
Kyle the hermit crab loves his shells. It is nearly time for him to find a new shell because the one he is currently using is becoming very hard to get in and out of. Several shells of various sizes are on the beach, some shiny and others dull. He spends a long time thinking about and trying on several shells. Seagulls love to feast on crabs and other small sea creatures, and one has been watching this area of the beach for a while, deciding on which hermit crab to have for lunch. Will Kylie find a new shell before the seagull finds him? Are there other dangers waiting on the beach or in the water? The tide brings the kelp into the beach and also floats it out again? Will he remember this in time?


Jeremy is a giraffe and all the other animals make fun of his long neck and legs. They tease him because he looks funny when he gets a drink from the river and when he tries to lie down. He feels like an outsider because no one wants to play with him because he looks funny. He does have two best friends who don't care what the other animals say and they stick by him no matter what, but Jeremy wishes that he could be any animal other than a giraffe. One day when a pride of hyenas are trying to sneak up on the herd, Jeremy is the only one who can see them over the tall grass. When he warns everyone of the danger and they escape, the other animals realize that it isn't nice to tease someone just because they look different and Jeremy learns that no matter what, we all have our own special talent and it's always better to just be yourself.


There is no doubt about the fact that our daily lives consistently revolve around mathematics. Whether one knows it or not, just about everything that is seen and felt throughout the day involves some kind of math. The study of geometry can give students a better understanding of how buildings, furniture, vehicles, and other infrastructural models are designed and built. Everything that is created and built around us has involved some kind of geometry. A geometric formulas study guide can help students to not only understand the formulas, but also to retain them within their memories to make solving problems and understanding a much easier task.


Davy is a duckling who is afraid of water. Davy's friend Cindy is a fun fluffy chicken and takes Davy into a trip. Does the trip helps Davy learn to swim or will he be more afraid of the water?


Albert shares his safari adventure in the savannah. He shows different animals he encountered in the wild. Along sharing Albert likes to ask trivia. Come along and see his safari adventure!


Kyla went with her parents to their farm. She went strolling from the barn through the fields to the stream. Along her little adventure she meet the cute colorful animals that lives in the farm and along the stream.Join her colorful adventure!


Learning a colorful way with ABCs. Filled with Fun facts of different cute animals.


Henry had been gifted, he started playing the classical piano by four and at seven he is already a skilled player. But the thing is he is afraid to play infront of audience. Henry was recommended by his teacher to play on the school talent show. Would he be able to play the piano infront of the audience. Check out if he will back out or will Henry have a good performance?


In the land of Nictinus, everybody has a purpose. Fish swim, birds fly, and horses run. One day, a horse named Helia gives birth Pega, Pega is a very adorable black pony, born with short legs. As Pega grows up, his legs were not long enough for him to run as fast as the rest of the herd. He usually trots behind everybody else. Helia notices this and comforts her son. She prays to Zeus and talks to him. She wonders what the god can do to help her son become greater than he is. Zeus tells Helia to be patient because soon, Pega's purpose will be revealed. Years pass by and Pega's legs grow longer but thinner than the normal legs of a stallion. He just grazes alongside Helia and stays away from the horses his age. He just doesn't want to be made fun of all the time. Suddenly, a huge fire was started by a few young stallions in the forest. They cornered a phoenix, which set a few dried leaves into flames. There was a fawn trapped in the forest, unable to escape the flames. Pega is the only one near enough to rescue the fawn. He tries his best to trot to the fawn. What will happen to Pega as he jumps over the burning log to rescue the fawn? Will he be able to be greater than he is on thin, weak legs?


Tammy Peterson was just 5 years old but was pretty smart for her age. She had been watching her mom and knew something was different. Her mom's tummy had been getting bigger and bigger for a long time. Finally, she asked what was happening. Was she getting sick or was she just getting fat? Her mom just smiled and said «You will soon find out.» Tammy tried to understand what that meant but couldn't figure it out. One day, her mom and dad came in her room and sat down by her just after she woke up. They told her that she would soon have a surprise but wouldn't tell her exactly what it was, only that she would love it. Well, Tammy always wanted a kitten so she decided that must be what the surprise was. She spent her days trying to think of a good name for the kitten and where to put its food and water bowls. She forgot all about her mom's big tummy. One morning, she woke up to find her aunt in the kitchen making breakfast. Her aunt told her that her mom and dad went to get the surprise while she slept and would be home that night with it. Tammy was so happy! All day, she kept looking out the window to see if her parents had come home yet. Finally, her mom and dad came in while Tammy was eating a cupcake after supper. Tammy jumped up and ran to her mom and dad shouting «Oh, let me see my kitten!» What will Tammy think of the new little sister they brought home instead? What do Mr. and Mrs. Peterson think when they realize Tammy thought they were bringing home a kitten?