
Billy has always lives a hard life with her mother. She has been doing chores and errands since she was seven, because she wants to help her mother. She goes to school and waters her neighbor's small urban garden for a few dollars when she goes home. Billy doesn't have friends because she is just too busy to have fun. She is afraid that if she does have friends, they will just hate her for always leaving them to do chores or errands. One day, as she was watering her neighbor's plants, a small creature jumps inside her pocket. When Billy sees the little creature, she takes care of it. The creature becomes a monster that lives inside her closet.


A study guide is an invaluable tool for any student, but this is particularly true of advanced anatomy classes. Anatomy classes require the memorization of potentially hundreds of terms, definitions and body parts for a single test, which can be quite a difficult task. The use of a study guide enables a student to compile all needed information into a single, easily read paper. Also, the act of writing down information has been shown to aid in memorization. While it is certainly possible to study for a test without a written study guide on hand, the use of a study guide will help a student focus and make connections that they might otherwise miss.


Allie Elephant is a happy three-year-old elephant. She is happy being an only child and feels sorry for all her animal friends who have brothers and sisters. She spends a lot of time with her friends, Lana Lion and Kingsly Monkey. Allie thinks they have it bad because they have to share their parents with other brothers and sisters. Lana even has 5 siblings and Allie cannot understand why Lana has to often help her parents with house chores. A lot of excitement builds up surrounding her beloved mother, who has to go away for a while. Allie wonders what is happening. With big fanfare, her mother returns complete with Edgar, Allie's new baby brother. Allie then has to overcome her disappointment and comes to love her new baby brother.


An accounting study guide with questions, and answers is a helpful tool for anyone that is taking an an accounting class. An accounting course book covers topics extensively. With the study guide the person can take the quizzes, and check their answers. The study guide shows which answer is correct. Some study guide books will explain why the other answers is close, but not correct. Once the person takes the quiz on a specific topic. They will find out where their weakness is, and what areas they have to study. The book will help them prepare for class exams, and any professional exams they may take.


A pamphlet about Mandarin grammar can be a great benefit to a student that is currently learning Chinese. There are many components to learning the Chinese language that an English speaking student may find challenging. Mandarin grammar is one aspect of truly knowing the Chinese language, and a pamphlet can provide the most pertinent information in one source. A pamphlet is something that can be used in and outside of class to ensure that you are fully understanding the concepts.


A small pamphlet about corporate law can greatly help a law student understand what corporate law is. This is because a small pamphlet will contain information such as the definition of corporate law, how it is practiced, and some of the key points of corporate law. A pamphlet can help a law student understand the basics, which means that they will not give a more complex answer when they are asked a basic question while taking law tests and essays.


Algebraic equations are a great tool for rationalizing almost any relationship in the real and unreal worlds. The incorporation of algebra allows anyone to relate any one thing to another using a defined and constant standard. Any question about the value of an object or idea can be assigned a variable title. This variable is inserted into a directed algebraic equation with the goal of ascertaining certain values. With algebraic equations, it is possible to compare «oranges to apples» as long as certain constant properties are defined. If "X" is the universe, Algebra can help anyone compare the universe to an infinite pool of values with any number of goals in mind.


Whether it is a colostomy urostomy or ileostomy, a pamphlet on how to care for an ostomy is very beneficial to a person with the ostomy as well as their loved ones. There are several pamphlets available online, a stoma nurse or doctor for those who are new to their stoma and its care. These pamphlets cover areas such as activities, body image, diet and nutrition, work issues, and intimate relationships. Other pamphlets on ostomy care include instructions on how to change the appliance, how often to change it and what to do when the ostomate experiences a leak in their appliance.


When it comes to cigars, most people would agree, quality is everything. But often it is hard to pick the gold from the sand, as it were. Finding good quality cigars at reasonable prices is not always easy, indeed it is invariably hard. This is where a cigar guide can come in quite handy as not many people you are likely to meet will have a encyclopedic knowledge of rare and imported quality cigars on mind at all times and places. The very best quality cigars will feature key ingrediants, be hand rolled and matured for the best possible flavor. A cigar guide will clearly lay all of this out, which cigars are hand rolled, which are not, which are aged which are not, which are Cubans which are Dominican, and so on. All in all it's the best place to start.


Superfoods are foods that have no nutritional downsides, one's that are typically packed with nutrients and vitamins. They are so healthy in fact that people began to nickname them super foods, hence the title they now go under in a more serious capacity. Superfoods are also, generally speaking, green and one hundred percent organic, so there is no chemical meddling or additives like corn gluten, too much sugar or salt, with which many foods in the grocery store are saturated. A boxed set of superfoods with a informational guide or a simply a superfoods guide will go a long way in helping you to understand what portions to take at what times of the day. Not only that but also what superfoods are best for you and which you will be able to easily incorporate into your healthier diet moving forward.