
The Cross. The central symbol of the Christian faith. «Can a church be an authentic Church and not focus on the cross?» William Powell Tuck began answering that question in his book, The Church Under the Cross , and now he leads us into the second part of his answer in his new book, The Last Words from the Cross . «The words of our Lord on the cross have become very memorable. These words of Jesus have been designated as the seven last words. They are, of course, more than individual words. They are really sentences or fragments of sentences. One of these seven words is found in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Three of them are found in the Gospel of Luke, and three are recorded in John. No one gospel contains all of them. But, to me, that is a way of authenticating the gospels. Each writer drew on what he remembered or considered most important in those moments or what he had heard from others who shared their experiences.» says Tuck. A study of these words gives us, His disciples, a deeper insight into Jesus' thoughts through suffering, facing death, and what His death meant to Him as He met our need for salvation. Rev Tuck further says, «These words reveal his personal agony, his concern for others, his forgiving spirit, his physical suffering, his ultimate trust and faithfulness in the One he had proclaimed. Even in his moments of forsakenness he still resisted the temptation to turn away ultimately from God's will or deny the One who led him to this shameful death as he identifies with sinners.» This book is an ideal study for Lent, or at any time for a church that would like to better understand taking up their cross. And what church can't benefit from that?


What happens at the end? What do we mean by the end? When will we see the last things? The theological term for «the last things» is eschatology. It is the Christian doctrine which is concerned with the final «things,» death, the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the immortality of the soul, the final judgment, heaven and hell. Even though these themes are at the heart of the Christian faith, it is often difficult to voice with clarity what we mean by them. In The Journey to the Undiscovered Country , William Powell Tuck says, «Although there is no clear, simple, New Testament answer on all of these issues, the New Testament is unequivocal in its hope for men and women in Jesus Christ. No one can speak with certainty about such matters as the mystery of death, the resurrection, heaven and hell, the second coming, or the final judgment of God. However, the New Testament does offer some concrete pointers which I believe can be helpful to us. I invite you to join me as we look to see if we can gain some insight to determine the future hope for those who die in Christ.» This book is suitable for personal reading and study or for use as Sunday School curriculum.


There is little disagreement that our world is as close to self-destruction as it has ever been, humanity included. It is unnecessary to list the wars, political conflicts, diseases, ecological disasters, and the like; we are all too familiar with a daily rehearsal of our plight. What there is little or no agreement on is the way out. How will we, as the human race, find our way out of our mutually shared predicament and into a world of wholeness and abundance that the Hebrews named shalom? Is there any wisdom available to us that can lead the way? The answer proposed here is to reconnect with the biblical notion of stewardship as a way of life.


Soup Kitchen for the Soul combines testimony with a challenging scriptural foundation and follows it with specific guidance on how you can get out of your church and make a difference in your community. Each chapter builds on a Bible story and the author's personal experience, and ends with thought questions, and then action questions. References include specific ways in which you can take action on what you have been studying in the book. This book is suitable for personal or small group study, or could be used effectively by an entire church to transform their ministry. In the introduction Crosby says: «Upon entering Seminary, I was required to serve in the community and begrudgingly accepted my assignment, choosing to serve in a soup kitchen. While serving in the soup kitchen, God revealed himself to me in a profound and miraculous way. It was in restudying the scriptures with this new heart knowledge of God that allowed me to see a message of a mission for His people that we lack a connection with today. I began asking, 'What if … What if I'm not the only one who doesn't understand the whole mission God has planned for us? What exactly are we supposed to be doing? Where in the Bible can we find directives on our missions for God? What if I wrote a book about radically new old ways of doing the gospel?'» Soup Kitchen for the Soul is that book.


Pastor and author, Rev. Dr. Robert LaRochelle invites us into his ministry as he shares his experience with some of the most difficult and troubling questions and thought provoking comments he has faced. Through a series of preachings and conversations held in his local church in Connecticut, this book came to be. Within the chapters, Pastor LaRochelle offers his own reflection on each question or statement. He then explains, explores and comments about the discussions that took place on each of these topics, discussions that were actually part of his church's worship service that morning. These are real life spiritual issues and take the reader on a journey through the insights of a pastor and congregation in real dialogue with one another. The reader is encouraged to engage in conversations on these issues in their own homes, faith communities, through social media and in the various contexts in which they live their lives. To this end, suggested discussion questions will be offered at the end of each chapter. Here are some of the kinds of questions and comments addressed in this helpful book: «Pastor, my wife is in the hospital and they think her cancer has spread. Will you keep us in your prayers?» «My 16 year old son says he does not believe in God and never will.» «I don't think you need to go to church to be a good person. I will never raise my kids to go to church.» «Pastor, can you come and visit my dad? He is dying.» «I am just so thankful for all of my blessings!» «I know that when I die, I am going to heaven, where I will see all my loved ones who have died or will die someday.» «Some people say the church is a dying institution. What do you think, Pastor?» This exciting book provides an in depth look at a pastor's own self examination in the context of the real life struggles of a community of faith, a local church.


The 10 Minute Bible Journey is a fast-paced, synopsis of God’s Word from beginning to end. Fifty-two illustrated accounts connect the chronological, gospel-centered storyline of more than 200 of the most strategic and amazing events from Creation to Heaven. Filled with vibrant, full-color illustrations and exciting “faith facts” that confirm the Bible is true, this apologetics-infused book is designed to help Christians of all ages achieve a new level in their understanding of God’s Word and their relationship with Jesus Christ! Discover: 52 accounts with explanatory notes Devotional passages and summaries A convenient fold-out timeline Scores of little known facts The 10 Minute Bible Journey goes beyond the popular stories of Sunday school to present important context and chronological connections found within the puzzle pieces of biblical text. Master a new understanding of how the pieces fit together in the amazing, gospel-based map to Heaven.


Каждое учение стремится создать схему логического мышления, будь то теория Дарвина или математическая формула. В любом случае это попытка добраться до правды. И если учесть что правда всегда одна, то и схема ведущая к ней возможна только в единственном экземпляре. Самая главная схема в мире, это схема Мира (Матрица). Каббала утверждает что она существовала уже при Адаме. Таким образом эту схему нельзя придумать, её можно только понять.


Настоящее издание включает 82 иконы XIV-XIX веков из собрания Переславского музея-заповедника и представляет собой первую публикацию коллекции в таком объёме. В описание произведений включены следующие сведения: название, дата или датировка, материал и техника, размеры (в сантиметрах), происхождение, сведения о реставрации, публикациях (рубрика «Литература»). Книга будет интересна как специалистам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся музейным собранием.


Как сохранять в течение жизни телесное здоровье, которое несомненно является Божьим даром? Как правильно, с точки зрения верующего человека, относиться к болезням и претерпевать их с духовной пользой? Как молиться в телесной немощи? Какие домашние рецепты можно использовать при различных заболеваниях? На эти важные вопросы можно найти ответы в книге.


For a serious book of philosophy, where better to begin to canvass various philosophical concepts and arguments than in relation to what is so familiar to every one of us – the fact that we all have many and varied beliefs. The book is an introduction of philosophy, indeed intended as an introductory textbook. The author, as he wrote it, had both the teacher and the student in mind. He hopes it will prove a worthy contribution in the college, seminary and university classroom, both interesting and serious. \ As well as thirteen clearly written chapters introducing the various topics, it is also provided with helpful summaries, tutorials, and work sheets. In considering belief we raise raises many of the central problems philosophers have discussed: knowledge, truth, justification, rationality, meaning, explanation, self deception, interpretation, reality, cause and effect, personal identity, theories, laws, hypotheses, the self, survival, God. Since belief is a universal phenomenon, it has unfortunately become common to understand the unqualified term ‘believer’ of the religious person. It seems strange to ask the question, ‘Are you a believer?’ outside the religious context. But we do when we are thinking of a particular theory or ideology or political attitude. We sometimes want to know whether she is ‘one of us!’ The author sometimes finds it convenient to illustrate his exposition by referring to religious beliefs. One does not have to be a religious believer to see that it is relevant and indeed interesting to do so. The history of philosophy provides many classical examples of such discussion. The book is of wide general interest. As well as doing service in the classroom, it will also prove its worth within other contexts. It will serve the aims of serious discussion groups, as well as providing a basis for regular and earnest individual study. We hope also that it will find a place with inquiring people of religious faith.