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in compensating, 103:6.7 (1136.2)Immanence of the Projected, 4:1.10 (56.2)intellects, helplessness of, without a universe frame for thinking, 115:1.1 (1260.2)nature a manifestation of the, 4:2.6 (57.3)phase of existence, ghosts once envisioned as passing from an, 87:3.5 (961.1)power-personalization, the present era of, and the Supreme Being, 10:7.3 (115.5)present, conquest of, one possession of the Supreme, 117:2.1 (1280.1)reality, differentials in the varying aspects of, and the function of the Universal Absolute, 104:4.43 (1150.10)status, encompassment of, in present experience of the Almighty Supreme, 116:0.4 (1268.4)universes, attainment of the Supreme within the limits of the present state of the, 118:10.10 (1305.5)manifestation of the incomplete Supreme in the, and Providence, 118:10.20 (1307.1)Incompletenessof the actualization of the Supreme Being, why Providence is partial, 118:10.21 (1307.2)apparent, of secondary finites in time, reason for, 105:5.9 (1158.9)of creature nature, existence of, limited, 2:6.8 (41.6)of development, of extra-Paradise creatures, a factor in nature’s manifestation, 4:2.3 (56.7)developmental, a characteristic of unpredictability of Supremacy, 10:7.4 (115.6)of divine realization by the mortal personality, no barrier to realization of personality of God, 5:5.11 (69.6)in evolutionary status, need of both science and religion to be aware of, 103:7.7 (1138.5)of the experiential Deities, compensation for the, 9:1.6 (99.5)inhabitants of evolutionary universes, reconciliation of, with repleteness of infinity, 104:3.3 (1146.5)of human-loyalty motivation, effect of, on conversion experience, 100:5.5 (1099.3)of the intellectual world, faith the only escape from the error distortion of, 101:10.6 (1116.7)liberation from the fetters of, the quest of all finite creation, 117:1.6 (1279.4)of mortals’ grasp of the problem of space forces as related to personal and nonpersonal universe control, 41:5.8 (461.4)of nature, a prerequisite for the Supreme to know growth and development, 115:7.1 (1266.2)of perfect and perfected creatures as regards finite totality, 32:3.12 (362.1)relative, error the shadow of, 130:4.11 (1435.3)of the revelation of God, inherence of potential evil in, 130:4.14 (1435.6)of self, salvation from, provided for in the religion of Jesus, 101:6.12 (1113.1)of the Supreme, his present status, noninclusion of creature-trinitized sons in, 117:2.3 (1280.3)one indication of the existence of error in finite choosing, 118:7.3 (1300.7)relation of, to unpredictability, 9:6.9 (104.7), 10:7.4 (115.6)a virtue in its enabling the evolutionary growth of the present universes, 117:2.8 (1281.1)of the Supreme Power Directors, without overcontrol of the Master Spirits, 116:6.5 (1275.5)of systems of philosophy, a characteristic of the generation into which Jesus was born, 121:5.18 (1338.3)of universe status, and perfection in a hypothetical mechanistic universe, 75:8.7 (846.6)Incompletionof evolutionary Deity, compensation by the Conjoint Actor for the, 116:4.2 (1272.1)a factor in the product of nature from Paradise perfection, 4:2.4 (57.1)of the universe, the cause of the inaccessibility of the Supreme, 117:6.16 (1290.2)Indecisiondead center of, man’s need to obliterate, as a prerequisite to effective prayer, 91:9.5 (1002.10)a partial disloyalty to Deity, 89:10.2 (984.5)of potential converts, Simon’s talent for removing, 139:11.3 (1564.8)Independenceof Adjusters’ actions in the minds of men, 108:4.2 (1190.3)comings and goings from other spiritual presences, 108:4.3 (1190.4)self-activity and supremacy from the active co-operation of the mortal mind, 110:6.2 (1209.2)amount of work required to sustain, in the post-Magisterial Son age, 52:4.5 (594.8)of Andon and Fonta from their animal relatives, occasion of their realization of, 63:2.6 (712.6)of architectural spheres as regards lighting, heating, and energy, 15:7.1 (174.1), 41:1.3 (456.2), 45:0.3 (509.3)assertion of, by system natives, urged by Lucifer, 53:3.5 (603.6)of attainment of cosmic meanings from differentials of material environments, 5:1.4 (63.2)of the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth from all forms and ceremonies, 194:3.10 (2064.2)a bride’s, impression created by dowries, 83:3.4 (924.3)of Brilliant Evening Stars’ spirit force manifestation from their personal presence, 37:2.5 (407.5)of the child, one stage of the life of a Jewish child in Jesus’ time, 123:2.10 (1358.7)children’s development of, fostered by wise parents, 177:2.2 (1921.6)of choice by two mortal finaliters, of a trinitization concept, result, 22:7.5 (249.5)of creative and determinative free will, realization of, and self-consciousness, 16:8.6 (194.6)of decision, nonendowment of animals and subordinate physical controllers with, 29:4.13 (325.6)of extra suffrage grants in the continental nation, from other recognition, 72:9.5 (817.9)from extraneous influences, an attribute of the joy inherent in freewill existence, 28:5.16 (312.3)of faith from logic, not in conflict with its encouragement by, 103:7.1 (1137.6)of the Father’s actions, in the event of delegated personalities’ failures, 3:5.1 (50.6)personality consciousness of all creation, from the mission of Thought Adjusters, 5:6.10 (71.5)of God, 4:4.2 (58.7)of gravity control of spiritual things, from time and space, 7:1.2 (82.1)of the Holy Spirit from human attitude, partial nature of, 34:5.5 (379.5)of human race evolution initiated on a world of space, from the planet’s physical survival, 51:2.3 (582.3)of the last ten electrons in the heaviest elements, consequences of, 42:7.9 (478.3)of the life Jesus lived from domination by purely mortal influence, 141:7.12 (1594.6)of man from woman, first achieved in pastoral era, 68:5.8 (768.8)of Melchizedek intelligence reported to Creator Sons, from regular information sources, 35:2.3 (386.1)of mind function from space-relatedness of material objects, 130:7.6 (1439.4)gravity from material and spiritual gravity, 9:6.3 (104.1)of modern woman and the ideals of pair marriage, 84:5.10 (937.7)of the mortal mind from the Adjuster presence, prior to death, 112:6.7 (1236.5)of the operation of the love of the Father, from actions or reactions of others, 118:10.11 (1305.6)of Palestine from political rule of surrounding peoples, real reason for, 121:2.8 (1334.2)personality, of each member of the Trinity, 8:1.3 (90.7)of personality existence in Urantia humans from Adjuster presence, 16:8.3 (194.3)of planetary value attainment in light and life stages, from development of other worlds, 55:0.12 (621.12)of repersonalization of third-circle mortals from dispensational adjudications, 49:6.8 (569.3)of response of personalities from memory operation, as seen in Spirit-fused survivors, 40:9.8 (451.4)of the self-liberation that creatures may seek, from greater spirit identification, 118:8.4 (1302.1)of seraphim’s actions on behalf of humans, from direct appeals, 113:5.3 (1246.2)of space, an attribute of a Creative Spirit, 34:3.3 (376.6)of the Infinite Mind, 9:4.4 (102.4)of true spirit levels of reality, 42:11.4 (482.2)of the spirit of the Creator Son from his personal presence, 34:4.7 (378.1)of spirit-motivated beings from material environment, as regards joys and satisfactions, 34:6.8 (381.2)of spiritual growth of the soul, from intellectual self-consciousness, 5:3.7 (66.3)of Thought Adjusters, nonconflict of, with cooperation with spirit influences, 8:5.4 (95.7), 108:4.3 (1190.4)of time, an attribute of the Creative Mother Spirit in her pure-spirit function, 34:3.4 (376.7)of levels of gravity response for spirit, mind, and matter, 42:11.4 (482.2)of Paradise Sons’ communication with Eternal Son, 7:6.7 (88.5)a creator prerogative retained by Jesus, 137:4.12 (1530.4)a special exception for the wine-making process at Cana, 137:4.13 (1530.5)of time and space, an apparent attribute of the function of the reflectivity service, 17:3.10 (201.8)of Inspired Trinity Spirits, 19:5.2 (219.3)an attribute of the four absolute-gravity presence circuits, 12:3.6 (131.9)of Gravity Messengers, 23:2.23 (260.3)of joint administrative union of a Creator Son and Creative Spirit, 34:3.6 (377.2)possessed only by absolute beings in the absolute sense, 34:3.7 (377.3)of Solitary Messengers, 23:3.6 (261.4), 34:3.2 (376.5)of the spirit-gravity circuit of the Eternal Son, 34:3.5 (377.1)from the Trinity, possibility of the Unqualified Absolute as a force presence characterized by, 56:9.3 (644.5)of Trinity-origin beings from seraphim for their transport, 19:7.4 (222.8)of work of Planetary Prince from the missions of the higher Sons, 50:5.1 (576.4)Independentadventure in the cosmos of creation, the escape of the first Andronover sun on an, 57:3.6 (653.6)bodies of matter, solar meteorites’ formation from Angona system as, 57:5.5 (656.1)choice of the Father to participate in one of Jesus’ earth activities, an exception to his renunciation of superhuman intervention, 136:5.3 (1516.3)circuit to Salvington, the path of seraphic intelligence, 39:2.3 (429.7)circuits, suns of space thrown off on, by nebular whirling, 57:3.4 (653.4)cities, dawning of the era of, 81:3.3 (903.5)congregations of worshipers, the existence of Palestinian synagogues as, prior to the Sanhedrin decree, 154:2.1 (1718.2)cosmic thinking, a desirable quality to cultivate, 16:6.9 (192.5)discoveries of weapon tools, often made by early humans, 68:5.4 (768.4)existence of material things, vs. the dependence of life on an initial spark, 36:6.2 (403.7)fostering of activities of a kindred nature on different spheres, 49:5.29 (567.9)institution, religion not an, prior to Christianity, 98:6.1 (1083.1)life implantations on Urantia, the three, 65:2.1 (731.5)living, the young Jesus’ enjoyment of a few days of, at Jerusalem, 125:0.1 (1377.1)method of keeping count of will creatures, operation of an, in the universes, 24:2.1 (266.7)mutations in prehuman animal stock, the ordinary source of the six colored races, 65:4.7

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