><br>We are not saying we will wake up one morning and find that Earth has become a heavenly paradise but that is God&#39;s ultimate goal. And there are principles applicable to this end that we should be aware. Under spiritual principles perhaps there are no doors we can&#39;t go through without opening them. Perhaps there are solutions to our problems that appear unsolvable to man. If you believe in a Supreme Being God once said: &quot;For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,&quot; declares the LORD. &quot;For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts&quot; (Isaiah 55:8-9). Yet His thoughts and ways are available to us if we only seek them. Maybe this Book will open human eyes to the potentials that are available to us here and now. We don&#39;t have to die and &quot;go to heaven&quot; to have these unlimited realities. We just need to be aware of Him, get to know Him and watch your life become fuller, richer and eternal.


TABLE of CONTENTS<br>BE PERFECT AS YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS PERFECT<br>CATHOLICISM and MYSTERY BABYLON<br>DOES OUR FAITH NEED TOO MUCHREASSURANCE?<br>HOPE-The Second Golden Grace<br>RELIGION and CLERGY MALPRACTICE<br>CHRISTIAN ASTROLOGY-The Heavens Declare the Glory of God<br>THE SPIRIT<br>ABIDE IN the FATHER<br>BIBLICAL NUMEROLOGY<br>CLEANSE YOUR CONSCIENCE BEFORE GOD<br>FEAR<br>ORDER V. CHAOS IN LIFE-The Reality of Futility<br>SCIENCE and GOD<br>THE HISTORY of BABYLON<br>THE SONG of SONGS or SONG of SOLOMON<br>THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN-A Study of Love and the Word<br>WAS AMERICA FOUNDED AS a CHRISTIAN NATION?<br>ATHEISM<br>BIG or SMALL<br>FUTILITY BUT WITH HOPE<br>REFUGE of LIES<br>WAR and the MIDDLE EAST<br>TIME IS NOT POETIC<br>THE FATHER and the MEDIATOR<br>THE HOLY SPIRIT<br>THE TRUE STORY of the NEPHILIM<br>WILL THERE EVER BE WORLD PEACE?<br>DEATH IS a LIE<br>THE ROLE of FAITH IN POLITICS<br>THE KINGDOM of GOD HAS COME NEAR<br><br>This author is not sure if this Book needs an introduction. I was going through some old files and I came up with some stuff I hadn&#39;t published. So I threw it all together and made something out of it. If nothing else it should be interesting as there are some off the wall topics included, as well as some of my attempts at poetry. But if you look at the Table of Contents you might find something interesting. <br><br>For instance &quot;Was America Founded As a Christian Nation&quot;? Or the history of Babylon or the history of the Nephilim? How about &quot;God and Science&quot;? How about the paganism attached to the Roman Church, who ruled Rome for 1000 years? There are some more familiar topics, always involved with Walking with God In the spirit. Also &quot;Will There Ever Be world Peace&quot; and the &quot;Role of Faith In Politics&quot;. I&#39;ve even included a peace on &quot;Christian Astrology&quot; and &quot;Biblical Numerology&quot;. <br><br>So here&#39;s hoping you enjoy it and learn a thing or two.


Table of Contents<br>Introduction-Fall of Man<br>Before and Immediately After the Flood<br>Nations and gods After the Flood<br>Wilderness, Conquest, Promised Land<br>The Fall of Israel and Judah<br>God Uses Nations To Accomplish His Will<br>God Uses Satan to Accomplish His Will<br>Miracles In the Old Testament<br>Christ&#39;s Sacrifice<br>Jesus In the New Testament <br>Birth of Christianity<br>Men Sent By God After Christ<br>Conclusion<br>Bibliography<br><br>The purpose of this Book is to show how God used aspects of creation to accomplish His will on the earth. God will use anything, even if it seems not to be logical. He uses Satan, men, nations, miracles, sinners, prostitutes, wars and just about anything He can lay His hands on all to glorify himself in His creation. He will call men His servants who don&#39;t know Him. He will destroy the love of His life if they disobey Him. All of this he does in the name of love even though it may not seem so at the time. He honors and blesses those that are His. He destroys that which prove themselves not to be His. All his ways are just and righteous. He is our personal Father not some far off God living in a spirit realm we can&#39;t understand. He is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omniscient (knows all) and fills all things. He speaks a Word and it comes to pass. He is always on time (His time) as He rushes to deliver one of His possessions. This book will reveal His ways most of which are past finding out. He will annihilate His enemies. <br><br>God&#39;s greatest intervention history is that He created the vast havens and the earth from nothing visible. He created everything we can see and much we cannot. Man was the jewel of that creation and the earth was His focus. He filled created space and filled it with galaxies and trillions of stars and planets with distances between them to far to contemplate. He filled the microscopic world of quantum mechanics too small to see. He foresaw everything that was ever to exist in this physical realm and spoke it into existence with a word: &quot;let it be&quot;. He carved a section out of eternity, called it time, and included in it the physical heavens (universe) and the earth. His spiritual heaven was already created. He created all manner of life including man made in His image. His purpose in physical creation was to integrate this physical realm in the likeness of the eternal Spirit realm (heaven if you will) where He lives. One of the few specific prayers He gave man was: &quot;Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven&quot; (Mt 6:10). <br><br>God began with &quot;the heavens and the earth,&quot; (Gen 1:1) but then chose to the earth, not the heavens, as the theme from which He chose to inhabit man. Having chosen the earth, God now bypasses the angels (fallen angels included) and elects to deal with man. Man is first created below the angels with the expectation that he will rule angels and will in fact rule all of His creation (Psalm 8:5-6). From Adam&#39;s many sons, God chooses Seth (4:25). Of Seth&#39;s many descendants (Gen. 5), God chooses Noah (6:8), and from Noah&#39;s family, He chooses Shem (11:10), Terah (11:27), and finally Abraham (12:1). Abraham has many children, but Isaac is the chosen seed (21:12). Isaac has two sons, Jacob and Esau, and God chooses Jacob to be the recipient of His blessing. He chooses His younger Son Joseph to save a world from starvation. <br><br>God left the remainder of the heavens to the other nations of the earth (Deut 4:15). Most ancient civilizations worshipped Satan through the heavens or the pagan gods associated with him (Sumeria, Babylon, Canaanites, Chaldeans, Medes and Persians, Grecians, Macedonians, Asiatic nations, Native Americans, Romans and countless others. God made this clear in Deuteronomy: So watch yourselves…&quot;so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the sky, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water below the earth. &quot;And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, THOSE WHICH THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS ALLOTTED TO ALL THE PEOPLES UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN&quot; (Dt 4:15-19). His intention for the heavens were for planting, keeping time and navigation and looking up to see the glory of God. Most other civilizations used the heavens for divination, fortune telling etc. <br><br>Man asks the eternal question &quot;Why are we here?&quot;. He searches the earth, the vast heavens and the minute quantum realm seeking answers to this question. He asks &quot;Are we alone in the universe?&quot; and searches for alien beings and misses what is right in front of his nose. He asks &quot;What was before our beginning 13.7 billion years ago?&quot;. &quot;How did life begin?&quot; The deeper he searches the more questions he uncovers but no answers. Man does not comprehend the basic truth that: &quot;Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and HIS WAYS PAST FINDING OUT!&quot; (Ro 11:33-34). Only the Son knowns the Father who is the creator of all things and those whom the Son chooses to reveal Him (Luke 10:22). Man and all his efforts to know God, without accepting the Son, are utterly useless and futile. The human mind, no matter how intelligent, can never know God and the mind is actually hostile to God because it does not think His thoughts (Romans 8:7). Only those with the mind of Christ will know the truth (1 Co 2:16). <br><br>Why are we really here? The answer for the believer is clear. We are not an insignificant being on an insignificant planet. The answer is that we are responsible for converting the earth into a place that mirrors the spirit world (heaven if you wish). He didn&#39;t make it an easy task. He placed Satan &quot;the adversary, [Peter 5:8] and the accuser&quot; [Rev 12:10] directly in man&#39;s path to challenge him every minute of every day. Jesus defeated Satan through His death and resurrection. But it remains for mankind to make what Christ accomplished on the cross a reality in the earth. Adam and Eve were created into an atmosphere of sinless perfection but they lost it by disobedience to God. However God created a path back to a perfect world and we know the end from the beginning (see Revelation). &quot;Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, [from Eden[ who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;… When the thousand years are completed… the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever&quot; (Rev 20). <br><br>So God had a plan for mankind, that is why he is here. He is working toward the redemption of mankind and he works toward that plan every day. God uses man/women to accomplish this plan. However He intervenes in the affairs of mankind when He finds it necessary. He uses what we call miracles, He uses Satan, He uses nations hostile to Him, He uses men of God (prophets and Kings), He uses secular leaders and all the tools in his arsenal when there is a need. But he does not come down soveringly to do the job delegated to mankind with his invisible hand always in the background. That is primarily the function of this Book, to show how God intervenes in history to accomplish His will. His workings on earth are more of a nudge in the right direction as He accomplishes full redemption for His people. <br><br>When considering God and His plan for mankind after man&#39;s fall from the Garden of Eden we must view secular and religious history in a completely new light. After the fall of man from Paradise in the Garden of Eden He, of necessity, subjected all of creation to a curse of futility. &quot;For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope&quot; (Rom 8:20). We continue to live in that futility today but with hope that: &quot; …that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body&quot; (Rom 8:21-23). <br><br>In protecting and creating israel as His special nation great world Empires crossed paths with God to their ultimate detriment. He used and destroyed great nations at His whim. Learn a side of God you haven&#39;t seen before.


Christian Fiction.<br><br>Leesa finds herself dethroned as head of L. L. Lane Unlimited. Her anger and bitterness towards Bill and Lyza lead her into temptation. Will Leesa humble herself enough to change before she hits rock bottom? <br><br>Chuck O&#39;Malley shows up, adding to her misery, and Leesa decides that Christians ruined her life. Thanks to her new friend, Lennie, her life turns around. Is love shining through? <br><br>Will Cook&#39;s prayers for Leesa be answered, or is the Lord teaching her about patience and grace?


It&#39;s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich woman like Lyza Lane to be saved. Yet with God all things are possible. <br><br>Lyza&#39;s billionaire lifestyle leaves no room for religion. She enjoys a meaningless jet-setting existence, keeping busy with L.L. Lane Unlimited, her father&#39;s successful conglomerate, and her mother&#39;s &quot;Save the Orchids&quot; campaign. Little does Lyza know that her lifelong employee constantly prays for her salvation. Be encouraged as Cook&#39;s humble prayers and service throughout the story illuminate God as He works out His plan in Lyza&#39;s life


A follow up to Life Lessons The Journey. <br><br>Come Walk With Me is about living life to the fullest. Without regrets. Never taking negative emotions from one relationship to the next. <br><br>This book is filled with quotes, and stories that will inspire and help pave a road to fullfilment. <br><br>Who is it you want to be? How do you wish others to see you? It is never too late to change; it&#39;s never too late to become the person your dog thinks you are!


Have you ever said something that was so profoundly insightful that you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that a deeper wisdom than yours was speaking? In fact, there are times when someone else does the same thing and deep inside you are certain that the fountain of that wisdom did not originate in the person speaking. Have you ever done something that was so profoundly unique that you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that a deeper creativity than yours was manifesting itself through you?<br><br>In the past some have tended to emphasize creativity at the expense of wisdom or vice versa. I propose that these two invaluable gifts are to a large extent indistinguishable and inseparable, and although there are important differences between them they remain a strong, undefeatable powerful force when put together. <br><br>In Creative Wisdom you will discover that there is a profound connection between creativity and wisdom. In fact most creatives who are known for lasting inventions and innovation operate in wisdom in one way or the other. This book is also a valuable tool to help you uncover, discover, stimulate and grow creativity insights through the instrumentality of wisdom. This book transcends from simply putting out information and techniques about creative wisdom to putting into the hands of all who are desirous a 365 daily wisdom and creativity declarations and notions that will literally affect the way you perceive and think.


You will be joyfully uplifted as you read the story of people moving through the challenges of life from the late 1960&#39;s to 2012. Their journey takes them through birth, death, rebirth and the many levels of love not only between human beings but among all the realms of nature and the divine.<br><br>If you feel yourself moved to explore the higher octaves of living, &quot;Forbidden Graces&quot; will give you numerous insights into how it is done. &quot;Book One&quot; shows you the &quot;Beginnings&quot; of building an etheric Temple of Love. &quot;Book Two&quot; depicts &quot;The Sensuous Longing of God&quot; through the relationships of both same and opposite gender couples. &quot;Book Three&quot; explains &quot;The Sanctuary of Sex,&quot; exploring many paths all leading to experience of the God Within All Beings. Each book takes you deeper into the understanding of the spiritual nature of sexuality, the foundation of all creative expression, leading you toward your soul&#39;s illumination.


There is a whole world of Prophesies in each page of the Bible. My purpose is to shed light on these prophesies for all of the world to see. This is the summarization of 50 years of study and research over scriptures. Presented with many questions that neither theologians nor ministers could answer, then becoming frustrated and disgusted over the lack of resolutions to my questions. God told me that if I would continue to pray, read, and research the word of God that He would reveal to me all of these answers to my questions. The books of this series of prophetic studies are designed to reveal all that God has presented to me over this 50 year period of study. The prophesies of these series of books are designed to give individuals more depth and a broader understanding of the word of God. For a much more expansive view to reveal God&#39;s plan for all of man from even before He began all of creation. None of these prophetic insights change in any way the basic and true meaning of the scriptures but only show the broader view of God&#39;s plan for a clearer revelation from the beginning to the end.


In this book you will be challenged to look at Pentecost through different eyes than perhaps you have before. Traditionally, the Church has always viewed Pentecost as how it has affected her, here it will be examined differently. If the church could get a glimpse of Pentecost from the devil&#39;s point of view we would realize what we have in a whole new light. We would have a greater appreciation for what God has provided for us in the Pentecostal experience.<br><br>You will discover:<br>– The Prelude To Pentecost<br>– The Pouring Of Pentecost<br>– The Power Of Pentecost<br>– The Problem Of Pentecost<br><br>Did you know that many in the Church have believed the subtle lies of the Devil in regard to Pentecost? Read inside what they are and as you know the Truth be set free.