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vs. their later interrelation, 91:2.2 (995.7), 91:8.2 (1001.6)of pottery and basket weaving, from early hut construction, among various groups, 81:2.18 (902.8)people, the end of the Jews’ status as an, 176:1.2 (1913.1)proclamation, the third, of the Divine Minister of Salvington, 54:5.11 (617.11)realm of human response, religion an, 5:5.2 (68.5)service of cherubim from their seraphic directors, functional necessities of, 38:7.2 (422.2)teacher, the young Jesus as an, at Urmia, 134:3.7 (1486.2)of time, Michael Sons’ ability to operate relatively, 34:3.5 (377.1)translation of consummated liaisons of soul and Adjuster to mansion worlds, 110:7.2 (1212.3)volitional beings, new morontia ascenders regarded as, 48:6.25 (553.6)working unit, Adjusters organized in the universes as an, 108:3.1 (1188.3)world center for truth and righteousness, the building of an, in Adamson’s time, 77:5.7 (862.1)IndiaAdamsonites in, 77:5.10 (862.4)Andite conquest of, 78:5.6 (873.2), 79:2.0 (879.7–880.6)Aryan invasion of, time, 79:4.1 (882.1)caste system of, basis of, 70:8.11 (793.3)Ganid’s question to Jesus as to his opinion of the, 133:0.3 (1468.3)coal formation during Carboniferous period in, 59:5.20 (682.3)contact of, with Mesopotamia and China, 79:3.2 (881.2)cosmopolitan population of, 64:7.3 (726.10), 94:1.1 (1027.2)the early Trinity portrayals brought to, by the Sethite priests, 104:1.5 (1144.2)Ganid’s desire for a new religion good enough for, 132:7.6 (1467.2)inundation of, by southern Pacific, 59:4.15 (679.8)Jesus’ "chance" meeting with two travelers from, 129:2.9 (1422.6)later ideas of the Trinity taken to, by the Salem missionaries, 104:1.5 (1144.2), 131:3.1 (1446.3)and life of the early reptilian age, 60:1.12 (686.8)mixing of Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid in, 81:4.14 (905.5)modern, no age restrictions on marriage in, 82:3.11 (916.7)Nathaniel’s death in, 139:6.9 (1559.4)and the Neanderthalers, 64:7.11 (727.8)northwestern highlands of, home of the Badonan tribes, 64:5.1 (722.2)onetime highest mixture of races in, 95:2.1 (1043.7)persistence of ancestor worship in, 92:6.20 (1012.1)of Vanite culture northwest of, 78:3.4 (870.7)possibility of a spiritual awakening for, 79:4.8 (882.8)Pre-Dravidian, racial mixtures in, 78:1.9 (869.5)rejection of the Melchizedek gospel by, 94:1.6 (1028.2)reverence for reptiles in, 88:1.5 (967.7)secondary Sangik peoples’ predominance in, 64:7.3 (726.10)solar worship’s onetime popularity in, 85:5.2 (947.5)survival of early vegetarian tribes in, 76:4.4 (851.2)terminal movement of Aryans into, 79:1.6 (879.3)unprogressing civilization of onetime stagnant, 78:3.8 (871.4)Van’s withdrawal to highlands west of, reason for, 67:6.1 (759.4)Indian(s)American, hunting of bison by, 69:7.2 (778.5)the later, human sacrifice among, 89:6.2 (980.7)attitude of, to scenes such as the shrine of Daphne, 133:8.1 (1480.6)Blackfoot, descendants of Onamonalonton among the modern, 64:6.7 (723.6)a certain, connected with Ganid’s father’s business, 133:8.3 (1481.1)civilizations, Mesopotamia the cradle of Occidental and, 78:1.3 (868.5)concept of deity, Brahmans’ attempt to deanthropomorphize the, 94:2.6 (1029.4)empire, Asoka’s building of a great, role of Buddhist missionaries in, 94:9.1 (1037.4)highlands, location of Badonan tribes in the, 64:3.1 (720.2)imaginations of the, reality of Vishnu in the, 94:4.5 (1031.6)Iroquois, property conservation reforms of, result, 87:2.10 (960.4)lad, Ganid referred to as the, 132:7.9 (1467.5), 133:3.5 (1472.4)literature, the Alexandria library’s possession of the world’s largest collection of, 130:3.4 (1432.4)merchant, Ganid the son of an, 133:3.3 (1472.2)mind, range of speculations of, about theology, 94:3.1 (1030.1)north, group of Gautama’s followers, development by, of Mahayana teaching, 94:9.5 (1038.3)North American, manitou superstitions of, 91:0.5 (994.5)noncontact of, with Adam’s offspring, 79:5.7 (884.1)Ocean, connection of Mediterranean with, 61:3.8 (697.3), 64:1.1 (718.3), 64:7.13 (728.2)similarity of, in Cretaceous stage, to that of present day, 60:3.4 (689.3)peninsula, elevating mountainous regions of the, 62:1.2 (703.3)people(s), absorption of eastern green tribes by, 64:6.18 (724.8)failure of Hinduism to vivify the, 94:4.8 (1031.9)inclusion of some, in the Caucasoid racial class, 81:4.11 (905.2)philosophers, Brahman-Absolute concept of the, a factor in proto-Taoism, 94:5.5 (1032.7)closeness of, to the truth of the Supreme Being, 94:3.4 (1030.4)protestant, the great, Gautama as the, 94:11.3 (1039.2)province of Nepal, Gautama Siddhartha’s birthplace in the, 94:7.1 (1035.1)teachers of the Vedic faith, influence of, on the spread of the Salem religion, 94:5.5 (1032.7)tribe(s), certain North American, belief of, in animal origin, 74:8.5 (837.4)chance meeting of an, with an Eskimo group, 64:7.19 (728.8)trinitarian conception, Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu a later, 104:1.5 (1144.2)the two, Ganid and Gonod referred to as, 132:0.1 (1455.1)the young, Ganid referred to as, 130:2.6 (1431.1), 133:3.4 (1472.3)Indictment(s)delivered by Tabamantia to chiefs of superhuman personalities, on a recent inspection, 108:3.5 (1189.1)of a divine Adjuster, a nonoccurrence in Nebadon and Orvonton, 108:3.6 (1189.2)of Jesus, Sanhedrin’s final three-point, 184:5.2 (1985.3)Jesus’ arrest without, 185:8.1 (1996.5)of Jesus’ artistic efforts by the elders, 124:1.4 (1366.5)by Jesus of his enemies, during his last temple discourse, 175:0.1 (1905.1)Judas’s decision while listening to, 175:4.1 (1910.3)their reaction, the passing of his death sentence, 175:3.1 (1909.4)of Jesus by his enemies, that he was in league with the prince of devils, 157:3.5 (1746.2)in mortal-survival cases, seraphim’s familiarity with, in preparing defense, 39:4.4 (434.4)of sin-identified beings, origin and confirmation of, 2:3.3 (37.1)by Van of Daligastia, Caligastia, and Lucifer, 67:2.2 (755.4)Indignantemotion, one of the strange uprisings of, in the soul of Jesus, results, 173:1.6 (1890.1)reproof of the apostles by Jesus, at their attempt to send mothers and children away, 167:6.1 (1839.6)resentment by Jesus, of a false show of mourning for Lazarus, 168:0.12 (1843.6)solicitude of David Zebedee for the safety of Lazarus, and events ensuing, 171:1.5 (1869.1)Indignationof Bildad, in Jesus’ discussion of the story of Job, 148:6.9 (1664.1)of the celestial intelligences, at persecution of their Sovereign, 184:4.4 (1984.5)characteristic, Jesus’, aroused by his family’s voicing of their expectations at Cana, 137:4.4 (1529.1)his father’s, Jesus’ shock on feeling the sting of, 124:3.8 (1371.1)of James Zebedee, his wonted use of, to justify his anger, 139:3.2 (1552.6)Jesus’, against sin, not followed by anger at the sinner, 100:7.14 (1103.2)of Jesus at evil, among his personality characteristics, 100:7.14 (1103.2)at his mother’s exclusion from the consecration ceremonies, 125:0.4 (1377.4)at a young man’s putting a question of material inheritance to him, 165:4.1 (1821.1)of Judas at Jesus’ honoring of Peter, James, and John, reactions precipitated by, 177:4.4 (1925.1)Jude’s fiery, prompted by behavior of a Roman guard, 128:6.5 (1415.5)of Mary during the episode of the boy Jesus’ drawing of an image, 124:1.4 (1366.5)of Matthew and Philip at the Samaritans, 162:0.1 (1788.1)of onlookers at Mary’s use of costly ointment, and Judas’s reaction, 172:1.5 (1879.3)of the other apostles at the seeking of James and John for preference, 171:0.6 (1868.1)partial, Pilate’s tone of, in questioning Jesus, 185:3.2 (1991.2)Peter’s refraining from a show of, regarding the temple tax, 157:1.1 (1743.3)potential, of John, Jesus’ reason for not allowing him to witness his mistreatment, 184:4.2 (1984.3)righteous, Jesus’ inheritance of capacity for, from Mary, 122:5.3 (1348.3)of the six spies at Andrew’s intimation that they were quibblers, during the grain-eating episode, 147:6.4 (1654.3)of an unfriendly Pharisee, at a presumed episode of Jesus’ healing on the Sabbath, 167:3.2 (1836.1)youthful, of Jesus, aroused by sights in the temple, 125:1.2 (1378.4)Indignity(ies)heaped upon Jesus by the temple guards, 184:4.1 (1984.2)suffered by Jesus at the time of his arrest, reaction of Peter and the apostles to, 183:3.7 (1974.5)Indigoand green blood, predominance of, on southern Pacific islands, 79:6.3 (884.6)man(men), Egypt’s domination by, 64:7.14 (728.3)enslavement of, by the blue men, 51:4.6 (585.2)racial mixtures of the, 64:7.14 (728.3), 78:1.10 (869.6)southern exodus of, course of, 64:7.15 (728.4)race, effect of, on early races in India, 79:2.2 (879.8)expulsion of, from Egypt, 64:7.15 (728.4)final migrants from Sangik racial center, 64:6.20 (725.1)identification, 51:4.2 (584.4), 64:6.25 (725.6)Orvonon, enlightener and leader of the, 45:4.10 (513.13)proclaimed the "God of Gods" to the, 64:6.26 (725.7)settlements of, in the Sahara region, 78:1.10 (869.6)standing of, before celestial powers, 64:6.27 (725.8)Individual(s)atoms or persons, nongovernance of, by statistical laws, 42:7.10 (478.4)character of morontia forms, 42:12.11 (483.11)expression, opportunity for, in design of morontia and spirit abodes, 44:3.2 (502.1)freedom, Caligastia’s ideas of, failure of the scheme based on, 67:5.3 (759.1)human in his presence, the predominant importance of the, to Jesus, 138:8.9 (1545.10)instruction, one type of pursuit in the Prince’s schools, 50:4.6 (575.7), 66:7.6 (751.1)interpretations, parables a form of teaching enabling hearers to make, 151:3.1 (1691.4)met by Jesus in his identity as the scribe of Damascus, and consequences for Christian community, 132:0.9 (1456.5), 133:3.11 (1473.4)mortals, ministry of seraphim to, 113:0.1 (1241.1)reason for nonconcern of, with planetary isolation, 114:5.4 (1254.4)relation of Adjusters

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