
This year he plans on popping the giant red, white and blue balloon near the fireworks stand. This balloon is different because it has lots of smaller balloons inside, but what Henry does not know is that the smaller balloons are filled with water. What will happen when he pops the largest balloon? Pippi, the black and white poodle who lives with the owner of the fireworks stand knows about the water balloons. Will he warn Henry or will he let him find out for himself about the water balloons? Clive, the big orange cat who lives next door to Henry also loves to pop balloons. What happens when the two friends join forces to pop the big balloon? Will the water balloons pop and get both of the pranksters wet?


Grump Goldfish is Andy's fish, but Andy is going away for the summer and has no one to take care of Grump. He searches for someone to help but can't find anyone. Andy is worried what will happen to Grump if he can't find a home for her. Grump is scared to go anywhere else but in the fish bowl in Andy's room. Andy explains to Grump that he is going to find a better home for her. He discovers a small pool in the Little Creek behind his house. The guppies and tadpoles in the little pool invite him to bring Grump there for a swim to see if she would like to stay there. After a good talk Grump agrees to take a swim in the little pool by the creek. She ends up loving her new home and makes friends with the guppies and tadpoles.


Gregory Goat is very inquisitive and mischievous. He finds a loose board in the fence and pushes. What happens when the board comes loose and all the animals get out? Gregory runs across the yard and flowerbeds, his horns catching on the suspenders. What will they catch on next? What happens when the other animals try and stop him and get tangled up in the suspenders which stretch out longer and longer? Will they snap? What will the farmer and his wife do?


Frankie Rabbit has played on the playground nearly every day this summer. He is tired of playing on the same old equipment. He decides to go find out what is happening on the mini golf course nearby. When the golf balls come at him, he dives into one of the buildings to hide. Has he discovered a new wonderful place to play? What happens when he tries to climb up the windmill? Will they see him and chase him away? Can he make it back to tell his friends without getting caught by humans? Will his friends decide to join him the next time he goes to the mini golf course?


Francine is a small coral crab who lives in the reef and helps to protect it-or at least he will when he gets bigger. He is playing along the reef one day when he sees two eyes peeking at him from underneath a rock. As he gets slowly closer a small octopus creeps out from underneath the stone. Francine has never seen an octopus before so he screams and runs home to tell his mom he saw a monster. When he comes back with his mom the octopus is gone. When he is alone again the octopus comes back and tries to talk to him and be friends, but Francine is still afraid because the octopus looks different. The octopus sadly swims away. One day when Francine is playing with his friend Barnie, he accidentally goes too far out and gets caught in a current that quickly sweeps him out toward deeper water. Frantically he yells for help, but Barnie can't reach him. Out of nowhere, the octopus appears again and helps him back to safety. They begin to talk and Francine discovers that they are the same age and have a lot of things in common. He also finds out that just because someone looks different they aren't necessarily scary.


Denise Dalmatian is a puppy who has just come home from the animal shelter. She is full of energy and plans of exploring every inch of the new home. She loves her new owner and just has to investigate everything from the garbage can to the toilet paper roll. As she goes from room to room she makes a mess, not intentionally but that is what puppies do. The large Persian cat who lives in the same house is very upset at the new interloper. Will they become friends or will Dumplingthe Persian make things worse? What will her owner say? Is she going to be sent back to the animal shelter?


Cobber Crow, a black crow who loves to collect shiny object like keys, coins and marbles. Her marble collection is her favorite and she is always hunting for different marbles to add to it. Her best friend Sparkles Cat, lives with a human girl named Becky, who also loves to collect and play with marbles. When Becky loses one of her favorite marbles with a gold star shape inside, will Cobber be able to help her find it? When she sees the marble Cobber hides it under some litter, not knowing Sparkles sees her hide it. Or will Cobber decide to keep it for herself? What happens when Sparkles finds out that she knows where the missing marble is?


Every year, the Lily Pad Jumping Contest is held and Bernard Frog has won for the past two years. The water of the pond is deep and cold, with the lily pads providing safe places to land and jump. Deep in the pond lives a very large catfish who loves to dine on frogs. The two main jumpers in the contest, Bernard Frog and Tobias Toad are good friends but this contest threatens to override that friendship because both contestants are determined to win. The winner of the contest gets to eat a fresh fly pie with their most fantastic fan. With the whole of Frogtown looking on and cheering, who will the fantastic fan end up having pie with? Will the catfish stay deep in the water or will he come looking for his own frog and toad dinner? Who is the fantastic fan? When Old Linesnapper Catfish decides to cut down the lily pads in front of Tobias and Bernard in the middle of the lake what will happen?


Texas Instruments has upgraded it's TI-83 calculator to meet the needs of the ever changing high school curriculum. With it's high resolution screen and app capability, the TI-84 Plus offers the user a variety of upgrades to make the calculating experience more practical, more readable, and overall more enjoyable. This calculator has all of the familiar functions of the TI-83 model, but allows the user more memory and cleaner graphs. In addition, the TI-84 Plus has the capability to be connected to other calculators, computers, or to be projected onto a screen for presentations. Overall, this powerful calculator is an essential tool for high school math class.


Pleep, Meep and Bill are squirrels. They live in the great big woods in Maine. They live in a cozy birdhouse long ago hung in a tall tree and forgotten. Their parents live with them. Mother squirrel has explained to them that she is going to give them all a new brother or sister. They aren't quite sure that they want a new family member, and besides, the small birdhouse just isn't going to be a good fit any more. Meep decides the best thing to do might be to explore among the maple groves where there are many tall trees that grow. Some of them have cozy large holes at the base of them that would be suitable for a bigger squirrel family. The three have been told many times that this time of year, the maple sap is flowing from the trees and large buckets are hung to catch it. They are never to venture near that area because people visit here. The buckets hung from the trees could trap them if they fall into one and they might be carried off like their uncle Ned once was. The three devise a plan to get out of their small house while no one is looking and go to find their new and larger home. Mother is busy and father is off in the forest gathering food, so the three slip away and begin to seek out a bigger home. Meep, the youngest, scampers up the tree onto the edge of one of the buckets and plop, falls straight into it. How is she going to get out before the bucket fills with the sticky sweet sap?