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of Magisterial Sons, 20:2.1 (224.6)of Trinity Teacher Sons, 20:1.11 (224.1)reaction of, to the universe, 8:6.4 (96.6)recorded transactions of Paradise since personification of, 25:6.6 (282.4)relation of, to bestowals of original Michael on Havona, 8:4.3 (94.5)to creature-ascension plan, 7:4.2 (85.3)to Father and Son, 1:3.4 (25.4)to the I AM, 56:3.5 (639.5)to the universe, 9:0.0 (98.1–107.14)representatives of, on Havona worlds, function of, 14:4.20 (158.1)residence of, on central Isle of Paradise, 23:1.8 (257.3)a revelation of divinity, 8:2.4 (92.5)of Universal Father and Eternal Son, 8:3.6 (93.8)satisfaction derived from Havona by the, 14:6.17 (161.4)of, as to the fullness of Jesus’ bestowal, 158:3.3 (1755.3)Seven Master Spirits’ relation to, 13:4.2 (150.1), 13:4.2 (150.1), 16:0.1 (184.1), 16:2.5 (186.4)seven satellites of, headquarters of Master Spirits, 13:0.1 (143.1), 17:1.1 (198.1)service of new trinitized sons on, 22:8.2 (251.6)source of Paradise-Havona standard time, 14:1.12 (153.3)seven worlds of the, Supreme Executives’ headquarters, 15:10.1 (178.1)sharing by the, 111:5.1 (1221.2)source of experiential mind of the Supreme, 9:7.4 (105.4)of mortal mind, 6:8.5 (80.2)spirit presence of the, a definition, 194:2.15 (2062.4)suffering of the, 3:6.6 (53.4)teacher personality of, disclosed by Trinity Daynal Sons, 20:10.4 (233.1)tertiaphim children of, 28:1.1 (306.7)created by, 26:1.13 (286.1)Third Person of Deity appropriately denominated the, 8:2.3 (92.4)the Third Source and Center, 14:6.17 (161.4)three supercontrols exercised by, 10:3.19 (112.3)transformation of Havona Servitals in response to the will of the, 24:7.8 (271.7)transmittal of powers of the, to co-ordinate and subordinate personalities, 9:8.1 (105.6)and Trinity Teacher Son personalization, 7:6.6 (88.4)twofold personality ancestry of the, 10:2.7 (110.5)unconditioned by time or space, 34:3.1 (376.4)union of the Father and Son in the, 118:9.8 (1304.1)and Universal Father, combined action of, in Master Spirit Number Five’s direction of fifth superuniverse, 16:3.11 (187.8)Master Spirit Number Five’s character blending of, 16:3.10 (187.7)Universal Father, and Eternal Son, equal portrayal of, by Master Spirit Number Seven, 16:3.14 (188.2)Universal Father’s presence in the, 8:4.7 (95.2)universal intelligence circuits of the, evidence of, 28:3.2 (307.4)Universe Circuit Supervisors created by, 24:1.2 (265.2)widespread activities of the, 8:6.1 (96.3)worlds of the, 13:4.0 (149.7–151.1)see also Third Person; Third Source and CenterInfinitudeof the Father, incomprehensible to mortals, 3:4.6 (50.4)The, self-differentiation of, from The Infinite One, 105:2.2 (1154.1)total, need to segment and qualify to make understandable to mortal and morontial, 104:3.3 (1146.5)Infinityabsonity not, 30:1.92 (332.38)any number always short of, 118:0.11 (1294.11)both unity and diversity, 115:3.4 (1262.1)of the character of God, magnitude of, 12:7.12 (139.1)concealment of Paradise values of, 195:7.4 (2078.7)concept of the Absolute unqualified only in, 56:9.7 (645.2)Deity-realization of, means of, 56:9.8 (645.3)of divine attributes, 3:4.5 (50.3)of divinity, enrichment of, by finity and absonity, 0:12.3 (15.9)energy’s response to grasp of, 42:1.8 (468.5)eternity, an eternal infinity, 56:9.9 (645.4)of existence, comprehension of, 3:4.5 (50.3)the Father an, 0:3.25 (6.5)the only discloser of the Father-Infinite, 10:8.9 (117.1)self-conscious of his, 2:1.3 (34.2)the Father’s escape from limitations inherent in, 0:7.8 (11.2), 2:1.8 (35.1), 10:0.1 (108.1), 11:2.10 (120.2)and finity, equalizing tension between, 0:11.13 (15.3)geographic center of, 0:0.5 (1.5), 11:9.2 (126.7)of God, about, 2:1.0 (33.4–35.4)man’s concepts of the, not to be disturbed by findings about relativity, 195:7.5 (2078.8)noncontainability of, by the cosmos, 3:1.2 (44.5)non-self-enslavement to, 12:7.6 (138.1)rightful significance of the, to the creature, 106:7.6 (1169.5)self-distribution of, 5:0.2 (62.2)God’s ability to pass to finitude from, 4:4.2 (58.7)a level of reality incomprehensible to time-space creatures, 116:2.3 (1269.7)levels of, absolute, 1:3.5 (25.5)of manifestations of the Father’s personality, 2:1.3 (34.2)man’s growing concepts of, 105:1.8 (1153.5)of mind, comprehension capacity of, 3:4.5 (50.3)mind of, all things present in, 65:8.3 (739.7)Paradise the material fulcrum of, 9:3.8 (101.8)the pattern of, 14:6.40 (163.2)personality of, 10:2.5 (110.3)potential(s), inseparable from eternity, 0:11.12 (15.2)relations of, to Unqualified Absolute and Deity Absolute, 0:11.1 (13.6)pre-existential and postexperiential nature of, 106:0.9 (1163.3)of reality, impossibility for man’s language to express the, 115:3.1 (1261.5)The, recognition of, needed as part of triune conception including The Infinite One and The Infinitude, 105:2.2 (1154.1)response, and Unqualified Absolute, 0:3.17 (5.16)shared only with Paradise Trinity, 2:1.11 (35.4)spark of, finite man’s indwelling by a, 111:6.1 (1221.8)of spontaneity, and evolutionary capacity of the universe, 42:11.7 (482.5)supremacy, and ultimacy, Deity associations of, the Trinity of Trinities, 56:9.5 (644.7)in time, character of, 0:11.12 (15.2)-unity of the Paradise Father, unrevealed, the Unqualified Absolute, 0:11.1 (13.6)of the Universal Father, finaliters’ sometime exploration of, 14:6.40 (163.2)Universal Father’s, and Infinite Spirit’s absoluteness, 8:2.4 (92.5)unqualified, Deity liberation from, 0:3.21 (6.1)of will, the Father’s, direction of, 4:4.4 (58.9)Influenceof Father on his sons, limitations of the, 3:1.11 (46.3)of the Greeks, 195:1.0 (2071.1–2072.4)of Jesus on friend and foe, 149:2.14 (1672.3)Informationabout God, Divine Counselor the highest revelatory source for, 1:7.9 (32.1)Eternal Son the real source of, 7:7.1 (88.7)Paradise Sons the planetary creatures’ source for reliable, 10:1.6 (109.4)religious traditions unreliable as sources of, 4:5.1 (59.6)assimilated by the Havona graph method, 26:3.8 (289.1)circulated between worlds by the Satisfactions of Service, 28:5.18 (312.5)communication of, Paradise method of, 27:6.4 (303.2)David Zebedee’s supplying of daily, to the apostolic corps, 191:0.3 (2037.3)on a deceased human’s life, how utilized, 112:4.2 (1231.2)dissemination, one function of reflectivity, 13:1.10 (145.5)dissemination of, by the broadcasters, 39:2.15 (431.4)essential planetary, conservation of, by reservists, 114:7.10 (1258.2)the Father’s use of his personality circuit to receive, 32:4.8 (363.6)to fill gaps in knowledge, revealed cosmology’s supplying of, 101:4.9 (1110.2)gathered and disseminated by intelligence co-ordinators, 26:3.8 (289.1)gathering of, by the intelligence corps, 39:2.3 (429.7)Jesus’ classification of, as a youth, 127:6.14 (1405.6)gathering of, about world events, 124:3.3 (1370.1), 126:5.8 (1393.5)selective utilization of, 161:3.1 (1787.3)made available by the Unions of Souls, 28:5.13 (311.5)obtained by Solitary Messengers, 23:2.16 (259.2), 23:2.21 (260.1)quantity of, circulating on the master circuits of the superuniverses, 28:5.7 (310.9)relative character of, 2:7.1 (42.2)represented by the superaphic custodians of knowledge, 27:5.2 (302.1)scrutiny of, by the Discerners of Spirits, 28:5.19 (313.1)selection of, by the Voices of Wisdom, 28:5.7 (310.9)sources drawn on by the midwayers preparing the record of Jesus’ life and teachings, 121:8.12 (1343.1)utilized by Luke in his Gospel, 121:8.9 (1342.4)supplying of, to fill gaps in knowledge, one function of revelation, 101:4.9 (1110.2)on Thought Adjusters, how obtained, 107:3.8 (1180.1), 108:1.8 (1186.6)Infrared raysexplanation of, 42:5.1 (474.5)position of, on the Orvonton wave-energy spectrum, 42:5.1 (474.5)Infraultimatonic raysdefinition, 42:5.3 (474.7)Inhabitable worldsnumber of, in the grand universe, 15:2.9 (166.8)in a local universe, 15:2.5 (166.4)in a major sector, 15:2.7 (166.6), 15:13.1 (181.1)in a minor sector, 15:13.4 (181.4)in space, not exactly known, 15:2.1 (165.6)in the superuniverse, 15:7.11 (175.2)in a system, 15:2.3 (166.2)Inhabitedplanets, access of student visitors to, 48:3.10 (546.3)administrative assistants’ service to, 39:4.2 (434.2)spheres, effectiveness of work of Avonals on, 20:2.9 (225.8)general classification of peoples of, 49:5.1 (565.2)in Satania, number of, 46:4.1 (522.5)world(s), about, 49:0.0 (559.1–571.1)administrator seraphim on the, 39:4.2 (434.2)advanced attainment on, in constellation stage of light and life, 55:8.5 (633.1)average, the employment of seventy separate corps of destiny by the, 114:7.7 (1257.7)Avonal Sons’ function on, 20:3.3 (226.3), 51:7.1 (587.12)cherubim’s service on, 38:7.7 (422.7)Creator Son’s material gift to the, 51:0.2 (580.2)evolving, assignment of Planetary Princes to all, 50:0.1 (572.1)fathers of the, 1:5.5 (28.2)frandalanks stationed on all, 29:4.36 (328.5)function of Teacher Sons on, in system stage of light and life, 55:8.5 (633.1)grouping of, into local systems, 49:0.2 (559.2)Holy Spirit of the, 36:5.16 (403.4)Lanonandeks the administrative heads of, 35:8.1 (392.1)midway creatures’ appearance on majority of, 38:9.2 (424.2)nativity on, 26:1.14 (286.2)number of, in Nebadon, 37:10.1 (416.1)number of Daynal missions possible to an, 20:9.4 (232.2)systems of, in Nebadon, 53:0.2 (601.2)number lost in Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.1 (607.2)origin of, 15:5.9 (171.4), 41:10.0 (465.6–466.4),

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