
This extremely useful book deals with subjects necessary for the understanding of the Holy Qur'an such as the division and arrangement of the Quranic chapters, rules for Interpretation, the Theory of Abrogation, Relationship of the Holy Qur'an to the Sunnah (the practice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad), Relationship of the Holy Qur'an to Earlier Scriptures, the Unity of God, Divine Attributes, Life after Death, Paradise and Hell, Revelation, History of the Prophets, etc.


Ark of the New and Everlasting Covenant reveals deep spiritual truths relating to what we become after having been born again by the Spirit of God. Seldom do you find such clear and easy to understand revelation regarding a never before known spiritual fact of life. It is evident that <br><br>Author Carlote Bengemyre has heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, and has His anointing to write, concerning truths which are on God&#39;s heart. <br><br>Every reader of this powerful book will benefit in their spiritual growth, through what is contained within its pages. Get your copy today, and purchase copies to share with friends and loved ones.



Hector Martin, nearing sixty, has been recently abandoned by a much younger and wildly troubled woman who has left him with a young son. A solitary man whose interests had been whale gazing, Dvorak, and self-study, finds himself, a reluctant father, nearly paralyzed by this unexpected event.We come to our story with the tenderness of a father&#39;s &quot;I love you&quot; or a sad, neglected child&#39;s first troubling questions. His sister, with dutiful affection, assumes the role of surrogate mother, while her brother, sitting before an empty grave, &#39;celebrates&#39; the &#39;death&#39; of his wife, the source of his final betrayal. We learn that while most flee grief, others seek to transform it. We learn, too, that redemption often comes in unimaginable ways. For everyone has a story, and sometimes they overlap and collide.


The Qur&#39;an: is it a book of terror or a book of peace? A divinely inspired text or a political agenda for jihad, sharia law, and global domination? How is one to know the truth about the Qur&#39;an? Where does one even begin a personal study? With the growing global interest in Islam and the teachings of the Qur&#39;an, Islam&#39;s main source and foundation, the need to provide an objective tool to investigate the truth about Islam as a religion and way of life has become crucial. This scholarly work is a valuable beginner&#39;s guide. Designed to provide readers with background information and address important issues raised in the Qur&#39;an, it enables readers to better understand Islam and its impact on Muslim communities. The Must Know Guide to the Qur&#39;an for the Western World is a modified version of The Qur&#39;an Dilemma (Volume One), and contains most of Parts I and III of this earlier publication (2011). The content in both The Must Know Guide to the Qur&#39;an for the Western World and The Qur&#39;an Dilemma represent the effort and production of many former Muslim writers, Islamic specialists, scholars, editors, researchers, and translators. To non-Muslims who want to unravel the mysteries of Islam, this book presents information that Islamic resources rarely disclose&mdash;to allow those seeking the truth to comprehend the full picture with all its outlines, colors, and dimensions. To Muslims who seek genuine choices far from the culture of &quot;indoctrination,&quot; this book opens a world of understanding to them, so that they can decide for themselves their intellectual and spiritual paths.


Medieval Churchmen heard the legend of Prince Siddhartha (the &quot;Bodhisattva,&quot; or &quot;Buddha-to-be&quot;) renouncing his wealth and seeking salvation as a monk, but they mistook it for the history of some Christian monk named &quot;Iodasaph&quot; (a corruption of &quot;Bodhisattva&quot;). Iodasaph was canonized as an official saint. The ironic result was that Gautama Buddha is a Roman Catholic saint! <br><br>What if such a remarkable religious hybrid actually lived? The brief pieces collected in this book depict what he might have taught, proclaiming Buddhism from the Bible! Amazingly, it turns out not to be much of a stretch! Saint Iodasaph will have you reading familiar texts with new (third?) eyes!<br><br>These vignettes originally appeared in The Christian*New Age Quarterly. One reader asked if they were genuine channeled revelations! That&#39;s high praise.


The author begins by boldly proclaiming that the inspiration for this book came from an unusual dream. In the dream he said that &quot;the greatest teaching to learn was how to become more intimate with our Creator.&quot; Since the author had never even taught on this particular subject before, it seems very unlikely that the dream came from his own soulish mind. It was also revealed in the dream that our intimacy with Him was supposed to be like when we are &quot;romantically in love&quot; with another person.<br><br>This book can relate to people in every level of spiritual growth, including those who have never experienced the pure love of God, his forgiveness of sins, and the assurance of eternal life with Him. In the latter part of the book even those who already have a deep personal relationship with God are challenged to seek even higher levels of intimacy with Him by becoming true disciples of His only begotten Son and by worshipping Him in spirit and in truth, for He longs for us to respond to his own infinite and personal love for us.


Deals with the lives of the prophets as they are given in the Holy Qur&#39;an. The chief object is to remove the prevailing misconception that the Holy Qur&#39;an takes its narratives from the Bible or Jewish and Christian traditions. For this purpose narratives in the Holy Qur&#39;an are contrasted with their versions in the Bible or Jewish and Christian traditions. It will be found that wherever previous record has cast a slur on the character of a prophet, the Holy Qur&#39;an has invariably vindicated it. The Holy Book has further brought out facts which enhance the moral value of these narratives and removed defects and contradictions which have found way into sacred history due to manipulation of facts or carelessness in recording them. This affords the clearest evidence that Divine Inspiration and not any previous record or tradition was the source from which the Prophet obtained information. By doing away with the profanity of sacred history, the Holy Qur&#39;an has rendered immense service to the Bible itself. This is in accordance with its claim.


&quot;The Unlikely Prophet&quot; is a story of the love, mercy and grace of Jesus Christ and His purpose and calling in the hearts of men. The book reveals how the Lord takes broken vessels and uses them for His glory. It is a story of love between a man and his wife and a story of a family, a story of loss, defeat and victory in Christ.<br><br>Phillip is the unlikely prophet. By brokenness and faith, he learns to hear God and trust Him along the way. Phillip makes mistakes at times and deviates from specific instruction, but God is always there to guide him in the purpose He had created and formed.<br>I believe &quot;The Unlikely Prophet&quot; will open every believer&#39;s heart as well as open the eyes of those who do not know the heart and purpose of the Lord. <br><br>This story takes God out of the great buildings and centers of worship and shows His power in the everyday lives of people. His plan and word is to thousands, but also to one.<br><br>I pray as you read, you are one that He touches in a special way. He came to save and heal the world and He came for you. He came for me. He loves you. Through the valley, on the mountaintops, and no matter what you and I go through, He is always there. God is with you and loves you. <br>Most of this book, I wrote out of my own experience and I believe that the Spirit of God wrote much as well. It is listed as a Christian fiction novel, but the power and love of God is truth and will never fail.


What do love, loss, heartache and friendship have to do with prayer? Joseph decides to ask his friends if they have any prayer requests. He gets one request that leads to more than he expected. Jenny shares her heart with him about her desire to love and to be loved by someone special. She also shares about her recent breakup with the man with whom she thought she would grow old. This is a story based on true events shared between two friends. Read along and follow Jenny on an emotional roller coaster ride as she shares with Joseph and seeks his counsel. There are plenty of tears and so much more. Does joy really come in the morning? Only time will tell. You will be encouraged and inspired by this intriguing account and unlikely friendship.