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Source and Center, 104:4.28 (1149.13)energy, an appellation of the First Source and Center, 105:3.2 (1155.6)and finite, difference between, part of the divine mystery, 1:4.5 (26.7)eternal fusion of the, 0:7.9 (11.3)to finite view of personality, God’s, 1:6.3 (30.2)God, as a Father, an eternal truth, 4:4.5 (59.1)and mortal man’s goal, 1:0.5 (22.2)integrator of cosmic energies and spirit energies, the Third Source and Center the, 105:3.5 (1156.2)mechanism whereby finite attains the, 0:8.11 (12.2)Mind, independence of, of space, 9:4.4 (102.4)a title of the Third Source and Center, 8:2.2 (92.3)mind, definition, 9:6.6 (104.4)Mother Spirit, Paradise and Havona the home of, 14:6.34 (162.9)One, eternal realities of, as light to the shadow cast by the finite, 130:4.13 (1435.5)self-differentiation of the, from The Infinitude, 105:2.2 (1154.1)perfection of the divine Father, precludes the Son improving upon his character, 7:7.2 (89.1)personality, God an, 1:5.1 (27.3), 42:4.2 (472.13)Potential, the Deity Absolute, 105:2.9 (1155.2)potentials, complete realization of, and the unification of the Absolutes, 106:8.17 (1172.2)and Qualified Absolute, 0:10.1 (13.4)qualities, degree of finite appreciation of, 3:4.7 (50.5)reality, absolute unification of, in the Paradise Trinity, 106:9.4 (1173.5)First Father is, 1:2.1 (23.4)segregation of Deity Absolute from, 0:11.6 (14.4)seven phases of, 0:3.1 (4.13), 0:3.12 (5.11)reality integration, difficulties in forming concepts regarding, 106:7.1 (1168.6)recognition of three manifestations of, 16:6.10 (192.6)the, appearance of, as the Universal Father of love, to universe personalities, 105:1.8 (1153.5)characteristics of, 2:1.0 (33.4)the divine Creator, 2:1.2 (34.1), 130:4.2 (1434.1)final revelation of, 3:1.2 (44.5)full expression of, 12:1.16 (130.2)laws of, no conflict among, 12:7.4 (137.7)the master universe only a partial revelation of, 105:1.7 (1153.4)mindedness of, 42:11.8 (482.6)ministries to time-space creatures, of the spirit personalities of, 56:10.18 (648.1)no change in, between the pre-Trinity and post-Trinity I AM concepts, 106:9.9 (1174.5)personality of, disclosed as the Universal Father, 10:1.3 (109.1)physical presence of, a definition, 5:2.1 (64.4)plan of, man’s identifying himself with the, 101:10.7 (1117.1)presence and personality of, no less real for time involved in attainment of God, 5:1.9 (63.7)recognition of three manifestations of, 16:6.10 (192.6)as source of universe reality, 130:4.2 (1434.1)time-space adventure of, 4:1.12 (56.4)unrevealed cosmic potential of, 12:0.3 (128.3)a value-level representing true infinity of the Father’s will, 0:3.24 (6.4)worship the finite identifying itself with, 143:7.8 (1616.10)unification, finite creatures’ attempt to conceive of, 106:9.2 (1173.3)universe, power in Isle of Paradise adequate for control of an, 3:4.2 (49.6)Upholder, 1:1.4 (23.1), 105:2.8 (1155.1)values, revelation of, to the finite mind, 56:10.9 (646.10)wisdom, proportions of justice and mercy determined by, 2:3.2 (36.7)Infinite Spiritabout, 8:0.0 (90.1–97.2)adjutant mind-spirits’ relation to mind ministry of the, 36:5.1 (401.5)agent of the Father and Son, 8:3.5 (93.7)antigravity a power of, 9:3.2 (101.2)appearance of, 0:3.22 (6.2)approach of, to animal-origin beings, 8:4.6 (95.1)approachability of, at the center of centers, 16:2.1 (185.5)ascenders’ attainment of, 8:6.2 (96.4), 14:5.4 (158.7), 18:1.4 (208.3)ascending pilgrims’ preparation for attempt at personality recognition of, 26:7.1 (292.5)Assigned Sentinels personalized by, 24:5.1 (268.8)and assignment of celestial artisans, 44:0.3 (497.3)assignment of Solitary Messengers to seven divisions of service by the, 23:2.2 (258.1)and attainment of the Eternal Son, 8:3.7 (93.9)attributes of the, 8:2.0 (92.2–93.2), 8:6.0 (96.3–97.1), 10:3.5 (111.3)and Avonals’ origin, 39:1.3 (427.3)birth of the, appearance of Havona concomitant with the, 104:4.13 (1148.12)characteristics of the, 0:3.25 (6.5), 8:2.0 (92.2–93.2), 8:4.5 (94.7), 9:0.3 (98.3), 10:2.4 (110.2), 10:4.5 (112.8)circle of eternity indwelt by, 34:3.2 (376.5)a complement of the Eternal Son, 9:2.2 (100.4)completion of the existential personalization of Deity, 10:2.7 (110.5)the Conjoint Actor, 3:1.8 (45.6), 6:2.6 (75.3), 8:5.5 (96.1), 14:6.17 (161.4), 104:4.13 (1148.12)a constituent personality of total Deity, 10:8.3 (116.4)co-operation of, in attainment plan, 7:4.2 (85.3)in executing the divine purpose of the Father and the Son, 7:4.2 (85.3)creation of Census Directors by, 24:2.2 (266.8)of primary supernaphim by, 17:8.2 (205.3)of Solitary Messengers by, 23:4.2 (262.3)Creative Daughter of the, source of the Life Carriers’ vital spark, 36:3.4 (399.6)a representation of the, 32:2.6 (359.3)Spirit the local universe Daughter of, 34:0.3 (374.3), 35:1.1 (384.8), 50:1.1 (572.3)Daynals’ reflection of nature of the, in local creations, 20:10.4 (233.1)a definition, 56:2.2 (638.6)Deity of the, God’s functioning in, from mind standpoint, 1:2.10 (24.8)disclosure of, in the production of Creative Spirits, 9:8.4 (106.2)distribution of, by the Seven Master Spirits to the grand universe, 16:2.5 (186.4)domination of energy-matter by, 21:2.4 (236.2)downstepping of the, 8:4.5 (94.7)early universe presence of, a person to Creator Son, 34:0.3 (374.3)effect of eternalization of, on Father and Son, 22:7.8 (250.2)endowment of, with ability to make creative responses, 26:2.6 (287.5)equality of, with Universal Father and Eternal Son, 161:1.6 (1784.3)an eternal personalization of Deity, 56:5.1 (640.5)eternal progenitors of the, 10:3.5 (111.3)and Eternal Son, diverse relationships of, 10:3.2 (110.8), 33:1.2 (366.3)portrayal of combined character of, by Master Spirit Number Six, 16:3.12 (187.9)Eternal Son approachable through ministry of the, 6:8.4 (80.1)eternalization of, and birth of Havona worlds, 8:1.7 (91.4)everywhere presence of the, 3:3.3 (49.2)an exclusive revelation of the Father and the Son, 8:3.6 (93.8)exhibition of divine goodness by the personalities of the, 56:10.17 (647.8)an existential deity manifestation to intelligent creatures, 56:7.3 (642.3)family of the, about, 30:1.70 (332.16)and ministering work of the superuniverses, 15:10.22 (179.9)far-flung ministry of the, 6:3.3 (75.8)first act of the, 8:1.2 (90.6)Paradise Deity attained by ascending pilgrims, 8:3.8 (94.1)flash presence of, a superuniverse circuit, 15:9.8 (177.7)fragmentation of his selfhood possible to the, 6:5.5 (78.1)a function of the, 9:1.1 (98.6), 10:3.19 (112.3), 16:2.1 (185.5), 17:8.1 (205.2), 21:2.4 (236.2), 56:2.1 (638.5), 56:3.1 (639.1), 105:3.5 (1156.2)God the Spirit the, 0:2.14 (4.8)gravity supercontrols of the, 10:3.19 (112.3)high personalities of, 16:3.6 (187.3), 24:0.0 (264.1–272.1)indispensability of, to fraternity of Second and Third Persons, 10:2.3 (110.1)Infinite Mind, one title of the, 8:2.2 (92.3)infinite mind of the, source of the cosmic mind, 16:9.15 (196.11)initial solitary creative action of, 23:0.1 (256.1)interpretation to the Ancients of Days of the mind of the, 28:4.3 (308.2)likeness of, to Father and Son, 8:6.7 (97.1)local universe function of the, 33:3.1 (368.1), 37:9.9 (415.1), 39:0.1 (426.1), 40:9.3 (450.5)and Magisterial Son personalization, 7:6.5 (88.3)Master Architects’ contact with the seven worlds of the, 31:9.5 (351.6)Spirit Number Three spokesman for, 16:3.6 (187.3)means of approach of, to men, 50:1.1 (572.3)the mercy minister, 7:4.6 (85.7), 8:2.6 (92.7)and mind, 0:3.14 (5.13), 0:6.1 (9.3), 9:6.0 (103.6), 12:8.13 (140.9), 44:5.3 (504.7), 49:4.8 (564.10), 56:2.1 (638.5)the ministry of the, purpose, 8:3.7 (93.9)as revealed by Magisterial Sons, 20:10.3 (232.6)mortals’ recognition of presence of the, 9:2.5 (100.7)nature of the, 8:2.0 (92.2–93.2), 8:3.5 (93.7)of Reflective Spirits as related to characteristics of, 17:3.1 (200.5)omnipresence of the, 8:5.1 (95.4), 9:1.5 (99.4)one of the seven Absolutes, 104:3.8 (1146.10)operation of Solitary Messengers by authority of, 23:1.8 (257.3)origin of the, 8:0.3 (90.3)of power centers and directors in children of the, 29:3.3 (323.1)the original and eternal mother of angelic ministers, 17:8.2 (205.3)outstanding attribute of the, 8:5.1 (95.4)Paradise the abode of the, 11:0.1 (118.1)in the Paradise Trinity, 0:12.2 (15.8)Paradiseward pull of intellectual values by, 14:2.8 (155.2)a person, 0:3.22 (6.2), 8:6.3 (96.5), 8:6.7 (97.1), 10:8.5 (116.6), 16:2.3 (186.2)Personal Aids of the, 24:3.0 (268.1–4)personal consequence of the Father-Son union, 10:2.4 (110.2)presence and participation of, in Havona, 8:4.3 (94.5)personalities of the, about, 9:8.0 (105.6–107.13), 30:2.65 (336.12)an arrangement for contact of God with his creatures, 2:1.7 (34.6)relation of Daynals to, 20:7.3 (230.5)three orders of the, names of, 38:0.1 (418.1)personalization of, on local universe headquarters, 23:1.8 (257.3)a personalized spiritualization of the Eternal Son and the Universal Father, 9:2.2 (100.4)pervasion of space by, 34:3.2 (376.5)preparation of mortal mind for Father fragments by the, 9:5.2 (102.8)presence circuit

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