
Pastor Angel Clemons is the Pastor and founder of Second Chance Ministries in Hampton, Va., founded in 2007, under the leadership of her husband Pastor George Clemons who is the Sr. Pastor and Sr. Founder. Pastor Angel also founded the Virtuous Women's Ministry in the year of 2010. Pastors George and Angel Clemons ministry is restoration, where their ministry is referred to as A Church Without Walls. They are non-denominational and they operate in the Apostolic and Prophetic.

The Storm Of My Life
In life we all go through storms. The biggest storm that I've been through, was facing the spirit of fear. Throughout my life I have been afraid of thunderstorms, because my first one as a child was a really bad one! For the majority of my childhood life, and throughout part of my early adult life; fear was always knocking at my door. One thing about fear, is it has no end, until you face it! Find out how my first storm that brought me fear at the beginning of my life, caused me to face my fear, by being in an even bigger one. There I was, one summer evening, in a tornado! What I feared to be my ending was really to me, my beginning.

Pastors George and Angel Clemons can be reached at [email protected], [email protected] and www.facebook.com/churchwithoutwalls07


"Healing Broken Hurts" is a compilation of the wisdom and experiences the Rev. Nelson M. Chamberlin acquired in conducting 44 Divorce Recovery Workshops (with his wife La Donna) touching the lives of more than 800 hurting people.
This book that can be used by individuals seeking to design and conduct a Divorce Workshop on their own, or it can be used by persons who do not have access to such a workshop but wish to receive help in their struggle to grow through divorce.
Resources are provided for almost every area of concern that accompanies the trauma of a broken relationship. This program has proven effective on various levels from small groups to area-wide groups numbering more than 100 individuals.


Weapons of Spiritual Warfare will help you better understand the weapons God has provided to assist you in your fight against the powers of darkness. You will be able to recognize the enemy and devise a plan to overcome him. The enemy comes only to kill and destroy you, but God has other plans, as you will see.
Gerald Reed has been an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God for over 50 years, pastoring churches in California and Washington. After his retirement from the full-time ministry, Gerald served as Chaplain of the Senior Center in Grand Junction Colorado. Gerald lives in Grand Junction Colorado with his wife Barbara.


Oluwo Philip Neimark, author of The Way of The Orisa, The Sacred Ifa Oracle and the Energy Matrix of Ifa, has chosen a path less traveled. Initiated into Santeria/Lukumi and subsequently finding the «root» religion of Ifa into which he was also initiated, he has constantly pushed the bubble to keep Ifa/Orisha relevant.Stripping away the Western incursions on this Eastern philosophy, he has forced initiates to examine their world view not as something fixed and immobile, but as something that takes its ancient truths and weaves them into the social, political,environmental situations of today's world. The result is a dynamic LIVING philosophy whose Truths have absolute relevance and whose applications have no end.


Mark W. McGinnis: «Designs of Faith is a series of 12 large five panel paintings I call quintychs and 12 essays. The subject of both the paintings and essays are the following religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, the Dreaming Religion of Aboriginal Australia, Hopi Religion, Ifa Divination of the Yoruba of West Africa, and Inuit Spiritualism. The content of the essays focus on the foundation history of the religions and the basic moral and ethical teachings of the faith. The Designs of Faith Project was begun in 1992 and completed in 1998.»


This is a compilation of simple philosophical essays. Most of them are radical, extremist and even revolutionary. The thread that binds the essays is nature and the present state of the environment. The purpose of these essays is to rend apart the fabric of society and cause a sea change in the behavior and thought processes of this civilization. They seek the hidden truths of today’s modern world. The aim is not to make people happier with their current state in life. So come with me and seek God’s purpose in our lives. There is a search for truth here and some answers and a silent appeal to save nature and God’s creatures.
I believe that the time has come to take radical steps to protect nature, otherwise all is lost. The market is full of books which preach how to be successful and rich. This book is the anti-thesis to them all. This is the path of renunciation and happiness.
WARNING : This book might make you feel sick.
The author was born in Jaipur, India and went to school there. He got his B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1996. He has always been an environmentalist and loves to read fiction and philosophy.


Many Christians are glad the Levitical offerings are not being performed today and assume Jesus fulfilled the significance of the offerings. What many people don't realize is that these offerings will be offered during the millennial reign of Christ. If this is to be the case, it could be possible that not every aspect of the offerings were fulfilled by Christ nor were meant to be. It's likely that Jesus' sacrifice has made it possible for the remaining shadows of the offerings to be made manifest at some point in the future.
Actually, there is much to learn about the Levitical offerings. Like the feasts of the Lord, the Levitical offerings are shadows of things that have already past as well as of things to come. These mysterious shadows are easily revealed as the patterns found in the whole burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, sin offering, and guilt offering are compared to similar patterns found in Scripture.
"Mysteries of the Levitical Offerings" compares how to properly approach God in both the Old and New Testaments, reveals the mysterious symbolism of the five primary offerings, and explains how they are manifested in the life of believers today. In addition, the offerings associated with the Day of Atonements are examined. After reading Mysteries of the Levitical Offerings, you will never see the Levitical offerings the same way again.
Mrs.Mehaffey has been studying the Bible by using thematic connections (parallels) found in Scripture for several years. She has written over 100 blog posts which contain conclusions based on thematic analysis of Scripture and encourages believers in Christ to study the Bible while keeping in mind the original language and culture of the Jewish people.


The greatest thing about this book is it can be read year round any year. Featuring noted atheist birthdays with their most profound quote on that day and only the best quotes from the most prominent freethinkers ranging from U.S. Presidents such as Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln to Nobel Prize winners to Sagan, Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris, this book is a excellent way to arm yourself with arguments before debating that next theist.
Jon Webster grew up in a Christian home, going to a Christian middle school, graduating from a Southern Baptist college, and had been a «born-again» Christian for 16 years when he finally decided to read the Bible cover to cover for himself. This led him to become an atheist. Jon someday hopes to do groundbreaking research in the field of psychology but until then will settle for going on the O'Reilly Factor and explaining to Bill how the tides work.


Most eastern religious traditions are based on the sacred bond between teacher or Guru and the student. This is one of the few books to delve deeply into the subject based on wide ranging interviews with both teachers and students. The foreword by Ken Wilber, who is the foremost, widely recognized authority on the subject matter confers a stamp of legitimacy on this title for many spiritual seekers. The book features interviews of several very well-known teachers including Mariana Caplan, Andrew Cohen, Barry Magid, Llewelyn Vaughn-Lee, Mooji, and Stephen Fulder. The book describes the different types of spiritual teachers—from spiritual friends to Gurus—as well the different models of relationship with range from authoritarian to collaborative.


The book of James has gotten a bad rap amongst Christians, especially modern protestants. It's often considered not as theologically serious as the writings of Paul, nor as gracious as the gospels. For some it's too works-oriented, for others just a bit obscure. Some have even questioned whether it is truly a Christian book. Let's face it. You're much more likely to see a seminary course on Romans or Galatians than on James, or to hear a sermon, for that matter! Bruce Epperly doesn't agree with that perspective. Not only does he think James has something important to say about the way we live as 21st century Christians, just as it did for 1st century Christians, but he also doesn't think James is in opposition to Paul. He suspects the two apostles would have had no difficulty with each other's theology.In this third volume of the Topical Line Drives series, he aims to direct readers to the important message of this little book for contemporary Christians. He provides a fresh orientation and focus to understanding the message. Once you've read his thoughts you'll likely never read James in the same way again. Certainly, you won't dismiss it.