
Chemistry classes can be some of the most difficult classes for students. There are many formulas, numbers and calculations to be done and memorized. Students are responsible for many tasks during the school year. Studying the periodic table of the elements of chemistry and physics can be overwhelming. A periodic table study guide can help students remember the chemical numbers and atomic weights of elements. It can be viewed at any time the student has idle time. They can refer to eat while waiting in a line or when commuting on mass transportation. The guide is essentially a life saver.


Pathology is the study of infectious diseases, their origins and possible cures. A study guide on pathology would be helpful to anyone studying this subject or simply looking to learn more about diseases and pathology. The study guide would give simple explanations of the many different types of pathology such as cytopathalogy, dermatopathology, and forensic pathology. Pathology as a career is connected to bio medical science and would give advice and information on how to enter one of these fields and become a pathologist.


Students of organic chemistry are expected to consume much information in a relatively short period of time. Most have had no clue to the expanse of knowledge that organic chemistry explores. Students are required to memorize elements and molecules that are commonly used in organic chemistry. Additionally, they are required to memorize formulas and chemical reactions, which is clearly the most difficult part of the course. Having an organic chemistry reaction study guide can help the student by supplying a quick reference to the most commonly used reactions. The guide can be reviewed when the student has some down time.


Nursing, premed, and pharmacology students are required to learn and memorize thousands of facts, functions and formulas. The sheer amount of information can be quite overwhelming even for the best students. Finding mnemonics or other ways to assist in memorization can be a life saver when the comes to recall these facts. Many students have handwritten notes or booklets with needed information to refer to in their pockets. Study guides are paramount. A nervous system study guide can help the student when on a neurology rotation to quickly remind them of nervous system anatomy, physiology and certain facts and formulas.


A Microbiology study guide is a learning resource that is recommended to be used in a microbiology course. The study guide is used in correspondence with the course textbook, the material matching what is found in the textbook and in the course. Microbiology study guide includes important definitions, flash cards, study games, and diagrams to help learn the material in your course. The study guide can contribute to your success in microbiology by focusing on the important material you need to know to learn the material and to pass the exams. The study guide can help to boost your grade to the next level.


If you're pursuing an exciting career in the medical field, you'll need to be fluent in medical terminology. It's the universal means of communicating for all medical professionals. It's a language unto itself. When you're sitting in the medical terminology class, the professor will skim over the terms for a given medical specialty. It's not likely your mind will grasp the terms immediately. Learning medical terminology involves memorization. Whereas learning other subjects can include association and hands-on techniques, learning medical terminology requires word repetition. You need to see, hear, and write the terms over and over. It's not very exciting for a field that's so fulfilling. This is where using a medical terminology guide can help. Diagrams of human anatomy give you a visual point of reference for the words. Information is presented in a user-friendly style. A variety of question formats makes self-review interesting. You have true-and-false, matching, and multiple choice. The questions help you use the words in context, which is what you'll be doing on your job. The geniuses behind a medical terminology guide know how to make learning fun. Online guides are especially engaging because they often include games. Some of them give you audio feedback, e.g., the program says «Great!» when you select the correct answer. Using a study guide can help you truly enjoy learning medical terminology. You'll come away from your study sessions feeling upbeat and confident. And once you've mastered medical terminology, you're on your way to a successful career!


Whether you are a nursing student or pre-med, there are many things that you will need to know. All the information you are required to learn can seem utterly overwhelming. Anatomy and physiology of the body systems, pharmacology, and biochemistry are just some of the classes you will be required to take. These courses and managing time will all but consume you. In most cases, there is no getting around the need for memorization. When studying the lymphatic system and all its vessels and cellular functions, it would be essential to have a study guide for quick and easy reminders.


Lizzie just moved from a Florida and she has never experienced snow fall. Her parents decided to move to Colorado, she is so excited and expecting she'd see snow when they transfer to Colorado. Would she be able to see snow when they arrive?


Liza is as excited as she can possibly be. Her aunt Lowell is getting married and Liza is going to be a flower girl. She is four years old and « a very big girl now.» as Aunt Lowell tells her. Aunt Lowell is marrying her long time boyfriend, a man that Liza just loves and she can't wait to be in the wedding with her mother, Susen, who is a bridesmaid. She is very proud of her new white leather shoes. They look just like ballet slippers and the dress that Aunt Lowell bought her is light purple, her very favorite color. Her cousin Elly is going to be the ring bearer. She gets more and more excited until the evening of wedding practice. When the organ begins to play, her feet will just not move. They seem just stuck in place. Her aunt Lowell looks sad and her mother's lips got that firm set that they got just before she asks her if she is going to be ill. Liza wants to walk down that aisle to make Aunt Lowell proud but her legs feel like rubber. Aunt Lowell steps up to Lowell and asks her softly if she can speak to her. Liza nodded yes. When she returns, she has a secret smile and her legs are no longer feeling weak. What did Aunt Lowell say to her that helped her to be able to walk down the aisle and not be afraid?


Lyle is a baby toad who is just learning how to hop. She is not as fast and agile as her siblings, who are hopping from lily pad to lily pad with no trouble. Lyle climbs out of Old Thompson Pond and befriends a lizard name Zeb. Zeb takes her on an adventure through the grasslands around the pond's shores. She meets Snaps the Turtle, Drake the Duck, and Sam the Snake. During the adventure, she must climb over rocks and across mud puddles, and must keep up or get left behind. During the process of her adventures, she learns how to leap from rock to rock. When she finally returns to Old Thompson Pond, she surprises her siblings by leaping from lily pad to lily pad back to her home.