
Dare To Be Bold: A Practical Guide to Street Ministry is a manual that will help churches and ministries to launch out into the market place and proclaim the gospel with power. This guide will equip and train you on how to be effective in ministry outside the four walls of the church. This book will give you a different perspective on how ministry is viewed, followed by daily exercises you can do with a partner or group. This book will cause you to disconnect the fear and doubt of stepping out, and doing what Jesus commanded us to do in the bible. You will learn how to heal the sick, prophesy, and receive and give words of knowledge. You will be compelled to come out of your comfort zone and reach those who are in need.


What is the purpose of the few that attack new religions, including Scientology? What do they hope to achieve and what are they currently achieving for themselves?<br /><br />You'll find out: <br />– The Agenda of the Apostates <br />– The Truth About Misconceptions <br />– Their True Motivation<br /><br />The simple facts in this book are all necessary to develop any legitimate decision on a religion. This includes Scientology, Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses and any other group that is supposed to have religious freedom, but you constantly read crazy headlines that couldn’t be true, could they?<br /><br />This was a gripping and ball-busting idea for the author to pull off, but he did it for those legitimately interested in hearing the side of someone who has done research on these topics and has met those who have experienced what the apostates have done first hand.<br /><br />This is the first installment of a series dedicated to the complete exposure of all criminals which includes apostates who have one agenda in mind, and that one agenda does not include Truth.<br /><br />Enjoy the read. Learn the truth. Get the facts. <br />And, you'll possibly want to fight back for your own good.


This book is both for those that are seasoned Christians and also for new believers who want a deeper understanding and insight into how the system of the heavenly kingdom operates. This book will help to activate your sight to see life from a spiritual standpoint, many Christians battle life issues thinking that they can only operate or live their natural life base on what they see: when in fact spiritual things have greater influence over natural circumstances than many even know of. Throughout this book, you will learn how to walk by heavenly kingdom authority. The rules and engagement of the kingdom God don't operate base on natural circumstances but on the platform of supernatural revelation. Every child of God must also operate by supernatural revelation and not by their natural circumstances. Tap into the revelation that is written on the pages of this book, and you will learn how to operate by God’s supernatural power.


I have done the impossible, together with God, I beat cancer. Along this journey several things happened to me that I could not ignore, so I wrote them down and felt compelled to share them. Not only to give people hope from cancer, but to let them know they are not alone, and to show them that God is real. The accounts in this recording are real. If you have trouble believing in the Lord I hope this book will slightly change your mind. Just take it for what it is, and at the end, you tell me if it's all coincidence or not. I don't think so. You be the judge.


This book is a simple guide written to encourage and move young people (and the young at heart) into decisive and responsible leadership. This book is a composition of how martial training and the presence of God blend to create a reason to keep motivated and to keep on the right path. Simple and easy to read tips for building oneself into a greater version than thought possible. Although written from a Catholic perspective, it's a book that can be adapted to all faiths, or for those who don't believe in anything for the purposes of renewing the desire to protect family from all danger.


ABBA’S OWN. God is the rewarder of them who diligently seek Him through faith in Christ. He will reward you with righteousness and peace. He will prepare a place for you in Heaven. Renounce Satan, confess and forsake your sins and wicked ways. Believe in Jesus Christ to become one of ABBA’S OWN.<br /><br />‘Confessions of Jesus Christ’ that are promising in the Hands of the Holy Spirit for one to be known by God, to be reconciled to God, to have salvation, to have the Holy Spirit, to be eternally secure for eternal life complete in Jesus Christ, is explored. The author answers when a believer receives the Holy Spirit, according to the Bible.<br /><br />The abundant life is not an easy life, but a victorious life, as the case study reveals. Faith is fundamental to believing God. Herein, the qualitative research examines the defence of biblical teaching and faith.<br /><br />This study is not for the formation of a theology based on experience, but of experience validated by the Word of God. The case subject is provided for parents, pastors, and soul-winners to be Spirit-led and informed when confronted with cases in similar situations.<br /><br />Spiritual warfare is examined to show the sovereignty of God in and for the defence of the believer in Christ for His child protection and strength in the faith.<br /><br />Beginnings of A Standard Christian, biblical, Protestant, conservative, evangelical, systematic theological foundation to serve as a guide for the formation of sound theology for seekers and soul-winners. The author addresses, ‘the charismatic movement's misunderstanding of Pentecost as a contribution to the declining respect for the church,’ the prevention of true church growth, and a cure for a declining church.<br /><br />Written consent was given by the primary subject, for the use of his story in this study. The names of all individuals in this study have been changed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the real participants; to prevent harm to those involved; also, to maintain honesty and accuracy in data collection. A literature review reveals no other qualitative studies of this kind. WILL YOU BELIEVE GOD, ELOHIM, FOR ETERNAL LIFE and, that you are made complete in Jesus and assured of being known by God in Judgment Day, so you will be welcomed into Heaven, as the Scriptures teach? God (ELOHIM) intersects with repentant sinners at the Cross, where Jesus Christ died for the whole world that whoever believes in Him shall have forgiveness of sins, salvation, assurance, meaning, and purpose in this life and eternal life in the presence of God.


For some thousands of years, the World has been the battle ground to decide which religious viewpoint, is to become the main player in the “God” stakes, but, none of the three main contenders – Judaism, Christianity, or Islam – can really substantiate any claims that they, alone, can speak with authority, of God’s precepts.<br /><br />That they have the right to speak of their representational view-points and Pathways is, of course, undoubted, but the thousands of deaths that have been caused, and are still being caused – by this conflict of authenticity – emphasizes the difficulties, when exclusivity of belief is required.<br /><br />Choices of the correct pathway to reach God are, of course, Man’s decision to make, or not, as he sees fit, and, it has to be agreed, that one of them, or, perhaps, a combination of all, or, of some of them, may be the right choice for an individual to make.<br /><br />However, it seems to me that a different, neutral, approach is required, and it is hoped that the following will assist this process.


The social fabric of life in 1990s rural India is disintegrating. Christian missionaries are getting the blame and being accused of illegal conversion activities. When Manav Banerjee, a journalist, agrees to investigate the world of Australian missionary, Graham Staines, he enters a world of outcasts – the world of lepers. While avoiding all possible contact with these untouchables, Manav uncovers truths that he had not anticipated and his words spark actions that he had not intended. The subsequent repercussions lead him to a place where hard choices must be made. <br />Based on a true story.


Everyone has their own disciplines, to the select few, these are described as their religion. If you want to read an explanation of the way religions work for people, this book is for you. You will find it interesting and revealing, it will bring tolerance to different individuals.


Religious Commune Volume I, by Author Chris McIntyre is an imaginative book regarding subjects of interesting and inspiring religious content. An in-depth glance at personal experiences through the Holy Word. Religious Commune is very informative with room to agree or disagree. -Excellent 10/10 <br /> -Indigenous 9/10