
Moet ek bly of emigreer? Is hier plek vir my in Suid-Afrika? Ons moet ons besluite as morele keuses benader. Ons het dan minder keuses om te maak omdat ons al daardie selfsugtige keuses van die tafel af vee. Morele keuses organiseer ons opsies beter in verskillende kompartemente vanaf eties tot oneties, en vanaf nuttig tot nutteloos. Ons wil hê ons lewens moet iewers tel, daarom maak ons gedurig goeie keuses. Ons maak morele keuses – ook wanneer ons reis-en-verblyf keuses maak.



God promises world peace someday soon: Isaiah JPS 1917 Edition 51:11 «And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.» And this book introduces King David's written work.


Tywana R. Fredenburg is a wife and a mother. She and her husband Jason, are proud parents of three beautiful children. She is a woman who is on a journey for Godly Wisdom. She has high aspiration to influence and encourage others to begin and to continue a search for Godly Wisdom for their lives.


This book takes time to defend the foundation of Christianity: the gospel itself. If you have any respect for the Bible at all, this book will show that you can know for sure that you are going to Heaven. It will also convincingly prove that Lordship Salvation is absolutely impossible. Plus it addresses several common questions about Salvation.


My second volume of a project that I take care of with my life. These poems return you to heart center allowing you to clear your thoughts and able you to take the steps you choose to take by your own will. In a world that is in constant change, allow these poems to wrap around you, get you on high vibration and bring you to the present moment.


Call Those Things is a book written by Lisa Crum on the subject of healing through the spoken word. Taking Scriptures from the Holy Bible on a wide spectrum of physical and emotional conditions, Lisa shows you how to take the Word and offer a confession of healing and abundant health based upon what God has already spoken.



Voices of Courage is a selection of interviews and artwork included in the International Museum of Women's online exhibition «Muslima: Muslim Women's Art & Voices.» The women included in this anthology are examples of Muslim women who are working around the globe to improve conditions for women and who are fighting negative stereotypes just by being themselves. The goal of this anthology, as well as the exhibition that inspired it, is to show that Muslim women are not, as they are so often depicted, veiled, oppressed, or victims, but rather that they are diverse, powerful, and courageous.


Throughout our lives we learn to make decisions based off our five senses. This is not really how we were made to live although they were given to us for assistance. In Mathew 4:4 it says that we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. While reading this material you will learn different principles of how we should live and to obtain a different vision for your life. Allow the scriptures used throughout this book to change what you see your current situation as and your future to be.