

Many negative voices predict the demise of the church, or even claiming it has already happened. Is this negative assessment accurate? Is there hope for the church? William Powell Tuck believes that there is. Drawing from a lifetime of experience as a pastor, honed by research, teaching at the seminary level, and writing, he provides a roadmap for the church to be both faithful and to speak clearly in the 21st century. The presentation is rooted in scripture, theologically informed, and fully aware of the reality that churches face today. This is not your dry text on ecclesiology. While it could serve as a text for a seminary class, the class would be a practical class about how to reform the church and reach out to a world in need. This book is an exceptional resource for pastors, but it would also provide an excellent basis for a churchwide study, helping a congregation to extend their witness.


These women’s stories are found in the Bible, but frequently without their thoughts and feelings recorded. The author presents them as living women with lessons to share.
This volume has multiple uses. It is a book for reading, script for delivering BibleTellings, and a study book for small groups.


This volume shows that stories can reflect and represent the students that hear them.
Working with the same overall themes of his first book, Building a Children's Chapel: One Story at a Time, Bill Gordh presents a wide range of folktales from around the world, stories from different faith traditions, and some updates of the original volume. The stories are presented to be told aloud, complete with storytelling tips and musical suggestions for each. Thirty-eight curated folktales and stories from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, African, Asian, Scandinavian, and Native American traditions support the values that many desire to instill in children. As an award-winning storyteller, banjoist, author, and educator, Bill Gordh offers a storytelling approach that honors both the source material and the children who listen.
Those who are engaged with the spiritual growth of children will find this book invaluable.


Sitting with the Sages is a brief summary of preachers who influenced and intersected the life and ministry of Clifford E. McLain. They were introduced to him by his longtime preaching father, C. C. McLain. It recalls pivotal local and national events and ministers during the civil rights era, who shaped most of his values and approach to preaching and pastoring.
Clifford E. McLain has given us an invaluable treasure chest of information and inspiration in his work Sitting with the Sages. Here, we get a glimpse of the life and legacy of some of the greatest sermon crafters of our time and all times. Readers of Sitting with the Sages should be encouraged to enhance their efforts as the “mine” the rich fields of the Word of God. I recommend an engagement with this work for personal betterment in kingdom work.
—Dr. G.V. Clark, Pastor
Mount Zion Baptist Church Moderator, St. John Regular Baptist District Association President, Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas
Sitting with the Sages, a collection of back stories of twenty preachers by Clifford E. McLain is riveting. These spellbinding stories are metaphors that tell how much these ministers cared about people. It is also telling how much they influenced McLain’s life and ministry. I’m honored to see this work and it has my endorsement.
—Leonard I. Sweet, PhD
Senior Professor of Doctoral Studies at Evangelical Seminary E. Stanley Jones Professor Emeritus at Drew University Visiting Distinguished Professor at George Fox University and Tabor College


Earth, it seems, is somewhat of a transitional planet. With its generally lower vibrational frequency, it allows for the co-existence of both good and evil. The choices we make with our own free will, predispose us to movement either up or down in frequency, with evil occupying a very low range, while love weighs in at the top of the scale. Parallel universes, such as those we characterize as “heaven” or “hell” are likely to exist at either end of the frequency continuum. Thus, someone who chooses a life of kindness, charity, love, generosity and gratitude, moves up to a higher frequency consistent with that of the state we commonly refer to as “heaven”. Our compatibility with such high frequencies begins with the vibrational level which we establish here on Earth—thus, as Jesus proclaimed, the “kingdom of heaven” is indeed initiated within our earthly bodies.

The incredible attraction of a universe whose ultrahigh frequency precludes all evil and negativity, plus time and space as we know it, makes such a state so desirable that few “heavenly” denizens would ever desire to return to Earth. Those who do, however, share one common motivation—an overwhelming love for kindred spirits whose divine spark is shrouded by their own ill-informed thoughts and actions. Peter “Deuce” Olsen, is one such being, perhaps the most recent in a relatively short list of avatars. Reluctantly agreeing to temporarily abandon his blissful state, at God’s request, Deuce (with a few personal incentives!) agrees to return to Earth on a very challenging assignment. The Reluctant Savior trilogy chronicles his re-entry, including a most unusual arrival, and a host of unexpected adventures which serve to further complicate his mission. One thing is certain, however—the planet he leaves behind will never be the same again. This vastly entertaining, enlightening, and somewhat tongue-in-cheek saga is one that you won’t want to miss!


Recital of Love is a collection of treasures gathered up in prayer. Each one focuses on something precious to God, hopefully giving us an insight into his heart and the grace to look at life with a different, more eternal perspective. Written as nuggets of wisdom and encouragement in poetic prose, these pieces are garnered from silent contemplation, and presented to be savored by all God’s beloved children.


Explores way Christian individuals and communities can cultivate peace both locally and on a global scale.
Peace can seem so very far away, whether we are watching news of atrocities committed in other countries or we encounter the violence in our own neighborhoods. Mike Angell engages peace as more than an absence of conflict. Peace, following the Christian tradition, is more concrete. It must be planted, tended, and grown in our own hearts and in the world. This book explores ways individuals and Christian communities can cultivate peace personally, locally, and on a global scale. Non-violence is a core value of The Episcopal Church and integral the Jesus Movement’s focus on reconciliation. As part of our baptismal covenant to strive for justice and peace among all people, we are called to be models of reconciliation and peace towards our neighbors. This book is a simple guide for building peace when the streets around us are filled with anger and violence.

