
The creation-evolution controversy is one of the most contentious in Christianity. It may appear to many to be much less important than issues with more direct moral implications. Yet how we view the relationship between science and religion will have a significant impact on how we live and on how we understand our faith and our world. Herold Weiss comes to this issue not as a scientist, historian, or a philosopher, but rather as a student of Scripture. He believes that the various authors of Scripture view creation in varied and sometimes contrasting ways. Many discussions of creation focus on the first three chapters of Genesis, but Weiss takes in the entire scope of scripture, looking at creation in the prophets, the wisdom literature, Genesis 2, Genesis 1, Romans, the Corinthian letters, Colossians, Hebrews, and finally Revelation. In a book of this size it is impossible to study all of these areas in depth, but Weiss provides an excellent overview that will help any student of the Bible gain a better perspective on how creation impacts biblical teaching on a variety of issues. His presentation is representative, rather than exhaustive, but it provides a breadth that is much needed, and often lacking, in discussions of this issue. No matter in which way the biblical authors viewed creation, they were free to affirm their faith in the Creator. Weiss helps us understand that we, like them, can also affirm our faith in the Creator God no matter how we view the natural world and the universe in which we live. The Bible itself demonstrates the independence of faith from any and all cultural descriptions of the material reality of which we are a part. This book would provide a suitable guide for a Sunday School class or small group wanting to look at creation from a variety of perspectives.


Do the things we believe about God as creator make any difference in the way we act in the world? Yes, what we believe about God as creator impacts our theology and action in many ways. In this book, Dr. David Moffett-Moore will examine some of these implications by looking at topics as diverse as quantum physics and chaos theory, hermeneutics, ethics, and how we tell stories of faith. Can one accept the major theories of science, including evolution and still be a faithful believer? What do these findings of science mean for the way we do theology in the 21st century? Dr. Moffett-Moore not only believes that we can accept the findings of science and still be faithful Christians, he believes that discoveries in fields such as physics and biology can help us talk about God in a more relevant and compelling way than we ever have before. When we talk about God in this new way, we will also find a new call to live in a way that is faithful both to the wonders of the physical Creation, and also to scripture. This study is designed for individual reading and study. Though it does not include questions and other traditional elements of a study guide, it would still be an excellent guide for small group study on these topics.


This study guide is designed to accompany Consider Christianity, Volume 1: Evidence for the Bible. It will help you, your small group, or our church congregation prepare themselves to give an answer for the hope that is in them (1 Peter 3:15). It features: 1. Fact questions to aid in review and memory of the material in each chapter. 2. Thought questions to stir up your thinking and help you develop a deeper understanding of some of the key issues raised in each chapter and the arguments you will use to defend your faith 3. Real World Problems mostly using actual statements questioning the reliability of the Bible to help you prepare to use the information learned in the book to address the types of challenges you are likely to encounter.


In Christianity: The Basics , Elgin Hushbeck presents the basic doctrines that have defined orthodox Christianity down through the ages, giving a basic defense for this core of the Christian Faith. He also addresses questions such as can we really know and understand what the Bible teaches; isn’t it all just a matter of interpretation; and what do we mean when we say someone is, or is not, a Christian? This is a serious study, but is written in language that anyone can understand. It is suitable for use in classes in basic Christianity as well as for those who want to refresh their memory about the basics and prepare to share their faith intelligently and with grace.


What is the Kingdom of God? What does it mean to be part of the kingdom? These are questions that should occupy the mind of every Christian. But we frequently shy away from the full meaning of God's rule. In Christian Archy , Dr. David Alan Black examines the New Testament to find the truly radical and all-encompassing claims of God's kingdom. In doing so, he discovers that the character of this kingdom is widely different from what is commonly contemplated today. Its glory is revealed only through suffering – a point that Jesus' disciples, then and now, have been slow to understand. This truth has tremendous implications for church life. The kingdom of God is in no way imperialistic. It has no political ambitions. It conquers not by force but by love. It is this humble characteristic of the kingdom that is a stumbling block to so many today. Christ's claim to our total allegiance is one we seek to avoid at all costs. But there is only one way to victory and peace, and that way is the way of the Lamb. This is the first volume in the new Areopagus Critical Christian Issues Series from Energion Publications. We believe it is an appropriate way to begin that series by addressing this foundational question of who we are as part of the Christian church, and why it is important for us to immerse ourselves in God's word.


Along Bible Paths: Summer Devotions grew out of the daily devotional e-mail list that Jody Neufeld began in 1999 to encourage others to begin their day with the Lord. Many continue to enjoy these thoughts in their e-mail every weekday morning, or via the Jody's Devotionals blog. This book is a collection organized for the summer. We hope many more will enjoy these in printed form.


One of the most difficult tasks that may confront a pastor is the preaching of a funeral homily. What are the words that will provide comfort and encouragement to the family and friends of the deceased? What words will be faithful to the message of the gospel and the community of faith? William Powell Tuck, author of the practical guide to preaching, Overcoming Sermon Block and Holidays, Holy Days, and Special Days draws on his years of experience, training, and teaching to provide some examples of funeral homilies that can help young pastors to prepare for everything from joyful celebrations of a long life well lived to the memory of life tragically shortened. But this book is not just useful for pastors. Reading these homilies will provide you with insight into understand grief. Whether you are dealing with loss yourself, or looking for ways to help friends or family, you will find insights and encouragement in the homilies in this book.


Jody Neufeld shares from her heart «ordinary moments with an extraordinary God.» Upon her retirement from nursing and then beginning into ministry with her husband Henry, a Biblical teacher, Jody felt the Lord urging her to share a daily devotion with people she knew still in an outside workplace. «I know that when I was working in a hospital or a doctor's office or in homes delivering hospice care, I wish someone had sent me an email devotion each morning that would give me a focus and a lesson for the day.» This ministry went from 12 people to hundreds and continues today. This weekly devotion book is made up of 52 devotions with questions or suggestions for discussion that will work well with small groups. This is an excellent way to 'jump start' a small group with diverse members or given an established group a new perspective.


Being in ministry means dealing with change. In fact, living itself means dealing with change. Church leadership, however organized, will have to deal with change. This book looks at the types of change that might occur in ministry and the difficulties involved and presents practical approaches to dealing with conflict and change in a postive, affirming, edifying way. Chapter titles such as «The Big Picture Provides Perspective,» «The Dangers of Listening for the Applause,» and «Major on Conversation, Candor, and Compassion» tell a story of practical experience applied to real-world situations. Each chapter includes suggestions for activities and items for reflection. Dr Ronald Higdon, author of Surviving A Son's Suicide , brings his five decades in ministry, including ten years of intentional interim ministry and ten years as an adjunct seminary professor, to extend his hands of encouragement and experience to other pastors. His is practical encouragement because he has lived what he teaches. This book is suitable for individual study, small group study, and particularly colleague fellowship groups.


It's hard to find time for a spiritual recharge in the morning, but Linda Estes is here again to help with her mastery of the one-minute devotional. We like «our stuff,» don't we? We hold tight to our material things, our dreams, and our plans for our lives. We have things all lined out in our heads and hearts. Things are going along just fine and then God interrupts our stuff. He asks us to let go of something, or someone, we love. When that happens, we have two choices. We can either go along with God's plan or hang on to our own. Sometimes God asks us to let go of things simply to help us grow in our faith-walk with Him. Other times He asks us to let go so that He can do what Scripture tells us in Ephesians 3:20. God wants to «do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.» Only when we are willing to let go of whatever God is asking of us, can He then bless our socks off. When we let God be God and surrender «our stuff» so He can carry out His plan for our lives, that's when we really start living … God's way. Linda's prayer for you as you read these one-minute devotions is that they will help you find the freedom and blessings in letting go. These books are for everyone who wants to start their day right with God, and make delightful gifts.