
Natalie and Joseph Reyes continue to juggle the drama of everyone else&#39;s lives while trying to strengthen their loving marriage that only feels drained. Escaping growing problems at home with her husband, Natalie opens the door of a strange connection between her brother and her executive assistant in the workplace.<br><br>Tony Taylor and Amelia Conrad contend for an open vice-president position at Millennium Fashion House. One of the required challenges for the job is to transform homeless kids and inner city high school misfits into classy Millennium models for an upcoming marketing campaign. <br><br>The no-nonsense Amelia may have the ambition to successfully win the vice-president job. But her cut-throat perfectionism is no match for her softening heart toward the rough inner city teenagers with whom she has to work – and her secret love for Tony. When there is a high-profile career to achieve versus the unlikely fulfillment of her dream to win the handsome bachelor&#39;s heart, there should be one choice to make. Business. But her heart&#39;s desire for the man, who rejected her in the past, risks her goal to defeat him as a contending executive. Tony struggles with his own developing feelings toward the tyrant whom he had long ago learned to shun as a person. But right within their competitive environment, he notices Amelia&#39;s sweet change toward the poor community he loves. A popular player among women with desires for status and everything that comes with it, he can&#39;t understand why he can&#39;t get Amelia out of his mind.<br><br>Centered by a host of other developing relationships within their circle of friends, Amelia and Tony reflect on a bitter past as an obstacle that stands between them. Theirs is a complicated love story between two people who don&#39;t want to be in love – at least, not with each other for reasons neither is willing to mention.


Samuel was the first real prophet to rule Israel. He had the unique ministry of being a prophet, a judge and a priest. He established schools of prophets, training young prophets for the purpose of guiding Israel. He, and his prophets, controlled the spiritual realm in Israel and no major decisions were made except by his consultation. When Israel clamored for a King to lead them Samuel anointed the first two Kings of Israel being Saul and David. When Saul proved to be a rebellious King, he anointed David while Saul was still reigning. When Saul proved unworthily to be King, Samuel befriended and protected David as Saul sought to kill him. He was a great man of God who lived his life in constant communication with the Lord and doing what was best for the nation.


Paint it black. That&#39;s what Combat Tours Unlimited does &mdash; takes our gray postmodern, postmortem, post-history, post-ethics, post-Toasties world and paints it black. From the Book of Job to the banks of a stinking jungle river in the south of Thailand, or what used to be Thailand, this novella takes you through a guided tour both of a post-apocalyptic war and of postmodern hypocrisy on sex, death, and spirit. Set largely on the battlefields of Thailand&#39;s troubled southern provinces in the year 2016, Combat Tours is a lyrically written novella, dripping with religious iconography and depicting an amoral, blood stained world of violence, lust and personal compromise.


Book of Ruth is the story of a heathen woman Ruth from Moab who later became part of the lineage of Jesus Christ. It illustrates how God put together the lineage of David and Christ using a pagan and a prostitute as part of the family tree, due to their faithfulness and willingness to abandon their own cultures and accept Jehovah (YHWH) as the one true God. The exact date of the book is unknown but it occurred within the time of the Judges, probably during Gideon&#39;s reign. Samuel is generally considered to be the author.


The so called &quot;End of the World&quot; is on everyone&#39;s minds today. On the internet, television and the airwaves we are bombarded with graphic visions of the total destruction of the earth as we know it. Prophets and ancient civilization&#39;s writings and hieroglyphs are used to foretell visions of destruction and annihilation of everything we hold dear. So-called prophets such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and other self-proclaimed prognosticators (even Isaac Newton) are quoted widely as predictors of the end. Civilizations, such as the Mayans, the Hopi Indians, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Jews, the Christians and countless others have their own interpretations of the end of days. Some go so far as to predict the exact day and hour of the end (Mayan 2012). So far each prior prediction has been proven wrong, and probably will be proven wrong in the future. Only God knows the day and hour.<br><br>Although these writings will use the Holy Bible as the source of most of its observations that does not mean this writing is simply more Christian dogma. Most Christian denominations and churches today do not know any more about the end of days than what is cryptically written in the Bible. This work is not about religion although it is about God, or a higher power, that actually does exist and exerts the only viable influence on matters pertaining to the earth, His creation. It is in finding this God that we find our salvation, and our protection in the coming days. This work, after extensive studies of many world religions, will choose to use the Bible as the most complete and accurate picture of this God with whom we have to deal. <br><br>Jesus Christ said: &quot;Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour&quot; (Matthew 25:13, ISV). &quot;Jesus said that no man knows the day or the hour of His coming&quot; (Matthew 24:36), but He urges us to be ready for it. The greatest mistake we could make would be to state dogmatically that we know exactly how everything will fall into place as many, especially Christian believers do. Just before the outpouring of the Spirit recorded in Acts 2, the disciples asked the Lord if He would at that time restore the Kingdom to Israel. He answered by saying that it was &quot;not for them to know the times or seasons which the Father had placed in His own hand&quot; (Acts 1:6&ndash;7). Jesus could have known anything, but evidently there were some things that the Father willed Him not to know. Jesus did not know the hour of His return. Even the angels do not know. Then how can men dogmatic about predicting the hour or the way of the future. ? Let our only concern be that we are ready, that we walk on with God. This is the will of God: &quot;that our whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord. Let God sanctify us wholly and completely&quot; (I Thessalonians 5:23)


&quot;Faith is taking the first step even when you don&#39;t see the whole staircase.&quot; Martin Luther King, Jr.<br><br>Every follower of Jesus needs to be established in the 7 Basics to develop deep roots and a strong foundation of faith. The short chapters include these basic topics: Get to Know God, Get Comfortable in Prayer, Get Excited and Telling Somebody, Get Your Head on Straight, Get to Know Your Bible and more!<br><br>The 7 Basics was written to help believers connects-the-dots on what it means to be a Christian and how to live out the joy-filled adventure of faith!


The Book of Joshua is the sixth book of the OT – the first of the Former Prophets (i.e., the historical books, which conclude with Nehemiah). In broad outline, the book tells of Israel&#39;s conquest of Canaan under Joshua after the death of Moses (chaps. 1-12) and Joshua&#39;s subsequent distribution of the land among the tribes (chaps. 13-19). Six cities are then designated places of asylum (chap. 20), and forty-eight are reserved for Levites (chap. 21). The east Jordan tribes then return to their Transjordanian territory (chap. 22). In his old age, Joshua delivers a valedictory address (chap. 23). In another address, he challenges the tribes to commit themselves to God alone (chap. 24). The book ends with notices of Joshua&#39;s death, the interment of Joshua&#39;s remains and Israel&#39;s faithfulness to God until Joshua&#39;s contemporaries died (24:29-33).


Jesus said, to the religious leaders of His time, &quot;You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life&quot; (John 5:39-40). In these verses, Jesus spoke a profound truth that has not been completely understood. He said that the religious leaders of His time were searching the Scriptures for some mystical formula that would give them life, when they should have realized that the answer they were seeking was Christ Himself, who was standing before them. He said, in effect, &quot;You will not receive Me. You persist in looking for magic formulas when your salvation is here, in Me as your Lord&quot;. <br><br>When scripture is read it should be with the intent of finding that revelation of Christ. Christ IS the entire Word of God, so the Word, nor any part of it, cannot be divorced from Him. John said: &quot;In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ] was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being&quot; (John 1:1-3). When the scriptures in Genesis Chapter 1 say: &quot;Let it be&quot; or &quot;God said&quot; it was Jesus Christ who was speaking. He was speaking the words of the Father. As John said, all of creation came into existence through Him, the Word, and apart from Him (the Word) nothing came into being. The Word is eternal as it (Christ) has existed with the Father from the beginning. <br><br>Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with references to Christ which we will examine in some detail here. For instance concerning prophecies of the coming of Christ there are 1,845 references to it in the Old Testament, and a total of seventeen Old Testament books give it prominence. This of course pertains to the First coming. Of the 260 chapters in the entire New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming, or one out of 30 verses. Twenty-three of the 27 New Testament books refer to this great event. For every prophecy on the First Coming of Christ, there are 8 on Christ&#39;s Second Coming <br><br>Technically the entire Bible is a revelation of Christ. To the true believer there is no dispute over who may have written the words although the majority of theological thought is that the books were written by the authors to whom they are attributed. The Words of scripture are not mere words to the believer but are as Jesus said: &quot;It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life&quot; (John 6:63). Books written by man convey ideas, inspiration, pleasure and information. &quot;God is a Spirit&quot; (John 4:24) and therefore His words contain spirit and spiritual life. <br><br>However there are specific spiritual references that point to Christ of which all should be aware. That is not to say you cannot take any verse of scripture and receive revelation of Christ from it&mdash;the entire Book speaks of Him as He said to the Pharisees (above). But there are references that stand out as confirmation of His great ministry. Nevertheless the Old Testament, and later the New Testament, are the foundations for our faith upon which we stand. We can receive revelation from Christ from the scriptures without even understanding the verse because the words by-pass our mind and feed our spirits without intellectual understanding. But when Christ quickens understanding to our mind it is even better because then we have the mind of Christ and are able to comprehend what He is saying and His plan from beginning to end is revealed in the scriptures. <br><br>This Book will search out some of these references in order that you may gain an understanding of them and thus increase your knowledge of the Trinity of God and His purposes in the earth for all mankind.


Deuteronomy, the fifth Book of the Jewish Torah and the Greek Pentateuch, was so named by the Greek version of the Old Testament the Septuagint (LXX). The book got its name by a misreading of Deut. 17:18 which indicates that the Book is &quot;a copy or repetition of the Law previously given at Sinai&quot;. Actually the Law given in Deuteronomy is somewhat different from the Sinai Law. Jews call the Book &quot;Elleh haddevarim&quot; meaning &quot;These are the Words&quot; or simply Devarim meaning &quot;words&quot;. In Jewish tradition it is called &quot;Mishneh Torah&quot; meaning a repetition or copy of the Law. In an event the Book is composed a speech of Moses given to the Israelites in Moab as they prepare to cross the Jordan to take possession of Canaan. The first law was given for the Israelites in the wilderness. This second law applies to an entirely new nation as they prepare to enter into Canaan. <br><br>The Book is almost entirely a dialog by Moses covering many areas. Much of it is repetition. However it was necessary to repeat the Law for the children of those who had perished in the wilderness by the judgments of God since may have not have been familiar with the first law. The Ten Commandments are redone, the three feasts are reiterated, a complete history of their wanderings in the wildernessis given and a review of the basic law is spoken. The book is almost a condensation of the Books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, presented to an entirely new generation. <br><br>The most significant part of the Book is Moses for us today is the warning of the blessings or the curses that will befall Israel in its coming history dependent on whether they followed God or not. In those passages are answers to those who ask why there is evil in the world despite a loving God. Moses makes it very clear that if a nation follows God they will receive only blessings. But if it does not follow God, He will bring curses. Moses said: &quot;See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known&quot; (Du. 11:26-28). <br><br>Why is there so much evil in the world? We brought it on ourselves with a lot of help from the evil one. As an example when Israel was in the wilderness, and under the hand of God&#39;s Law, they had food every day, had no disease common to man, their clothes did not wear out, and they had shade in the desert by day and fire at night for warmth. They were led by a word from God and had the promise of a better future in the Promised Land i.e. they had a vision of hope. In our world there is little hope for a better day. <br><br>One prominent sin that goes largely unnoticed is the sin of idolatry. Idolatry means worshipping something that is not God. In Israeli history the sin that brought the most grief to them was idolatry. Worship is defined as: &quot;the attitude and acts of reverence to a deity&quot;. The term &#39;worship&#39; in the Old Testament translates the Hebrew word meaning &#39;to bow down, prostrate oneself,&#39; a posture indicating reverence and homage given to a lord, whether human or divine (Harpers Bible Dictionary). Whether we realize it or not our current society is full of Idolatry. We worship everything from movie stars, religious figures, our possessions, our way of life, our cars, our houses, the list goes on. Anything in our lives which takes our admiration and puts it on something or somebody is worship. Advertising and films exalt the female body and we can even worship our sin (hedonism). In God&#39;s eyes nothing can rival Him for our affections. In this world nearly everything does. As a result we live our lives in darkness and sin abounds. <br><br>The land of Israel experienced intermittent periods of blessings and curses. When they were not following God nations rose up and conquered them-Assyria, Babylon, Syria and finally Rome. This was all due to their disobedience. We now have Jesus Christ to show us the way to the Kingdom but who really believes in the extent of His provision? The coming Kingdom of God will contain all the blessings proclaimed by Moses but it will be because all will know the Lord and no iniquity will dwell there.


Introduction to Leviticus<br><br>The Book of Leviticus describes the methods whereby an Israelite maintained his/her Covenant relationship with God. Maintaining this Covenant relationship involved animal or other sacrifice, dietary laws, laws governing relationships and generally obedience to the Holiness regulations laid down by God through Moses. The Book is also a Handbook for priests governing how they administer sacrifices, how they dress and otherwise perform their duties. The purpose of the animal and other sacrifices was for the forgiveness of sin, thanksgiving or worship. With the sin forgiven, one became clean and acceptable to God whereas if the sin remained it was disruptive of the close relationship required by God. In the animal sacrifice it was the blood of the slain animal that accomplished the removal of sin. As the writer of Hebrews said: &quot;And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness&quot; (Hebrews 9:22). This same principal carried through to the sacrifice of Christ the Lamb of God where we are cleansed and atoned for by His blood shed on the cross. &quot;Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh,&quot; (Hebrews 10:19-20). <br><br>The sacrifices made by the people were more than a meaningless ritual. When a sacrifice was made there was to be a literal transference of the sin from the person to the sacrificial animal (called the &quot;victim&quot;); the sin was atoned for or removed in this same way. This principle of transference was the method used by the Father to literally transfer the sin of the world onto Christ at His death. Likewise a literal transference took place when the sin of a person was transferred to the animal or sacrifice and accomplished fully by the animal&#39;s shed blood. <br><br>The sacrifices for sin under the Levitical Law were ultimately ineffective in that the forgiveness obtained was only temporary and had to be repeated again and again upon each subsequent violation. Christ, as the Lamb without blemish, accomplished a perfect forgiveness and atonement for sin for all eternity. The Law of Moses, as administered by the Levite priests, became out teacher to lead us to Christ. &quot;Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith&quot; (Galatians 3:24). Without the Law predating Christ we would not have known our need for Christ. The Law established once and for all our absolute inability to ever please God in our flesh. &quot;Now if He [Jesus] were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve a copy [type] and shadow of the heavenly things,&quot; (Hebrews 8:4-5). So the treatment of sin according to the Law, as in Leviticus, is a type and shadow, an outline, of the complete salvation and atonement accomplished by Christ.