

WHY WON&#39;T SHE HAVE SEX? – This question strikes a chord in the hearts of singles. For Sarah, she&#39;s up to no sex till marriage even as she struggles with rising emotions for a young, rich and handsome man, Richard.<br><br>If you ask Wendy, she&#39;ll probably say, &quot;Why not?&quot;. To her, if there&#39;s no sex in a relationship, then the message of love has not been passed.<br><br>And Suzan is on the fence, she wants the best of both worlds…<br><br>Many youths like Sarah, Wendy and Suzan have set certain standards for themselves. But what of God&#39;s standard?


If you are seeking a clearer understanding of some Bible subjects, this little book has been compiled to help you put things into context, join the dots, and bring clarity to help you understand the good message that God has for you.<br><br>Thirty Bible topics are explained with the use of biblical quotations taken from five different English translations of the Bible, ensuring clarity of language and compelling scriptural verification of the truth.<br><br>Have you ever wondered:-<br><br>If God is love, why is there so much suffering in the world?<br>What is going to happen to my soul when I die?<br>Why did God give his Son as a sacrifice?<br>What is the Lord&#39;s Supper all about?<br>Should I be baptised?<br>Where is heaven?<br>What is hell?<br><br>This book is an attempt to spread a clearer understanding of the Bible, helping you to realise the wonderful truth of the good message.<br>


Mathers Systematic Theology is based on the Bible. The Bible doctrines of the Bible, God the Father, Salvation, The Spiritual Life, Bible Prophecy, Christ, Sin, Man, the Church, and the Holy Spirit are developed for the reader. Study questions are included with each chapter.<br><br>Norman W. Mathers, B.A., Wilfred Laurier, Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, M.A., California State University Dominguez Hills, <br>Ph.D., University of Pretoria.<br><br>Dr. Mathers teaches theology for Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University online.


Amin Ahmed Khalil, an advocate of Islamic reform, reveals his poetic sensitivity in this tiny book. The text consists of elegant passages on spiritual topics taken from his essays. Even though Ahmed Khalil is a Muslim, the verses are not specifically Islamic; and although some of the pictures he has chosen have an Islamic theme, most of them do not.


A nice percent of our instructions for righteous from our creator.


Trajectories meets an urgent need in both undergraduate and graduate study of the Old Testament. Too often Old Testament theology focuses on the end-product and leaves the process obscured. Each chapter of Trajectories provides a clear path connecting biblical research to theological conclusions. The final chapter offers a step-by-step method for completing a thorough hermeneutical analysis framed within a discussion of the gospel message. Trajectories also seeks to situate Old Testament theology in relation to global and generational trends influencing the church and evangelical theology. The implications of globalization and the rise of millennials on Old Testament theology are critical and thought-provoking topics for discussion. Chapters in Trajectories are organized thematically, so the textbook can serve as a companion study guide to courses in the Old Testament and New Testament. In addition, the exploration of topics allows each study to link to the New Testament. Each chapter concludes with tangible applications for the contemporary Christian church and with questions for group discussion and reflection.


The two manuscripts, &quot;A New Kind of Muslim&quot; and &quot;Brief Thoughts about a New Islam&quot;, have been combined into one volume. The essays are very readable; they make it easy to understand the epigrams in &quot;Brief Thoughts&quot;. Maybe the world will notice this work, and maybe not. If the Muslim clerical establishment notices this book there may be a fatwah and there may be violence. Muslims do not take kindly to heresy, nor to anyone who suggests that he might be a modern-day prophet, or perhaps Al-Mahdi.


This book is based on the first two years of The Dr. Bo Show, where Bo takes a critical thinking-, reason-, and science-based approach to issues that matter with the goal of educating and entertaining. Every chapter in the book explores a different aspect of reason by using a real-world issue or example.<br><br>Part one is about how science works even when the public thinks it doesn&#39;t. Part two will certainly ruffle some feathers by offering a reason- and science-based perspective on issues where political correctness has gone awry. Part three provides some data-driven advice for your health and well-being. Part four looks at human behavior and how we can better navigate our social worlds. In part five we put on our skeptical goggles and critically examine a few commonly-held beliefs. In the final section, we look at a few ways how we all can make the world a better place.


A basic examination of the best path for our life to follow. Journey Toward Eternity, reflects an often overlooked fact of life. Each day of our life, we are on a journey leading eventually to the time we must face eternity.<br><br>Journey Toward Eternity, offers reasons why we must wisely choose traveling on the narrow path, leading to eternal life with God. It reflects on how the lifestyle, and Lord we choose listening to and following, will bring us either grief or joy in this life. Likewise, it will bring us either grief of joy throughout eternity.