

Humans are happiest when they live virtuously. Building on the premise that the purpose of life is happiness conducive to the equitable flourishing of all humanity, Living Graciously on Planet Earth argues that the appropriate way to regard our abilities and moral opportunities is as gifts for the common good, to be used for the glory of God, guided by the biblical principles of stewardship and community. Utilizing a biblical approach and a Trinitarian perspective, while maintaining an appreciative eye to the contributions of the world's living religions, Dr. Vande Kappelle argues for a hierarchy of values necessary for gracious living in the twenty-first century.
Ancient wisdom claims there are seven primary virtues, four «natural»–prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance–and three «supernatural»–faith, hope, and love. As the natural virtues help us grow morally, the supernatural virtues are designed for transformation. Using insights from the Enneagram as well as from diverse scholars such as Karen Armstrong, Marcus Borg, James Fowler, Matthew Fox, C. S. Lewis, Robin W. Lovin, and Huston Smith, Living Graciously examines the seven virtues in biblical, social, and cosmic context. This book's uplifting message delivers the perfect antidote to the current social malaise, characterized by arrogance, suspicion, negligence, and consumption. In addition, this book addresses difficult questions such as «Do we live in a moral universe?»; «Is there a benevolent deity watching over us?»; «Is there a purpose to life on earth?»; and «Is there a summum bonum (a greatest good)»? The answers in this insightful presentation will challenge your thinking and energize your living.
Useful for individual or group use, each chapter contains aids to learning, including (a) a thesis statement indicating the central idea of the chapter, (b) a list of key biblical passages, (c) a chapter summary, and (d) questions for discussion and reflection.


Iron Sharpens Iron is grounded in the conviction that humans have the capacity to transcend conventional spirituality to a genuine and wholesome faith that is dynamic rather than static, future-oriented rather than past-oriented, and owned rather than passively acquired.
Classroom tested, this discussion guide is an ideal way for thoughtful Christians–in individual and group settings–to interact with timely topics. Like its companion text, Beyond Belief: Science, Faith, and the Value of Unknowing (2012), this guide is written for those who affirm the value of lifelong spiritual growth. Topics covered include the authority of scripture, the uniqueness of Christ, faith and reason, religion and science, biological evolution and morality, cosmological evolution and the nature of God, and the doctrines of salvation, resurrection, and the afterlife.
This guide encourages a high degree of interaction. The discussion questions are engaging and appeal to various levels of intellectual and spiritual awareness. Sessions follow a fourfold pattern: (a) «Getting Started» provides an overview of each session; (b) «Gaining Momentum» provides questions for discussion or further reflection; (c) «Going Deeper» encourages participants to acquire further perspective; and (d) «The Essentials» summarizes key points from each chapter of Beyond Belief.


When you think of God, what images come to mind? Do you see God in others? Do you acknowledge God's presence in each circumstance and situation of your everyday life, no matter how trivial? How you conceive God determines how you experience God. As contemporary author Frederick Buechner advises, «Listen to your life. Listen to what happens to you, because it is through what happens to you that God speaks.» While spiritual life of some kind is necessary for psychological health, psychotherapist Thomas Moore indicates in Care of the Soul that excessive or ungrounded spirituality can be dangerous, leading to compulsive and even violent behavior. It is better for religious seekers to embrace a religious practice that has been tested and refined over time than to experiment solo or by joining some exotic new sect. In this book, Dr. Vande Kappelle explores the richness of Catholic and Protestant spiritual traditions and the power of intuition and imagination to chart an approach to the sacred that is simple, practical, and effective. Holistic religion requires three elements in creative tension: a historical or institutional element, a mystical or emotional element, and an intellectual or scientific element. If you want to know what this means and how it is accomplished, read this book. Designed as a study guide for group or individual use, In the Potter's Workshop will challenge and inspire you to experience God in ways that are sustainable and transformative.


From time immemorial, in every age, a set of questions has persisted, perplexing human beings. Does God exist? Where did the universe come from? Is there any purpose to our lives? Why is there so much suffering? Do we live on after death? How can we find release from suffering and sadness? For what can we hope? These have been called life's «big questions»; they are the ones that never go away. It is the main business of religion to answer ultimate questions. To accomplish this task, every generation of believers benefits by reexamining its theology, thereby providing society with vision. A stagnant theology reflects a religion that is limited in usefulness and effectiveness. Refined by Fire is written for those who affirm the value of lifelong spiritual growth, realize the limits of logic, and embrace the paradoxes in life. This guide provides a mechanism for individuals and small groups to interact with timely theological topics such as the nature of God, Christ, Scripture, truth, faith, evil, sin, salvation, heaven, hell, creation and evolution, the role of the church, and the future of the human race. Each session (chapter) follows a threefold pattern: (a) «Getting Started» provides an initial assignment; (b) «Gaining Momentum,» the central part of the text, provides perspective; and (c) «Going Deeper» provides questions for discussion or further reflection.


Christianity is essentially a historical religion. It cannot be understood merely through a set of dogmas, a moral code, or a view of the universe. Through the stories of Israel, Jesus, and the developing church, Christianity acknowledges the revelation of God in action. Augustine, the great medieval theologian, envisioned human society as composed of two «cities,» distinguished by two loves: the love of God and the love of Self. He viewed these cities as universal in scope and operative throughout human history. This perspective raises questions about the church's nature, its role in society, and whether the church has lived up to its nature and destiny as God's new creation. The New Creation defines the church as «the people of God,» related but not equivalent to Israel or the institutional church. This text provides a clear and concise survey of the church as God's instrument for the providential care of the earth and its human family. The story of the church begins with Abraham in the second millennium BCE, long before Jesus or the birth of Christianity, and it proceeds through three epochs: 1.Formation (c. 1850-4 BCE), 2.Transformation (4 BCE-1500 CE), and 3.Reformation (1500 CE-present). Ideal for individual or group study, The New Creation divides church history into nine units, each discussed as a phase in the church's organic growth and development. In addition to the narrative, each chapter includes three features for that epoch of church history: 1) a significant event, 2) a turning point or decisive moment, and 3) study questions.


There is no more important topic for inquiry today than the meaning and message of Jesus, for in this quest lies the solution to human discontent and despair. Examining an array of titles for Jesus found in the New Testament, expressions ranging from rabbi and messiah to Wisdom of God, Word of God, and Lord, this study explores why Christology is not simply the study of Jesus Christ but also of the highest and best in us all.
Who is Jesus Christ, and what is his significance for today? Was he fully human, the perfect human, God in disguise, or somehow all of these simultaneously? The key is to begin where the first Christians began, with their experience of Jesus, and then to press forward with the development of that understanding in our experience of Christ.
While The Scandal of Divine Love is designed for Christian believers (survivors), it embraces skeptics and seekers alike, mindful that within each of us are multiple voices, sometimes affirming, sometimes questioning, occasionally even denying. Whether you consider yourself primarily as skeptic, seeker, or believer, this study encourages you to listen, appreciate, and cultivate each voice. This volume, ideal for individual and group study, will help you discover anew the magnificence of the life and person known to us as Jesus of Nazareth, as guide, exemplar, and Lord.


At the heart of Christianity and at the center of the New Testament lies the epistle to the Romans, the most groundbreaking letter ever written. The author is Paul, an early convert from Judaism and the greatest early figure in the development and spread of Christianity. Romans contains his most cogent and compelling presentation of Christian faith and practice. The author takes logic and argument, poetry and imagination, scripture and prayer, history and experience, and weaves them into a letter that has become the premier document of Christian theology. The importance of Romans for Christian tradition is incalculable. Each generation of believers has found inspiration, relevance, and transforming power in this letter. To read Romans is to confront one's faith at its source.
In Romans, Paul deals with problems as contemporary as today's headlines: divisions and sectarianism in society; fixation with violence; discrimination, prejudice, and inequality; social injustice; the destiny of the Jewish people; the role of the individual in the total sweep of history; the responsibilities of citizens to their government; and the morality of actions in which adults engage, sexual and otherwise.
Grace is pervasive in Romans, present in every theme. As expected, it is evident in Christ's life and death, in God's righteousness (God's faithfulness and righteous justice), in justification, predestination, election, and saving faith; but grace is also present in Mosaic law and perhaps most surprisingly, in God's judgment and wrath. If grace can be said to underlie the Christian gospel and to embody the biblical portrayal of God's identity and activity, what does the word «grace» mean, and what is its transformative power? The answers are explored in Grace Revealed.


Securing Life represents a novel yet timely approach to reading and understanding the Bible. While reverence for the Bible and respect for its authority remain high in our society, biblical illiteracy, misinterpretation, and selective reading place us at risk. The Bible seems to have a conserving effect on conservative readers, a moderating effect on moderate readers, and a liberating effect on liberal readers. Do biblical texts contain conserving and liberating messages simultaneously? Should biblical texts be limited to specific meaning and perspective, acceptable by all, or do they contain multiple levels of meaning? While this book addresses these questions, it does not approach the Bible as an answer book but rather as a collection of books, multifaceted in nature, its enduring purpose being to provide us with perspective for living faithfully and fully through the stages and seasons of our lives, in harmony with God, nature, others, and self.
Rather than starting chronologically with creation, followed by accounts of the patriarchs, the exodus, the conquest, and the monarchy, this book follows a compositional approach used by the Yahwist, an unknown author in Judea who composed Israel's first religious epic. Like the Yahwist, this book moves backward from Covenant through Community to Creation, but because it includes the New Testament, it moves forward to New Covenant, through New Community, to New Creation. A chapter is devoted to each topic. These motifs are preceded by five preparatory chapters–three dealing with introductory matters, one with biblical theology (the doctrine of God), and one with biblical anthropology (the doctrines of sin and salvation).
Utilizing the contributions of three disciplines (biblical introduction, biblical theology, and biblical interpretation), Dr. Vande Kappelle demonstrates that the Bible, like religion in general, has both a conserving and liberating effect, providing perspective for formation and for transformation.


In this third volume of his «Adventures in Spirituality» trilogy, Dr. Robert Vande Kappelle travels from Amsterdam to Cairo in search of his cultural and spiritual roots, inviting readers to join him in exploring fabled places across the Mediterranean World. Despite the grave problems centered in this region, it is the birthplace of Western civilization and the source of the world's three guiding religions. Readers unfamiliar with the emergence and development of Western civilization will find Into Thin Places a compelling introduction; others will discover here a new perspective.
Affirming the human quest for adventure, meaning, and wholeness, Professor Vande Kappelle beckons adventurers to enjoy the wonderful experiences described in the book's «travel entries.» Those seeking historical and cultural perspective will want to examine the numerous «explanatory entries» scattered throughout the narrative. These vignettes expand and deepen the storyline, piquing curiosity about seminal events, persons, and places that helped shape Western sensibility.
As Dr. Vande Kappelle points out in his closing chapter, our world is in a state of crisis, precipitated by numerous factors but primarily by the loss of the sacred. «Whether the current crisis is curable is debatable, but it will clearly require massive cultural reorientation. More importantly, it will require a transformation of the human spirit and a commitment of will.» Into Thin Places encourages readers to find «thin places»–places transparent to the divine–in their own transformative journeys of discovery.