
The popular Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins has sold more than 62 million copies since the first volume appeared in 1995. Jerry Falwell pronounced it the most important series of books in the history of modern Christianity. Many readers have assumed it gives the true facts about the way the world will end and what will happen to all the people in it. But according to real biblical scholarship, this series is seriously flawed. Based on a misreading of many scriptures, including Daniel and the Book of Revelation, it has fed a kind of hysteria in the Christian populace that has led many people to reorder their existence in expectation of an impending doom and the sudden, unexpected return of Jesus. In this book, William Powell Tuck carefully and authoritatively refutes the premises and faulty theology of the Left Behind books, critiquing them in the light of genuine biblical scholarship and common sense.


What’s a preacher to do with holidays? Some seem to almost preach themselves, especially those in the church calendar. Others are more secular or may seem to conflict with the church calendar. Some are even controversial and require a gentle, but firm touch of the preacher’s art. William Powell Tuck is a master preacher and in this book he demonstrates his sensitivity to the issues raised by some of the holidays and special days of the year along with his grounding in biblical studies, theology, and homiletics. You can read these sermons as essays if you want, but they are not light devotionals. They are serious efforts to grapple honestly with issues and to guide a church community in learning and growing as they celebrate their lives, their families, and their communities. For the preacher, these sermons can serve as models for how to approach these days, as well as providing insight into the various issues involved.


Changing pastors is a critical time in the life of a church, with opportunities for misunderstanding between the congregation and the incoming and outgoing pastors. In this short volume, Dr. Tuck draws on his experience in all phases of this transition to help pastors and congregations understand the process and learn to work together to make such change successful. He addresses the role of the interim pastor, of the church leaders, and the departing and incoming pastors. While this time of change can be a challenge, and in some churches has had negative results, this book provides a guide to the attitudes and actions that will make this an opportunity for growth, new ministry, and continuing spiritual transformation. As a volume in the Conversations in Ministry Series, edited by a committee from the Academy of Parish Clergy, it is selected by parish pastors for parish pastors, and designed for your busy schedule. If you are a pastor and are facing a change of this nature or are a leader in a congregation that is experiencing or about to experience such a transition, Beginning and Ending a Pastorate will provide you with clear, practical, scripturally based, and theologically sound advice for every step of the way. It is, as one reviewer noted, a worthy guide.


Passing our faith from generation to generation is difficult. It has been this way from the time that Cain killed his brother, through Israel's call for a king because Samuel's sons were not like him, up to the present day when children reject their parents' faith. Prolific author (37 books and counting ) William Powell Tuck wants to «tell to the next generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, his might, and the wonderful things he has done» (Psalm 78:4). In this book, he does so by answering serious questions from his grandchildren, many of whom are college age. He's not afraid to address the controversial questions with them, including current issues of politics, climate change, and human sexuality. But all of these questions are addressed from a foundation of informed Christian faith, honed through years of preaching, teaching and writing. At the same time, he addresses questions from the younger grandchildren in simpler terms. With an accessible, question and answer layout, the reader can find direction in addressing these topics during their own family discussions, or in teaching them in small groups, Sunday School, or even from the pulpit. Every generation can benefit from this book, but those who teach will find it especially helpful. Shouldn't that be every Christian?


Do you feel like your prayers are not heard? Prayer has often been described simply as communicating with God. How many of us talk to God daily? If we did not speak to our spouse daily, how much would we know about her/him? Dr William Powell Tuck brings not only years of studying the Scripture but perhaps more importantly his own prayer experience and his time as a pastor, counseling and teaching others. «I have often been embarrassed to admit that praying has not come so easily or naturally to me,» he confesses in this book. This frank and open attitude gives us all a renewed hope, makes us eager to see what Dr Tuck has to say about prayer, and try his suggestions.


Stewardship is one of the essential means the church utilizes to roll up its sleeves and engage in the ministry it is challenged to do. – William Powell Tuck Jesus said in His sermon on the mountain, «Blessed are …» (Matthew 5:1-12) James said, Faith without works is dead. (James 2:14-26) Dr. Bill Tuck shares his heart and his teachings on stewardship that will bring the reader into a greater appreciation of how God wants to use our time, talent and finances to build His Church as well as draw us into a deeper relationship with Him. You will find each chapter begins with a scriptural notation that will lend itself to further study and meditation on God's Word. May we be found to not only be reader of God's Word, but also doers of His Word.


When called on to preach, whether you are a pastor or lay preacher, do you sometimes find yourself blocked? "Writer's block is a common complaint from many authors. They reach a point sometimes when they simply cannot produce anything worth reading. Preachers often encounter this same kind of roadblock when they attempt to prepare sermons."– William Powell Tuck With this opening sentence, Dr Tuck brings his many years of experience as professor and pastor and freely gives some «nuts and bolts» of sermon preparation and «pots and pans» essential for effective preaching. This book is not about the philosophy or theology of preaching but about preparing for, writing, and preaching a sermon. While the reader may quickly find a solution to this week's sermon, Dr. Tuck also gives ideas and plans for long-term preparation to open a new pathway, moving sermons from a burden to a blessing for the writer as well as the intended listener. Anyone called to preach can benefit from reading this book.


Even when it comes to our faith, voices seem to come from many directions, urging us to follow them. How do we decide what is real and what is false? Christian voices are mixed with fundamental certainty to agnostic Christianity, biblical literalism and inerrancy to prosperity gospel, the only true church to come as you are and leave as you came invitations, narrow-minded beliefs to anything goes philosophy, or an eternal quest for the truth with an openness to a growing faith. – William P. Tuck Prolific writer, William P. Tuck, brings his insight from years as pastor and mentor. He pulls no punches and seems to look the leader right in eye with his candor and desire to bring each person closer to the real deal, Jesus Christ. This book is a comprehensive presentation of how to live the Christian life faithfully with an effective witness to the world around us. How God speaks, the temptations that distract us, praying, hearing God answer in various ways, are all part of Tuck's sharing. Jesus called us to be Light and Salt. What voice will you follow to be Jesus' Light?


The Cross. The central symbol of the Christian faith. «Can a church be an authentic Church and not focus on the cross?» William Powell Tuck began answering that question in his book, The Church Under the Cross , and now he leads us into the second part of his answer in his new book, The Last Words from the Cross . «The words of our Lord on the cross have become very memorable. These words of Jesus have been designated as the seven last words. They are, of course, more than individual words. They are really sentences or fragments of sentences. One of these seven words is found in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Three of them are found in the Gospel of Luke, and three are recorded in John. No one gospel contains all of them. But, to me, that is a way of authenticating the gospels. Each writer drew on what he remembered or considered most important in those moments or what he had heard from others who shared their experiences.» says Tuck. A study of these words gives us, His disciples, a deeper insight into Jesus' thoughts through suffering, facing death, and what His death meant to Him as He met our need for salvation. Rev Tuck further says, «These words reveal his personal agony, his concern for others, his forgiving spirit, his physical suffering, his ultimate trust and faithfulness in the One he had proclaimed. Even in his moments of forsakenness he still resisted the temptation to turn away ultimately from God's will or deny the One who led him to this shameful death as he identifies with sinners.» This book is an ideal study for Lent, or at any time for a church that would like to better understand taking up their cross. And what church can't benefit from that?


What happens at the end? What do we mean by the end? When will we see the last things? The theological term for «the last things» is eschatology. It is the Christian doctrine which is concerned with the final «things,» death, the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the immortality of the soul, the final judgment, heaven and hell. Even though these themes are at the heart of the Christian faith, it is often difficult to voice with clarity what we mean by them. In The Journey to the Undiscovered Country , William Powell Tuck says, «Although there is no clear, simple, New Testament answer on all of these issues, the New Testament is unequivocal in its hope for men and women in Jesus Christ. No one can speak with certainty about such matters as the mystery of death, the resurrection, heaven and hell, the second coming, or the final judgment of God. However, the New Testament does offer some concrete pointers which I believe can be helpful to us. I invite you to join me as we look to see if we can gain some insight to determine the future hope for those who die in Christ.» This book is suitable for personal reading and study or for use as Sunday School curriculum.