
Believe it or not, most people who attend church do not see any significant reason for knowing God. Much of this is due to their yearning to live for rational experiences. &quot;Into the Silence&quot; is dedicated to changing this passing familiarity into an intimate connection with God. <br><br>The Bible goes far beyond rational experiences into a world of direct spiritual encounters. &quot;Into the Silence&quot; features: How to distinguish between rational thinking and the voice of the spirit, How to expose the enemy when he comes as an angel of light, and How to understand that dreams can be significant messages for God.


In asking &quot;Why God gave his Spirit.&quot; You may want to consider that you are God&#39;s child and he is going to give you every advantage to have a long and prosperous future. Kenneth Dobbin uses the theme of why to discuss the reasons God speaks of his Spirit in terms such as the Spirit of truth, another counselor, a seal, and his temple to empower the kingdom of Kings and Priests being built by God. Packed with supporting scripture you will learn &quot;Why God Gave His Spirit&quot; through the love of God and his desire to know you personally.


Take a journey through the Bible and investigate the significance of the laying on of hands.


This work of Inspirational Poetry, &quot;Ocean Of Love&quot;, containing mainly Haiku&#39;s, is the culmination of years of dedication to God and to the study of the Great Religions of the World. The poetry is about my journey, on my path for God, which I believe we are all on. This work contains deep eternal Truth&#39;s set in simplicity for all ages to enjoy. God is Love, as the Sufi&#39;s of old and many Saints have written about in the past. These are deep verities for all to rejoice in, because we are all of God. The book started out as poems about the Fruitages of The Spirit and blossomed into, Oh so much more! Positive Affirmations are part of my daily regimen, this book is written in a positive style, you go away feeling uplifted. There are Treats for young and old alike in this Inspirational Poetry book &quot;Ocean Of Love.&quot;


America – One Nation Under Tyrants? is a timely book for the days in which we are living. Based upon a comment attributed to early American Colonist, William Penn, who is quoted as saying: &quot;Any people unwilling to be governed by God, are destined to be governed by tyrants!&quot;<br> Will Mr. Penn&#39;s warning come to pass? What is America&#39;s destiny, with the path she has chosen to travel on? What must every patriotic American do, to keep America out of the hands of Tyrants?<br> The answers to these, and many more thought provoking questions, can be found in America – One Nation Under Tyrants? be sure and get your copy today!


This book series A Divine Connection With A Message From God volume II subtitle &quot;Michael!&quot; Yes Lord. &quot; You Have Been Redeemed!&quot; You will learn and discover the real meaning of what it truly means to be redeemed by God at the cross at Calvary. I will also walk you through several of what I truly believe were real personal divine connections with God in Heaven when He spoke to me about Him redeeming me and about my walk and talk with Jesus here on earth and how He healed me before He had to return Back to Heaven to again return. <br> Why God chose me to reveal this certain things to me, I don&#39;t fully know. Maybe because my heart mind and soul were and is open to receive it or maybe I guess He knows that I will do something with it, according to His will in Christ Jesus. I truly feel that the Holy Spirit wants me to share it with as many people as possible before His second coming. <br> Well, during the reading of this particular book series volume II, you will also learn and discover how the precious shed blood of Jesus at the cross at Calvary has and will continue to give you victory over any and every situation you face here on Earth, until you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


Reading Michael&#39;s book is like listening to a wonderful symphony that leaves you feeling uplifted and refreshed. <br> It is highly recommended for all those who sense that there&#39;s an alternative to suffering, and who want that alternative now George Fine<br><br>In the fully revised second edition of &quot;Making Your Wisdom Come Alive,&quot; Michael Gluckman reveals the secret teachings passed down from antiquity. He shows how these teachings are genuine, because they are reasonable and because you can experience them. Although they help with stress, depression and anxiety, Michael shows how life is more than just getting rid of problems. In fact you will be astonished by how much wisdom and joy you can experience.<br> <br>In the same way that the sages of old discovered this indescribable freedom, you can discover it too. Indeed, you will find that the source of wisdom and happiness is actually the center of your experience.<br><br>&quot;Making Your Wisdom Come Alive&quot; promises to help you:<br><br> * Experience happiness and joy at the source<br> * Banish emotional pain, stress and depression<br> * Find peace when all seems lost, when you are sick, broke, afraid and alone<br> * Deepen your meditation practice and find the center of your mind<br><br>The first section of the book is a step by step guide that starts with your everyday experience and from there, takes you to a place where you can discover the freedom and happiness that springs from your identity.<br><br>Michael describes the process of returning happiness to its rightful place. He opens your eyes to your natural freedom, and shows you how to cut the strings that seem to pull you back into limitation. This allows you to remain in an effortless state of peace.<br><br>In the second section, Michael presents the teachings of many sages from different cultures and religions. This is to show the validity of this knowledge, to fuel your meditation practice, and to confirm your experience.<br><br>Kevin Loucks said, &quot;Finally, I needed to experience what I was reading about first hand, but I wasn&#39;t really sure how to do that. Michael and &quot;Making Your Wisdom Come Alive&quot; helped to start me on my way.<br>.... His book does make your wisdom come alive, and much, much more.&quot;<br><br>Michael writes, &quot;My hope in writing this book is not so you can learn a new or improved philosophy, but so you can be liberated from the limitations that the world seems to present, and live in freedom and joy that you never would have dreamed possible.&quot;


Journey in the Kingdom is an adventure about following God regardless of the cost, a true story covering 15 years of a young man&#39;s life from Western suburbia to the mission field of Cambodia. This voyage is packed full of remarkable testimonies of an extraordinary God working in the life of an ordinary man, performing miraculous healings, amazing provision and supernatural protection. It proves to be an inspirational journey that will stir your heart to press in closer to God and encounter life outside of the norm.


In this easy to read 48 page booklet, you&#39;ll find one-minute explanations about what Catholics believe and why.<br><br>Using faith, reason and a healthy dose of Scripture, this book helps to answer common objections to Catholic teaching from non-Catholics and Catholics alike.


These are a collection of articles written under the hand of the Lord to reveal the proper spiritual foundation for all believers, to reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom of God and to show how one can enter the highest level of the coming age of Christ&#39;s rule on earth. The road to perfection, which is what God longs for, is a narrow road. Few there be that pass on it. Christ said: &quot;Enter ye in at the strait [narrow] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it&quot; (Matthew 7:13-14).