
Can one person really make a difference in the world?<br><br>The answer is a resounding YES!<br><br>The One Factor traces the impact of a single person, moment, investment and vision as it uncovers the Source of the one factor.<br><br>In The ONE Factor you&#39;ll read stories of people who are changing their world. You&#39;re invited to join the conversation.


&Acirc;&#191;Te sientes verdaderamente vivo o solo est&Atilde;&#161;s dej&Atilde;&#161;ndote llevar por la vida?<br><br>La plenitud que buscas puede ser encontrada en la adoraci&Atilde;&#179;n&mdash;una adoraci&Atilde;&#179;n que comienza dentro de ti. El dulce salmista David nos dej&Atilde;&#179; su clave para la adoraci&Atilde;&#179;n, la cual Dios prometi&Atilde;&#179; que nunca cesar&Atilde;&#173;a. Una vez que sepas donde te encajas en este patr&Atilde;&#179;n de adoraci&Atilde;&#179;n y experimentas su libertad, nunca m&Atilde;&#161;s elegir&Atilde;&#161;s vivir una vida minimalista. No adorar&Atilde;&#161;s porque te lo recomiendan, sino porque te encanta hacerlo. En la adoraci&Atilde;&#179;n el coraz&Atilde;&#179;n amoroso de Dios es encontrado. A trav&Atilde;&copy;s de la adoraci&Atilde;&#179;n puedes encontrar gozo&mdash; &Acirc;&#161; y sentirte m&Atilde;&#161;s vivo que nunca!


Welcoming Grace: Words of Love for All is a selection of sermons by Pastor Kurt Jacobson of the Evanangelical Lutheran Church in America. Based on biblical passages, readers will be drawn into inspiring revelations of a God who loves, accepts and renews. <br><br>Discover in Welcoming Grace ways to grow in faith and find direction for many of life&#39;s challenges. This is an excellent resource for devotional time. <br><br>A follow up book &quot;Living Hope: Powerful Messages of Faith&quot; is another work by Pastor Kurt Jacobson


Remember that thing you just can&#39;t get over? Betrayal, tragedy, rejection&mdash;we&#39;ve all experienced loss and injustice on a magnitude God never designed us for. Now that we&#39;ve faced it, we&#39;re older, wiser . . . and rightly on guard against this fallen world. Or are we? Could it be that our cranky moods and critical words aren&#39;t just momentary lapses but evidence of a fatal poison creeping into our spiritual root system? Bitterness&mdash;the word no one wants to say&mdash;has taken hold. <br><br>From her own experience getting free, Tracey Bickle honestly walks us through recognizing and overcoming the bitterness lurking within and its resulting chaos. Offenses will come; will they ruin us or will we emerge tender, victorious, and joyful? How should we treat those who have sinned against us, and how can we be healed from the pain of heart injuries? Join Tracey and discover the wise counsel of God to free us from the chaos of bitterness and release us into peace.


From the kind of coverage Islam and Muslims receive in the media you would think it is an irrational and violent way of life, adopted by a bunch of lunatics. There are lunatics and terrorists in the Muslim community, but it is not possible that the more than one and a half billion Muslims around the world are all lunatics and terrorists.<br><br>It is important that you find out what these people really think and believe because they live in your neighborhood. They are teachers in your child&#39;s school, they seek political office, they serve you coffee at your favorite diner, they design and build the houses in which you live and they are your family doctor. Some of them are also refugees. <br><br>This book is a collection of answers to common questions people ask about Islam and Muslims. It is written so agnostics, atheists, bigots, journalists, movie makers, racists, politicians, Christians, Jews, dummies and the common person can sort through the confusion or prejudices with which they view Islam and Muslims and learn what Islam really is.


Promise In My Pocket, God&#39;s Word on the Go is simply a way to keep God&#39;s life-changing promises with you as you go through your day. Each edition is a concentrated dose of God&#39;s Word on a specific theme to remind you of His goodness and faithfulness. This edition, Promises of Guidance and Direction, holds 49 verses that will confirm God&#39;s willingness to lead during times of uncertainty.<br><br>If you are enduring a crisis or know someone who is, whether it&#39;s financial, emotional or physical, God&#39;s Word very specifically declares His ability and desire to provide for and deliver His children. Spending time meditating on and praying verses that speak to your need will inspire you to trust Him during any difficulty you may face. Regardless of the trouble confronting you, you will find direction and hope within the pages of God&#39;s Word.<br><br>Using Promise in my Pocket as a resource for meditation and study will strengthen you as you lean into God to provide. In moments of fear and doubt, you honor God as you look past your problem and into His promise. Download copies onto your e-reader, tablet, smartphone and computer, or print them to reference during your day.<br><br>Four editions of Promise in my Pocket, God&#39;s Word on the Go are currently available:<br>Promises for Help in Times of Trouble <br>Promise of Health and Healing <br>Promises of God&#39;s Provision <br>Promises of Guidance and Direction<br>Visit us on-line at www.promiseinmypocket.com<br><br>Ten percent of all proceeds are donated to help the less fortunate around the world through the extraordinary work of Hand of Hope, the missionary arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries.


Did God really say, &quot;You must not eat from any tree in the garden?&quot; (Genesis 3:1)<br><br>With a seemingly small twist on God&#39;s Word, the assault on truth began in Eden. The enduring battle against truth is prevalent today as some argue that there is no inherent truth. Instead, they assert that truth is ever changing and necessary in order to complement the times. Still others pretend to uphold the truth, yet preach a false gospel. They twist the Scriptures in order to propel their selfish and highly flawed agendas, deceiving many. <br><br>Truth or Deception? urges believers to examine the Scriptures for themselves in order to be equipped to discern between the truth and the lies. The church that believes and lives in Christ can only experience victory in today&#39;s hostile environment if it is founded upon the truth of God&#39;s Word. While the world is lost and confused, it ought not to be so with believers. <br><br>The Word of God is the owner&#39;s manual for mankind. It offers guidance and warns on the dangers of the deceivers. Jesus said, &quot;Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free&quot; (John 8:32). But how can one who is deceived truly experience freedom or lead anyone else toward freedom? It&#39;s impossible. It is time for God&#39;s people to uncompromisingly stand for truth and expose the counterfeits for what they truly are&mdash;enemies of God.


A work containing 15 powerful poems. This volume has in particular six poems relating to Christmas.


Responding to the needs and concerns of this generation is paramount for the future of the Christian Church worldwide. Suffer the Children is a collection of sermons designed to speak life to and draw young people into an exciting relationship with God. It not only challenges, but encourages all readers to become more conscious about the plight of today&#39;s youth. It will inspire a vision, inclusive of all generations and create an environment for discussion, prompting strategic movement. Suffer the Children will lead into a true encounter with the works of Jesus.


Has worry about the future permeated your life?<br><br>We live in a world filled with uncertainty, stressful situations, demanding circumstances, and even challenging people. In Promises for Dynamic Living, you will discover the specific promises which God has provided for you through His Word. <br><br>Linda Knight will guide you through a journey of learning God&#39;s Word and applying it to your particular situation or need. You will be encouraged, as you claim His promises and begin a life free from worry and doubt. <br><br>Promises for Dynamic Living will provide you with the tools you need to <br><br>* find hope and assurance in life<br><br>* let go of stress or uncertainty about your future<br><br>* claim God&#39;s promises in your daily life <br><br>* live a dynamic and productive life for Him