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about, 171:0.2 (1867.2)of temporary planetary regimes on isolated worlds, legal development signalizing, 53:9.4 (611.3)of the terminal phase of condensation of the Andronover nebula, 57:3.7 (653.7)of the third revelation of truth on Urantia, by Melchizedek, 92:4.7 (1007.7)of transcendent and absonite approach to Deity, future events which will witness, 0:8.12 (12.3)unintentional, of a new religion by Peter, in the enthusiasm of Pentecost, 196:2.1 (2091.10)of universe organization, setting of the stage for, 15:4.2 (169.2)of wife purchase and wife dowry, effect of, on marriage forms, 83:7.3 (928.4)of a young men’s club by the Nazareth chazan, effect of, on the young Jesus’ reputation, 127:3.9 (1400.1)Inauguratorof a new dispensation, Jesus the, 136:1.3 (1509.5)Inbreedinggood and bad results from, 82:5.2 (918.2)pseudospiritual, cannibalism within tribe as, 89:5.6 (979.5)Incarnatedivine identity, in human form, Michael’s gradual return to recognition of his, 120:3.10 (1330.5)the Father, the Master revealed as, 182:1.9 (1965.3)the Father’s love, in the souls of men, Adjusters as, 107:0.2 (1176.2)God, in the likeness of mortal flesh, ease of followers in being friends with, 137:7.2 (1534.1)in man, Christ Michael to be seen as, 120:4.2 (1331.2)life, the sight of God laying down his, an inspiration to trillions of mortal creatures, 188:5.5 (2018.4)Michael Son of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth the humanly, 98:7.2 (1084.1)Savior, one member of a Buddhist Trinity concept, 104:1.6 (1144.3)Son of God, nonunderstandability of feelings of, as he approached death, 182:3.7 (1969.2)as the Son of Man, standing unjustly condemned, 185:8.1 (1996.5)the Universe Creator, in mortal flesh, their son’s identity as, not learned by his parents during their lifetime, 124:4.4 (1372.1)Incarnatedbestowal, the technique of, an experiential step in earning supreme sovereignty, 21:3.17 (238.11)bestowal of a Creator Son, experience of, a factor in his earned sovereignty, 21:3.1 (237.3)Son, personalizing of an Adjuster following indwelling of an, 40:4.1 (444.4)Creator Son, time between two supernatural visitations in the life of the, 128:1.9 (1408.6)Son of God, sympathy and compassion of, a factor in healing miracles, 149:1.6 (1669.5)of a universe, attendance on, by a vast retinue of celestial personalities, 145:3.8 (1632.7)the real identity of the babe, lad, youth, and man of Nazareth, 128:1.9 (1408.6)in the flesh, Jesus’ last free day on earth as a divine Son, 178:0.1 (1929.1)life, Jesus as he would be after finishing the, a vision he saw at his baptism, 136:2.4 (1511.3)yielding up of his, by a bestowal Son, events following, 52:5.6 (596.4)life of Michael, acceptance of, by the Eternal Mother-Son, at the transfiguration, 158:3.2 (1755.2)the study of, 2:0.2 (33.2)in mortal flesh, living of the, a task set for Creator Sons, 134:8.9 (1494.2)on Urantia, Michael’s giving up the conscious grasp of, significance, 21:4.5 (240.1)in the likeness of mortal flesh, bread as the symbol of the living word of truth, 179:5.3 (1942.2)Machiventa Melchizedek, the onetime, designation of, as Planetary Prince, an unusual circumstance, 114:0.11 (1250.11)Melchizedek, receipt of a Thought Adjuster by the, 93:2.7 (1016.1)Michael on his first bestowal, the, a strange Melchizedek’s true identity, 119:1.6 (1310.3)mortal of the realm, final attainment of the Son of Man as an, on the day of his baptism, 129:4.2 (1425.1)Paradise Sons, Adjusters personalized as a result of service with, 107:2.8 (1179.2)desire of completion seraphim to serve as bestowal attendants of, 39:1.6 (427.6), 39:9.3 (442.1)Son, the bestowal of Jesus as an, a strange and unexpected event in the life of this world, 170:4.14 (1863.12)Gabriel’s attendance on the will of the, 33:4.7 (370.4)introduction to the technique of indwelling an, valuable experience for an Adjuster, 93:2.7 (1016.1)Jesus of Nazareth the, 169:4.10 (1857.1)judging of passing planetary age by, 20:3.4 (226.4)passage of, through infancy, childhood, and into adolescence, 127:1.1 (1395.5)revelation of the Father in the personal portraiture of his, 169:4.10 (1857.1)the Universal Father’s finding of his, an achievement on the day of Jesus’ baptism, 136:2.7 (1512.3)Son(s) of God, Adjusters occupying the minds of, not candidates for fusion, 20:4.3 (227.1)Jesus the, born of woman and reared in ordinary manner, 119:7.7 (1317.3)legions of seraphim that may be subject to the command of an, 39:1.4 (427.4)Sovereign of our universe, increasing activity of, in administration, following baptism, 148:3.4 (1659.6)on Urantia, personal traits of the Father revealed by Michael while he was, 3:6.7 (53.5)Incarnationof an Avonal, possibility of, in Urantia’s future, 20:4.5 (227.3)of Avonals on magisterial missions, (225.5) 20:2.6, 20:2.6 (225.5), 20:2.6 (226.3), 20:2.6 (226.5), 52:4.3 (594.6)bestowal, of Avonals, always attended by senior archangels, 37:3.6 (409.3)of Eternal Son and Paradise Sons, effect of, on creator and creature, 116:3.3 (1271.1)permission given Jesus to terminate his, 136:3.5 (1513.2)and bestowal, the mysteries of, known only on Sonarington, 119:1.6 (1310.3)creative attributes of Michael during his, 120:2.9 (1329.1)of the Creator in mortal flesh, approach to, not one of miraculous occurrences, 149:2.7 (1671.2)of a Creator Son on Urantia, right and wrong understanding of purpose of, 98:7.1 (1083.6)and vividness of divine personality to material minds, 6:8.6 (80.3)of Creator Sons as the children of time, not disruptive to operation of their universes, 21:2.12 (237.2)creature, of a Creator, Michael’s experience in, 119:7.5 (1317.1)purpose of, 119:0.4 (1308.4)and Magisterial Sons, 52:5.2 (595.7)Daynals not subject to, 20:9.3 (232.1)of divine personalities of Paradise Sons of God, necessity of, 7:5.4 (86.5)endless round of, in Brahmanic belief, 94:2.3 (1029.1)experiences of Paradise Sons, meaning of, to Eternal Son, 7:5.3 (86.4)first-born Michael never subject to, 21:0.4 (234.4)of his Sons, God’s work through the, 117:1.4 (1279.2)in the likeness of his creatures, Michael’s probable, when first realized, 119:5.4 (1315.2)of Machiventa Melchizedek, effect of, on the fallen Prince, 66:8.5 (753.1)place of consummation of, 93:1.3 (1014.5)volunteering for, and approval of, 35:4.5 (389.4)of Magisterial Sons, done subject to the will of the Eternal Son, 20:6.5 (229.4)optional on second and subsequent missions, 52:4.9 (595.4)mandate, pertaining to human offspring of a bestowal Son, 120:3.8 (1330.3)of a Melchizedek in mortal flesh, an occasional activity, 35:4.4 (389.3)of Michael on a creature bestowal, an occasion for Gabriel’s departure from his regular work, 33:4.7 (370.4)in the role of one stage of mortal evolution, a thrilling event for all Nebadon, 119:5.3 (1315.1)on Urantia, Avonals born of woman in similar manner to the, 20:2.7 (225.6)consequences to instigators if another rebellion had occurred during the, 54:4.5 (616.4)favorable conditions prevailing for the, 121:1.1 (1332.2)Michael’s, in fact, and in potential, 120:2.9 (1329.1)supervision of, by universe rulers, time of termination of, 123:2.2 (1357.6)Michael’s power to terminate his, 120:2.9 (1329.1)twofold purpose of experience in his Urantia, 120:0.8 (1325.1)mortal, Jesus’ choice of Urantia for his, 128:0.1 (1407.1)life of, bestowed on Urantia but lived for entire universe, 120:2.7 (1328.4), 129:3.6 (1424.1)relinquishment of celestial endowments during Jesus’, 120:1.6 (1326.3)in mortal flesh, of Avonals, 20:2.3 (225.2)of Nebadon’s ruler in mortal flesh, foreseen effects of the Lucifer rebellion on, 119:7.4 (1316.7)Nirvana a freedom from experiencing, 94:8.16 (1036.18)not part of missions of Daynals, 20:9.3 (232.1)visit by Avonals on any return after bestowal mission, 52:5.7 (596.5)of Paradise Sons, disaster always a possibility during, 20:5.7 (228.4)presence of experienced Adjusters during, 20:4.3 (227.1)of personality of Michael in human nature, Eternal Son’s coming to man through, 7:5.4 (86.5)previous, of Jesus’ Adjuster, 136:2.2 (1511.1)recurring, the only survival concept of primitives, 86:4.5 (953.4)a secret of Sonarington, 13:1.8 (145.3), 13:2.6 (148.5), 119:3.6 (1313.1), 119:7.5 (1317.1)so-called, of the philosophy of perfection, 28:5.11 (311.3)of the Son of God in the mind of a first-century human being, implications of, 136:8.7 (1521.2)as the Son of Man, failure of Jewish leaders to recognize a divine Son when, 97:8.4 (1071.2)of Sons of God, purpose of, in universal bestowal plan, 7:4.5 (85.6)of unrevealed types of Paradise Sons, 13:1.8 (145.3)of Vishnu, Buddha and Christ claimed as, in Hinduism, 94:4.9 (1032.1)IncasAndite racial influence on rulers of the, 78:5.7 (873.3)Incensebreaking of an expensive box of, at Jesus’ feet, 139:12.10 (1567.3)origin of the use of, in sacrificial rituals, 69:6.4 (777.7), 89:4.3 (977.5)use of, in present-day Tibetan rituals, 94:10.2 (1038.6)Incestorigin of ideas of, 82:3.11 (916.7)Incompleteactualization of the sovereignty of God the Supreme, a source of some difficulties, 31:10.12 (353.8)concept of the Infinite, potential evil when held in the creature mind, 130:4.14 (1435.6)correlation of the, with the perfect, how accomplished, 106:1.2 (1164.1)creatures, ministry of God the Sevenfold to, 106:1.3 (1164.2)differentiation of the local universe spirit presence from the Paradise Infinite Spirit, 34:1.3 (375.2)existence, liberation of finite reality from the limitations of, on the completed attainment of the Supreme, 117:6.24 (1291.1)experiential viewpoints of the forty-nine conciliators, collective tendency of, 25:2.4 (275.4)finite(s), imperfection of the, relativity of relatedness of, to Supreme and Ultimate levels, 130:4.11 (1435.3)one level of functional activity in the grand universe, 106:0.3 (1162.3)grasp(s) of science, one element in man’s attempted construction of philosophy, 103:6.12 (1137.2)of the Supreme and Ultimate, correlation of, with spirit,

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