
I Hate Walt! is the inspirational story of Mary Lou Stots, a young woman who works for Walt Pederson. Walt is a modern-day Scrooge who has little respect for women in general and none for her. Even though she is the top salesperson in his business, Walt mocks her and humiliates her any way he can. When Walt dies in a tragic accident, it seems an answer to her prayers.<br><br>Meanwhile, Mary Lou&#39;s boyfriend, Bobby Porter, takes her down a road of confusion and frustration. Mary Lou watches romance blossom with people all around her, while Bobby becomes distant. Jealousy, disappointment, and guilt increase her dissatisfaction with life.<br><br>Mary Lou returns to God and finds a new church and mentor. She faces her shortcomings and starts to grow spiritually. Will the strength of her newfound faith overcome her hate and anger? As more questions surrounding Walt&#39;s death surface, Mary Lou&#39;s faith and ability to forgive is put to the test.<br><br>Will Mary Lou ever find happiness and true love?


Do you struggle with the expectations placed on you as a man? What is the measure of a true man and how can you successfully meet that benchmark?<br><br>&quot;4th and Four&quot; was written specifically to help men understand the power source that is available to them if they will seek out and then plug into these dynamic resources. Being surrounded by men of wisdom, integrity, character, and grit is vital for men in today&#39;s world, where we are witnessing the deterioration of the family. Too many men are opting out of this game called life, leaving behind their families because &quot;the game&quot; has become too difficult to play. <br><br>With lighthearted humor, &quot;4th and Four&quot; will take you through one man&#39;s journey, from growing up in a dysfunctional family, to meeting the love of his life, and then battling and overcoming cancer two times. All of this, while accomplishing more than he had ever dreamed possible. This book will inspire you to tap into your full potential and become the man God intended for you to be&mdash;a man after His own heart.


Are you or someone you know battling an illness?<br><br>If you are struggling in area of life, let The Long Road Back be a source of inspiration. <br><br>This book is the result of a commission given to Beray Thigpen by God Himself. Strangely enough, the commission came when Thigpen was at the lowest point in his fight against the two types of cancer, which had simultaneously invaded his body. <br><br>This life altering experience shaped his life and ushered him into a closer walk with the Lord. As you read his testimony, you will believe God for miracles. You will be encouraged, and in turn, encourage others.


Reading this book &#39;Look What The Lord Has Done&#39; demonstrates the wonder and power in our daily walk with our Creator. Learn also how YOUR life can change too. Every supernatural event that has happened to these honest and faithful Christian people who I know personally; each one has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Each story relates their connection with JESUS and how HE can change any situation with a blink of an eye. You will ask yourself &quot;How can that happen?&quot; The answer is Faith can move mountains.


Redemption for all of humanity has been made available to all through one Man&mdash;Jesus Christ. Salvation is a free and unmerited gift to man from the throne of grace. Nonetheless, the price of the cross was, indeed, costly. A true relationship with God&mdash; through&mdash;Jesus Christ involves more than following a &quot;free-style&quot; doctrine. Jesus said, &quot;Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God&quot; (Jn. 3:3). The immediate goal of being born-again is to see the Kingdom of God. Yet, there is an issue of blindness among believers that must be resolved. It is not enough be saved, join a church, or even to become a missionary, although these are noble things.<br><br>Undeniably, there is a distinct journey for each individual in Christ, but one thing that applies to all Christians is the need for obedient adherence to the principles in the Scriptures. While some may practice a permissive theology, the true sons and daughters of God ought not to &quot;cherry-pick&quot; through the Scriptures to find what they are willing to apply in their own lives. Reject one part of the Word of God and you must reject it all&mdash;or else&mdash;embrace it all and live it!<br><br>The institutional church, with its numerous denominations, has no soul to be transformed, but each believer does. Jesus died to save individual believers not denominational entities. God adopts common individuals and they become His unique sons and daughters. The Mystery and Miracle of New Birth is for believers who desire to know and practice sound biblical doctrine&mdash;because doctrine matters.


This book of prayers is a continuation from my second book, &quot;Peace be still.&quot; That book was inspired by the writing of the 14th century mystic, Julian of Norwich.<br><br>In the prayers I have shown that regardless of what trial and tribulation we encounter in our temporal life our faith and the Holy Spirit will help us prevail.<br><br>Also if we turn from our self-will and seek God&#39;s will for our life then the problems we had before will disappear as we are given new direction, purpose and joy through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in overcoming our nature.


What is true success? How should one really measure it, and against what standard? <br><br>&quot;God knew and wrote our success story long before our arrival on this planet. True success depends on how we position ourselves in relation to God&#39;s purpose for our existence in this world. It is our purpose that determines our presence, our provision, our position, our power and our prosperity in this world.&quot;<br><br>This thought-provoking book offers you the enviable opportunity to re-position yourself for &quot;good&quot; success. It would be very unfortunate for you to have lived and died and never to have realized the successful life that God planned for you.<br><br>Your pre-ordained destiny awaits your presence. O child of God, rise up, move forward, and embrace your future NOW. God is eagerly waiting to perform great wonders in, and through, YOU!


Blue Feather is the true story of a combat veteran who graphically shares his life of sin and the harsh realities of war. Christopher A. Dennis looks back on his life through a Christian lens so that other people who may be facing similar challenges can see that with God, all things are possible. <br><br>There is no doubt that the vision and calling Christopher&#39;s life is revealing itself as the promises written in this book begin to actually become a reality. <br><br>The name Blue Feather is simply a promise that was spoken in a dream. The feather represents peace and blessings and reward after a life of what can only be described as war. Those blessings are replacing every destroyed area of Christopher&#39;s life to this very day! <br><br>This testimony serves as proof that God loves each one of us, no matter how lost we seem to be.


Have you ever questioned whether God really loves you or even cares about your problems? With certainty, Lee Boardway will tell you that He not only loves you with an everlasting love, but He has said so in &quot;Technicolor&quot; fashion! This message is clear all around the world, throughout our day, every day!<br><br>That mystical veil of color that appears suddenly after the rain has fallen is God&#39;s love-letter to all who happen to gaze heavenward and enjoy its beauty. Within this bridge of hues, He has given us all a sign that we are treasured beyond our comprehension. Our artistic Creator has used His magnificent talent to draw our eyes (and hearts) skyward, in the hope that we will stop and listen to what He has to say. <br><br>You say you don&#39;t know what He is like? The Rainbow Proclamation will help you get to know God&#39;s heart and His overwhelming, self-sacrificing love for you and all of mankind. While leprechauns do not exist, there really is gold at the &quot;end&quot; of the rainbow &mdash; streets of gold!


This little book offers the best in Bible basics: what every Christian should know, every Christian should be and every Christian should do. It&#39;s great to keep as a handout for new Christians, or for encouraging others on their journey in life.