
How can Christians live with a surprising God? How can we know and trust God without taming God or reducing God to an idol? Is knowing God the same thing as being open to God? Is God's freedom to act independently of our knowing him actually how we know him most genuinely and deeply? In Unexpected Jesus, Craig Hovey explores in depth the idea that the Christian gospel is a surprising encounter that calls for people to risk living with a God who shows up in unexpected ways.
The Gospels often portray Jesus Christ as elusive and difficult to grasp. Hovey helps the reader to «un-expect» Jesus–to preserve Jesus's reality as a surprise rooted in the resurrection. As living and free, the joyous presence of Christ in the world is also unfathomable and uncontainable. Jesus's being free and surprising–unexpected–strengthens Christians' trust in God and helps them to live in God's world.


When the people of Judah were taken captive by the Babylonians, their world was drastically changed. While in exile they experienced shame, guilt, fear, and displacement. However, their God had been traumatized by their behavior and also grieved with them. Yet, Yahweh gave them a second chance by forgiving them and bringing them home. God offered them hope, mercy, and love. The prophets were God's chosen messengers, not only to provide a new vision of what could be, but to suffer with the people. These servants were caught in the middle between a passionate God and traumatized people. As the people returned to Jerusalem to rebuild their city and their lives, the prophets were with them to remind them that God had not abandoned them.
The author suggests that the prophets live on today through the church as those who engage their community, fight for people's hearts, and remind others that God gives second chances. Clark shares stories from his personal ministry to the marginalized in Portland, Oregon, who seek relief from shame, suffering, and hopelessness. In this hope our community receives new vision through a loving God and persistent prophets.


Negotiating Identity addresses the missiological problem of why the Hakka Chinese Christian community in Taiwan is so small despite evangelistic efforts there for more than 140 years. Christofferson explores the tensions between being Hakka and being Christian in northwestern Taiwan and discusses what both Hakka non-Christians and Christians are doing and saying in the context of these tensions. This ethnographic study uses the lens of social constructionism and consequently offers an example of how social science scholarship can help missionaries and other Christian workers to gain significant insights into the thoughts, feelings, and actions of those living in their ministry locations. Of interest is Christofferson's conclusion that the missiological perspective which puts a primary focus on ministering to a «people group» is inadequate for explaining and engaging the complexities encountered in many ministry settings. He suggests that an awareness of the way people are negotiating their identities can help Christian workers to better understand and strategically engage people in a variety of ministry contexts throughout the world.


Seeking God is a Platonic dialogue on the nature of the religious experience and the conditions under which this experience is possible. The dialogue takes place between three characters, a philosopher, a Sufi, and a Christian monk. They meet in the Syrian Desert and share their views and experiences on what it takes to have a union with God. The main premise that is presented and analyzed in the dialogue is that God reveals himself in nature, human civilization, and the human heart. Love is the beginning and end of the path that leads to the quest for God and the light that illumines this path. Living from the standpoint of the Divine is the basis of the good life. This book presents a vivid picture of the beauty and sublimity of the Divine, the joy of the religious experience, and the joy of life.


The current age marks the transition from modernity to postmodernity, a period as impactful to the Western sensibility as any previous era. The role of religion and the future of Christianity are at stake. At this time of transition, many thoughtful individuals find themselves at a quandary, having reached a «critical stage» in their spiritual journey. Prompted by academia, science, reason, culture, and their own experience, they feel compelled to choose between the beliefs they inherited as children and the claims of science, reason, pluralism, and secularism. Beyond Belief suggests that one need not take an either/or approach on these issues; there is a better way, one that embraces adventure and ambiguity, science and religion, reason and faith, evolution and creation, and finds ways to live creatively with realities for which there are no easy explanations.
Building on a paradigmatic journey of faith that involves three stages (precritical, critical, and postcritical understanding), Beyond Belief describes the quest for God and for authentic faith in the twenty-first century. The key point for this understanding is to replace belief with faith, acknowledging that belief in doctrines is not central, since they are themselves unprovable. This new theological perspective requires rethinking many of our cherished doctrines, including our understanding of God, Jesus, Scripture, prayer, miracles, and revelation.


It has been said that history teaches us that history teaches us nothing. However true this may be in general terms, the fact that we so frequently look to the past in an attempt to shape our future by applying its lessons in the present suggests we remain keen to learn. In the context of the subject of this book, though the stalwarts of the faith can serve as tremendous examples, it is to the lessons of Scripture that we must turn if we are to have a better idea of what the kingdom of God is, what that means for us as believers, and how we can be better equipped to extend its values in today's world. Thus, what we understand by the term «kingdom of God» will not only determine whether we believe ourselves to be its citizens, but also how we think we should conduct ourselves in the light of such knowledge. It is the contention of this book that the biblical concept of kingdom as the expression of God's rule requires greater clarity of presentation in order to prevent it from confusion and/or distortion amongst Christians.


The critique of Jacques Dupuis, SJ, by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the direction of Joseph Ratzinger was met by almost universal dismay by Christian theologians and participants in interfaith dialogue throughout the world. This book is comprised of both responses by Father Dupuis to the Vatican's criticisms (which he was forbidden to publish during his lifetime) and introductory and background material by his friend and editor Bill Burrows, who draws on their many conversations to draw out the deeper implications of Dupuis' work and the background to the Vatican investigations and criticisms. In addition to laying bare procedural problems in the CDF's process, Dupuis shows that both the Vatican document Dominus Iesus and the Notification about problems in his work rest on dangerous misunderstandings of Scripture and church teaching that reverse the gains in interfaith understanding and ecumenism that have occurred over the past fifty years.


The growing housing crisis cries out for solutions that work. As many as 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness each year, half of them women and children. One in four renters spends more than half of their income on rent and utilities (more than 30 percent is considered unaffordable). With record foreclosures and 28 percent of homes «underwater,» middle and low-income homeowners are suffering. Many congregations want to address this daunting problem yet feel powerless and uncertain about what to do. The good news is that churches are effectively addressing the housing crisis from Washington State to New York City–where an alliance of sixty churches has built five thousand homes for low-income homeowners, with virtually no government funding or foreclosures. This book not only presents solid theological thinking about housing, but also offers workable solutions to the current crisis: true stories by those who have made housing happen. Each story features a different Christian denomination, geographic area, and model: adaptive reuse, cohousing, cooperative housing, mixed-income, mixed-use, inclusionary zoning, second units, community land trusts, sweat equity, and more. Making Housing Happen is about vision and faith, relationships, and persistence. Its remarkable stories will inspire and challenge you to action. This new edition includes significant new material, especially in light of the ongoing mortgage crisis.


Sydney's evangelical Anglicans have been the focus of a great deal of controversy and criticism in the Anglican world. Their blend of conservatism towards doctrine and radicalism towards the institutional church has made them something of an enigma to other Anglicans. But what makes them really tick? Michael Jensen provides a unique insider's view into the convictional world of Sydney Anglicanism. He responds to a number of the common misunderstandings about Sydney Anglicanism and challenges Sydney Anglicans to see themselves as making a positive contribution to the wider church and to the city they inhabit.


In this practical book every occurrence of astheneia and its cognates in the Pauline Epistles is examined, both in its immediate context and in its relation to Pauline thought as a whole. The analysis begins, first, by examining both secular and Septuagintal Greek usages of astheneia as well as its usage in the non-Pauline New Testament writings. It then proceeds, secondly, by defining Paul's astheneia termini from letter to letter and context to context. All the passages in the Pauline literature where the words appear undergo a detailed exegetical examination. The Pauline weakness motif is then summarized, with the conclusion that the concept of weakness is foundational to Paul's anthropology, Christology, and ethics.