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the Father to share our afflictions, 3:6.6 (53.4)transience of natural life as to, vs. its continuity as a phenomenon, 101:2.9 (1106.8)of the whole, the means of connection of individuals in a cosmic system, 112:1.17 (1227.7)Individualization(s)of Adjusters, 34:5.6 (379.6), 107:1.4 (1177.5), 107:7.1 (1183.3)of Deity, 10:4.2 (112.5)of electrons in degrees according to energy zone, 42:7.9 (478.3)of energy systems on morontia worlds, 48:2.15 (543.9)of Inspired Trinity Spirits, 19:5.3 (219.4)of local universe Divine Ministers, 17:8.8 (206.3), 34:0.1 (374.1)of morontia forms, 42:12.11 (483.11)of the spirit of the Creator Sons, 107:1.7 (1178.1)of the local universe Mother Spirit, 37:5.2 (410.5), 40:9.3 (450.5), 107:2.3 (1178.4)of the Third Source and Center, 40:9.1 (450.3), 49:6.6 (569.1)Individuation(s)of Adjusters, 107:2.1 (1178.2)of fragments of premind spirit by the Infinite Spirit, 107:1.7 (1178.1)of original Deity, unrevealed orders of, 107:5.4 (1181.7)of personal beings within the cosmos, 112:5.1 (1232.2)of space potency into forms of cosmic force, 11:8.5 (126.1)Indivisibilityof Deity, character of, 56:5.1 (640.5)and the existence of the Trinity, 1:7.8 (31.8), 104:3.15 (1147.7)of the Paradise Trinity, 104:2.3 (1145.4)of personality, and bestowal of God’s spirit, 1:7.6 (31.6)Indolenceanimal, a problem cited by a guardian seraphim, 111:7.5 (1223.7)and the demand for others to supply wants, 70:9.16 (794.11)an evidence of moral immaturity, 160:1.6 (1773.3)moral, not fostered by real religion, 103:5.7 (1134.5)a peril of budding industry, 70:2.15 (786.6)spiritual, parable of the talents a warning against, 176:3.7 (1917.3)Indonesianpeoples, members of the Mongoloid class, 81:4.12 (905.3)Indraidentity of, 94:1.3 (1027.4), 94:4.6 (1031.7)IndusAndite civilization along the, (878.4) 79:1.3, 79:1.3 (878.4), 79:1.3 (880.2)delta, time of formation of, 79:2.1 (879.7)extent of Greek empire to the, 195:1.7 (2071.7)river valley, location of one of the Dravidian centers of culture, 79:3.6 (881.6)Industrialcourts in the continental nation, 72:5.3 (813.4), 72:8.3 (816.8)developments of the Garden, results of, 51:6.1 (586.5)era, hope of survival of an, 68:5.13 (769.5)fairness, Jesus’ recognition of the need for, 140:8.15 (1581.2)misunderstandings, adjustment of, in the continental nation, 72:5.3 (813.4)organization in the continental nation, 72:5.0 (813.2–814.2)policies, of Western civilization, Christianity’s need to cease to sponsor the, 195:10.21 (2086.7)progression, Adam’s and Eve’s influence on, 81:5.1 (905.6)schools of Fad, 66:7.6 (751.1)system, nonidentification of Jesus’ teachings with any, 140:8.10 (1580.5)IndustrialismAmerican, and the revolt of secularism, 195:8.7 (2081.7)social possibilities of, 70:2.18 (786.9)weakness of, 68:5.11 (769.3)Industrializedraces, woman’s status among, 84:5.9 (937.6)Industriousman’s need to be, for effective praying, 91:9.3 (1002.8)Industryassumption of certain early war functions by, 70:2.9 (785.14)attitude of, toward health in the continental nation, 72:7.2 (815.2)competition in, effects of, 71:5.1 (805.1)dawn of, (773.2–8) 69:2.0, 69:2.0 (773.2–8), 69:2.0 (783.1)objects of, on worlds of light and life, 55:5.3 (629.12)an outcome of man’s social evolution, 86:7.5 (957.1)perils of, 70:2.11 (786.2)primitive communism’s stifling of, 69:9.2 (780.5)a source of modern leaders, 70:2.21 (786.12)specialists in, early, 69:3.9 (774.8)without morality, society’s tolerance of, 195:10.20 (2086.6)and woman’s social and economic emancipation, 84:5.8 (937.5)IndwellingAdjuster(s), Buddhism’s teaching pertaining to, 94:11.5 (1039.4)prayer’s need to recognize the, 91:3.7 (997.5)of believers by spirits of the Father and Son, 180:4.3 (1948.4), 182:1.6 (1964.3)divine presence, a function of the, 3:1.5 (45.3), 100:2.3 (1095.7), 146:2.17 (1641.1), 146:3.6 (1642.2), 149:6.9 (1676.3), 196:3.1 (2093.6), 196:3.17 (2095.1)fragment(s) of the Father, fraternization of with the spirit of the Son, 179:5.6 (1942.5)of God, Thought Adjusters are, 3:1.9 (46.1), 34:5.6 (379.6), 56:3.2 (639.2)of God, and being born of the Spirit, 34:6.7 (381.1)interpreter and unifier, the spirit-value sorter, 196:3.17 (2095.1)of man by the Father, significance of, 54:2.2 (614.7), 142:6.7 (1602.6)spirit, communion with the, by Urantia mortals, 5:1.5 (63.3), 146:2.17 (1641.1), 150:3.7 (1681.2)destiny of, on mortal death, 1:4.3 (26.5)father of a new reality, 0:5.10 (8.10)the Father’s, destiny of those who yield to the teaching of, 153:2.11 (1711.3)how to allow, to speak to the listening soul, 146:2.17 (1641.1)and a human’s true worship, 142:3.8 (1598.9)leadings of, vs. strong impressions, 159:3.6 (1766.2)and material mind, a function of, 132:3.4 (1459.4)pilot, loss of, in spiritual cessation of existence, 130:4.8 (1434.7)progressive identification with, cause and result, 130:2.9 (1431.4)recognition of, by faith, the only requirement for salvation, 150:5.2 (1682.4)the standard of personality survival, 132:2.2 (1457.5)the true residence of God-consciousness, 196:3.23 (2095.7)unerring guidance of the, 2:5.5 (39.4)water of life a gift of the, 143:5.10 (1614.4)Inequalitybetween men and women as producers, historic existence of, 84:3.7 (934.6)of men, inherent, demonstration of, 70:9.17 (794.12)mental and physical, and the development of social classes, 70:8.1 (792.5)social, disappearance of, from advanced planets, 55:5.2 (629.11)a necessity for the development of altruism, 3:5.7 (51.6)Inertiaof animal legacy, results of mortal mind breaking through, 113:1.8 (1242.3)of the bad, a problem cited by a guardian seraphim, 111:7.5 (1223.7)brought on by priesthood, effect of, on India, 94:2.2 (1028.5)deliverance from, cited in a model prayer, 144:5.19 (1622.17)evil, dead level of, a result of sin, 182:1.8 (1965.2)intellectual, the driving of humanity from its natural state of, 92:3.9 (1006.6)of intellectual doubting, man’s technique of triumph over, 181:2.26 (1961.5)material, ascenders’ struggle to break free of, 48:6.35 (555.3)a brake preventing overfast human cultural progress, 118:8.6 (1302.3)overcoming of, a requirement of space traversers departing material spheres, 29:4.1 (324.3)of primitive man, the biologic safety brake, 68:4.5 (767.5)psychologic, of evolving animal minds, consequences of, 86:0.2 (950.2)-resistance of sovereignty levels, a factor inhibiting forward evolution, 134:5.8 (1488.6)traditionalistic, fatal effect of, on the destiny of the Jewish religion, 121:7.5 (1340.3)universe stability not the result of, 12:6.1 (135.11)of the whole, a possible determiner of progress of the part, 12:7.11 (138.6)Inevitability(ies)absolute, the Paradise Trinity as the, (185.1) 16:1.1, 16:1.1 (1266.6), 16:1.1 (185.1)of Absolute interassociation as source of triunity relationships, 105:4.7 (1157.8)attribution of, to free will of First Source, 105:5.4 (1158.4)of the Conjoint Actor, 10:2.3 (110.1)contained in the Trinity of Trinities, 106:8.2 (1170.5)of creature life, 3:5.5 (51.4)divine, the experiential Deities as, 0:12.4 (16.1)evolutionary, the Supreme as, 115:7.5 (1266.6)of expression of the will of God, Lao’s understanding of, 94:6.6 (1034.1)man’s realization of the end of life as an, 86:3.1 (952.3)the one and only inescapable, the Paradise Trinity as, 10:0.3 (108.3)physical death not a mortal, 55:2.1 (623.1)subabsolute, Seven Master Spirits as, 16:1.1 (185.1)Trinity, the Seven Master Spirits as, 115:7.5 (1266.6)Infallibilitythe creature’s craving for, and Creator’s possession of, 159:4.8 (1768.4)of God, 108:0.2 (1185.2)of Scriptural teachings, erroneous idea of the, 97:7.3 (1068.3), 159:4.6 (1768.2)spiritual, no place for assertions of, in the brotherhood of Jesus, 195:10.14 (2085.6)Infancylength of, and strength of mother love, 84:1.6 (932.3)mortal, Urantia a sphere of, 39:4.13 (435.6)Infanthelpless, Michael’s plan to appear on earth as a, 119:7.3 (1316.6)mortality, high rate of, in early days, 83:5.14 (926.12)reduction of, by cooking, as taught by Lut’s council, 66:5.18 (747.8)through use of cow’s milk, 84:3.9 (934.8)-receiving schools, of Satania, location, 47:2.1 (531.5)-training schools, corruption of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.9 (608.5)Infanticideand abortion, extermination of primitive clans by, 68:6.9 (770.6)Infectionbelief regarding cure of, with charms, 90:4.5 (991.4)spirits’ responsibility for, 90:3.5 (989.7)Inferiordependence of, on the superior, 70:9.16 (794.11)environment, effect of, on Abel’s ideal heredity, 76:2.6 (848.6)mortals, desirable attitudes toward, 52:2.12 (592.5)vulnerability of, to influence of rebel midwayers prior to Pentecost, 77:7.5 (863.6)procreation of, with the superior, and consequences for civilization, 64:1.8 (719.3)stocks, elimination of, time of, 51:4.8 (585.4), 80:5.5 (893.7)predominance of, and outlook for preservation of culture, 79:2.7 (880.5)strains, nonamalgamation of Adamic progeny with, 52:3.5 (593.4)overload of, the only valid objection to race mixing, 82:6.7 (920.5), 82:6.11 (921.1)selective removal of, the method of biologic renovation of racial stocks, 70:8.15 (793.7)Infinitethe ability of the, to make itself manifest to the finite, 115:4.4 (1264.3)beings, Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme not, 55:12.4 (636.5)Capacity, I AM static-reactive, 105:2.10 (1155.3)coexistence of the finite with the, 0:11.13 (15.3)concept of the Father, designated by the indefinable word God, 169:4.7 (1856.5)Deity potentials, embraced by deified reality, 0:4.3 (7.1)destiny(ies) of all things, in the Universal Father, 104:4.46 (1150.13)attainment, entertainment of ideas about, 106:7.9 (1170.2)philosophic concept of the I AM and a partial comprehension

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