
Your Best Day Today is designed to serve as a 30 day daily devotional, but can be just as rewarding read straight through. <br><br>This book is empowering as well as inspirational offering many nuggets of wisdom from author, speaker and entrepreneur Rontavis Shamar with topics ranging from overcoming fear to perseverance and the choice to be happy.<br><br>Your Best Day Today is easy to read and simple to understand whether you have been in the church all your life, just entering or never stepped foot in one. This book is interactive and informative offering great scriptural lessons, references and daily declarations that will lead to daily success and positivity.<br><br>The aim of this book is to bring joy and knowledge and increased quality of life to all that read it. God bless.


In this revolutionary and provocative work, David A. Shiang claims to offer final answers to many of humankind&#39;s most enduring mysteries. He argues that Einstein was right in rejecting the randomness of quantum theory, and he shows that Stephen Hawking (A Brief History of Time) and Brian Greene (The Fabric of the Cosmos) are mistaken in saying that evidence shows nature to be probabilistic. He takes on Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) and Daniel Dennett (Breaking the Spell), contending that Darwin&#39;s theory of evolution by natural selection is neither scientific nor correct. He also maintains that worry and regret can be overcome, following in the footsteps of T.S. Eliot and other pioneers of the mind.<br> <br>Odds are high that the logical and elegant solutions Shiang presents to our deepest riddles will cause you to rethink your most fundamental beliefs.<br><br>&quot;Very provocative, erudite, and solidly based on intelligent and logical thinking! Congratulations on making an excellent contribution to understanding the role of a higher intelligence in organizing the affairs of the universe!&quot;<br><br>– Pat McGovern, IDG Founder and Chairman, Co-founder of The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT<br><br>&quot;His lucidity and logic are breathtakingly devastating. He is not afraid to defend the mind of God, either.... I cannot overstate the importance of Shiang&#39;s work and its deep influence.&quot;<br><br>– Len Klikunas, Cultural Anthropologist


In this book we give an overall description of God&#39;s plan for all mankind. There are numerous messages such as the present Resurrection, showing that resurrection is not merely the experience of those who die physically, but for anyone wanting to experience a deeper oneness in God. We also show Old Testament types of the Person and Work of Christ, and what that means to us. We look at advancing in the Most Holy Place, God&#39;s Apology to man, the generation of Jesus Christ, the stones in the breastplate of the high priest, and how we can be a partaker of what most believe to be merely historical. We explore other truths for those who are seeking a fuller understanding of the Bible.


All they wanted was a peaceful, simple life away from the troubles of the world, where they could worship God freely. That&#39;s why they moved to a quaint farm in Iowa. But that was before the guards, the guns and the big iron gate forced them all to live as slaves under the control of Harve and Agnes Osborn.<br><br>Young idyllic Melinda joined this group in college to understand God. She reluctantly moved to the farm with her husband Josh, but soon finds herself living and working in a grueling cult with her family. Years later, after she is told of the death of her husband and the fate that awaits her and her young coworker Shannon, she realizes she must escape. But escape from the cult is difficult and the road to freedom won&#39;t be easy.<br><br>Melinda must now start a new life in a nearby town with the help of a local family. Unfortunately, the leaders of the cult have other plans that will jeopardize the lives of Melinda and her family as well as the lives of many of her new friends.<br><br>Can Melinda find the strength and courage to fight back and save those she cares about? Or will she become another casualty of the devastating plans of the cult.


Long Walk Up is the gripping tale of a young girl&#39;s journey from poverty and despair en route to her remarkable and triumphant destiny as Africa&#39;s first woman president. The poignant story examines the life of a young East African orphan girl pushed into the street alone after her mother dies. The little girl named Mulukan is only six years old when she is left to her own defenses. <br><br>This emotional story takes an honest look at unforeseen events, striking coincidences that become the threads in the fabric of a child&#39;s life. Mulukan&#39;s story strikes a perfect balance between resistance and triumph. This remarkable child&#39;s story searches the heart and demands for individual ascension.


This book &quot;Can Divorce Christians Remarry?&quot; has a fresh new perspective based upon current and historical research and what the Bible and our loving God really do say about divorce and remarriage. God doesn&#39;t want us bound by the false &quot;traditions of men&quot; so this book gives specific cases when remarriage should be allowed. However, the restoration of troubled marriages is still God&#39;s first priority, so specific cases are given when remarriage should not be allowed. <br><br>This book also answers difficult questions about the ordination of church leaders, as well as those relating to the emotional needs of divorced men and women. Biblical answers are given on how we can, with the help of the Lord, overcome the negative emotions of grief, anger, depression, bitterness, unforgiveness, and rejection, so we can live the happy, fruitful, and abundant lives that God desires for all of his children! (John 10:10)


In this book we learn that God&#39;s desire is for Christians to mature and grow in Him. Salvation is not a &#39;one time&#39; experience, but it is a progressive one. In this book we deal with the meaning of spiritual adoption and how it relates to God&#39;s plan and purpose. There is the baby stage, the toddler stage, the teenage stage, and the adult or mature stage. This growth comes not by &#39;doing&#39; but by &#39;viewing&#39; the finished work of Calvary.


It all started when Sean Hyman went on a financial quest to find out why people were broke because he knew it wasn&#39;t &quot;God&#39;s best&quot; for their lives. <br><br>That&#39;s when he went through an extensive study of one of the wisest books of all-time, the Bible. <br><br>He literally looked at every scripture that had to do with money. It was then that he found the six keys that God has outlined to produce financial success. <br><br>As he purposefully implemented and lived out these six principles they began to change his financial future. It was then that he decided to write this book about it and &quot;tell the whole world&quot; so that they could find out the keys to financial success just as he has done.


A study of everlasting life based on the words of the Lord in Deuteronomy 30:19 followed by the teachings of Jesus in John 8:51


Once a person is saved, the number one priority should be seeking entrance into the Kingdom. It is pictured as a runner in a race seeking a prize represented by a crown that will last forever. <br><br>The &quot;Traditional&quot; teaching on the &quot;THE KINGDOM&quot; has taken the Church captive into believing all Christians will rule and reign with Christ no matter how they have lived their life.<br><br>The whole purpose of this book is to help Christians understand what seeking the Kingdom of God is all about and help them be among the chosen few who will &quot;enter into&quot; the Kingdom: &quot;For many are called, but few are chosen.&quot; (Matthew 22:14)<br><br>Jesus Christ is returning for His faithful overcoming followers. Don&#39;t miss out on ruling and reigning with Christ in His KINGDOM.<br><br>NEW DISCOVERY &ndash; THE SIGN of Christ&#39;s Coming. Also learn about: The Judgement Seat of Christ, Gehenna, Outer Darkness, the Second Death, the Book of Life and most importantly the requirements for Ruling and Reigning with Christ in the coming Kingdom.