







Though the ordination of women has been hotly debated in a number of churches (and in particular in the world-wide Anglican Communion) there has been a strange silence on the subject from academic theologians. «They have left the debate,» says the author of this book, «for the most part, to the also-rans.»
Without Precedent seeks to examine the arguments that, in the absence of serious academic contributions, have been advanced. In particular it looks at claims of ancient precedent for modern practice. What did Jesus think about women? Was Paul a misogynist or a feminist, a reactionary or a revolutionary? Does the role of Mary of Magdela, in scripture and tradition, offer any guidance (as many have claimed)? Were there female priests, and even bishops, in early Christianity?
Extravagant claims have been made and repeated in all of these areas, and have crucially influenced decisions taken. This book provides, in the words of former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams: «a lucid and helpful survey, which quite rightly punctures some awful historical nonsense.»


Bold Girls Speak inspires girls to go boldly where God calls. This collection of Old and New Testament short stories follows smart, problem-solving girls who persevere and thrive with God's help in difficult circumstances. Most are unnamed and overlooked, living in a foreign culture, but the small ones can make a big difference. A few of the main characters are well known and named, but most are found in tucked-away verses in the shadows of the powerful. The girls live in historical and social-cultural settings authentic to the Bible, and they increase the reader's curiosity about biblical times and places. Each story is accompanied by age-appropriate commentary and discussion questions appropriate for classes, mother-daughter groups, home-schoolers, and Christian schools, as well as those reading for enjoyment.
