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goal of Greek philosophy and Jesus’ teachings, 195:1.1 (2071.1)exaltation of the, in Jesus’ teaching about the kingdom within, 170:3.11 (1862.8)experience, religion an exclusively, 196:2.11 (2093.5)gospel of the kingdom and the, 141:7.4 (1593.5), 145:2.10 (1630.6), 145:2.10 (1865.2), 145:2.10 (1951.2), 170:3.11 (1862.8)the kingdom and the, 99:3.2 (1088.3), 118:10.17 (1306.6), 141:7.4 (1593.5), 145:2.10 (1630.6), 170:3.10 (1862.7), 170:3.10 (1863.7), 170:3.10 (1864.9), 170:3.10 (1865.1), 170:3.10 (1865.7), 170:3.10 (1951.2)practice of a religion, insufficiency of, to insure its survival, 97:10.7 (1076.4)prayer(s), capacity of, for both egoism and altruism, 91:4.3 (998.1)Jesus’ effort to lead his siblings to say, results, 126:3.3 (1389.6)not always necessary for beneficial effects on individuals and groups, 91:5.2 (998.5)pre-Christian religion seldom a matter of concern to the, 121:5.1 (1336.5)religion, Roman Christianity not necessarily an, 195:2.5 (2072.9)religion and the, according to Ezekiel, 145:2.7 (1630.3)a discussion of typical human religious development, 103:2.0 (1130.6–1131.9)religionist(s), creation of new problems for, as they pursue their growing ideals, 103:4.2 (1133.2)vs. the group, and personal spiritual experience, 99:5.7 (1091.6)nonattainment of Deity by, under the karma principle, 94:3.5 (1030.5)nonexperiencibility by, of the absolute concept of Brahmanism, 94:3.2 (1030.2)socialization of worship of, 143:7.2 (1616.4)sole ability of, to experience faith, 101:8.2 (1114.6)righteousness, the ideal of, vs. the mystic conception of the person of Jesus, 170:5.9 (1864.9)man’s thirst for, revealed by the popularity of the mysteries, 121:5.12 (1337.8)salvation, Gautama’s fight against practice of seeking, through affliction and pain, 94:7.2 (1035.2)a new promise of the mystery religions, 121:5.6 (1337.2)setting off of the, from the average, a feature of effort and reward in the Paradise career, 50:7.3 (579.2)souls of men, delivery of religion to find its real manifestation in the, 194:3.6 (2063.4)symbolism meaningful to the, a feature of a desirable cult, 87:7.9 (966.4)true religion and the, 99:4.3 (1089.11), 99:5.7 (1091.6), 143:7.2 (1616.4), 160:4.1 (1778.4), 160:5.5 (1781.1), 194:3.6 (2063.4)Individual(s)-in Societybehavior, group control of, the basis of early social regulation, 70:10.4 (795.1)biologic fitness of, problems in judging, 51:4.8 (585.4), 52:2.9 (592.2), 52:2.12 (592.5)character of marriage, a recent development, 83:2.1 (923.1), 83:4.1 (924.4), 83:5.4 (926.2), 83:7.4 (928.5)of self-maintenance, vs. social character of self-perpetuation, 82:3.2 (915.5)citizen, the religionist as an, his proper role, in movements for social advancement, 99:3.15 (1089.7)spiritualization of the, and religion’s ability to influence social reconstruction, 99:3.3 (1088.4), 99:3.6 (1088.7)concern of state governments with the, in the continental nation, 72:7.1 (815.1)development, curtailment of, in caste system, 70:8.13 (793.5)elemental needs of the, de-emphasized in society by the introduction of ghost fear, 68:3.3 (766.4)gratification and race welfare, 82:1.7 (914.3)health problems, vs. those that are community prerogatives, 72:7.2 (815.2)initiative, the new gospel of, beneficent proclamation of, by Prince’s staff, 66:6.2 (749.4)liberty(ies), 53:3.6 (604.1), 67:5.3 (759.1), 71:3.7 (803.7), 71:4.3 (804.3), 71:5.4 (805.4), 81:5.4 (906.2), 83:7.4 (928.5), 134:6.10 (1491.4), 141:5.1 (1591.6), 195:1.1 (2071.1)maturity of the, attainment of, a problem of human society, 160:1.6 (1773.3)participation in government, the lack of, one weakness of the Roman Empire, 195:3.9 (2074.4)progress of the, and the hope of a better world, 145:2.8 (1630.4)property, beginning of, 69:9.14 (782.1)economic and social results of, 69:9.15 (782.2)recognition by the, of rights of others, definition of ethical awareness, 27:3.1 (300.4)religionist(s), influence of, on cultural civilization, 99:3.3 (1088.4)political function of, 99:2.3 (1087.6)and social leadership, 99:3.15 (1089.7)rights, and curtailment of liberties, 70:11.2 (796.8)protection of, part of the mission of government, 81:5.6 (906.4)relation of, to group rights, instruction regarding, in the western schools of the Garden, 74:7.6 (835.9)rights of self and neighbors to service of the, a fundamental problem to be resolved, 103:5.4 (1134.2)status of, vs. civilizations, 16:9.5 (196.1)worth-whileness of the, detraction from, by overdeveloped institutions, 69:1.1 (772.4)Individual(s)-Worldsplanets, assignment of Brilliant Evening Stars on missions to, 37:2.3 (407.3)Avonals the Paradise Sons of service and bestowal to, 20:2.3 (225.2)broadcasts from Salvington to, 33:6.5 (371.7), 44:4.10 (504.2), 46:3.4 (522.4)delay in installation of replacement rulers on, reason for, 35:9.9 (394.1)dispatch of physical controllers to, 29:4.15 (325.8)inclusion of, in Michael’s frequent journeys, 33:2.5 (367.7)Inspired Spirits not a part of the evolutionary scheme of, 19:5.7 (220.2)losses of midwayers on, whose Princes joined the Lucifer cause, 53:7.8 (608.4)maintenance of their own chronology by, 33:6.8 (372.3)Mighty Messengers defenders of, 22:2.8 (245.8)Planetary Princes the sole representatives of divinity on, 50:1.3 (572.5)representation of up-to-date conditions on, in the Jerusem exhibit panorama, 46:5.23 (525.5)service of planetary transporters to, 39:5.10 (438.3)Trinity Teacher Sons to, 19:1.3 (214.12)Solitary Messengers’ missions to, 23:2.24 (260.4)special natural history of, no barrier to eventual entrance into light and life, 52:7.14 (600.3)truth-revealing service of Perfectors of Wisdom to, 19:2.6 (216.4)work of energy transmitters on, 29:4.29 (327.5)social architects on, 39:3.4 (432.5)planets of importance, Mighty Messengers’ stationing on, 22:2.8 (245.8)worlds, administrative changes on, resulting from local universe stage of light and life, 55:10.4 (634.4)cherubim and sanobim as routine spirit workers on, 38:7.4 (422.4)connection between the, and Divinington, 108:3.4 (1188.6)contact of Paradise Rulers with, how made, 19:3.5 (217.4)freedom of archrebels to go to, 53:7.13 (609.1)Mighty Messengers’ execution of missions to the, 22:2.7 (245.7)ministrations of teaching counselors on, 39:1.14 (428.8)physical aspects of, factors determining, 41:10.3 (466.2)receipt of lines of power by, from power centers, 29:2.19 (322.3)regard of seraphim for, 113:2.4 (1243.1)service of midway creatures on, 38:9.1 (424.1), 38:9.11 (425.3)supervising personalities of, work of conciliation commissions with, 25:3.3 (276.8)techniques employed on, in connection with resurrections, 47:3.5 (533.3)ushering of, into system epoch of light and life, 55:7.4 (632.3)worlds of the outermost local universes, Solitary Messengers’ assignment to, 23:1.4 (256.6)Individualismencouragement of, by appropriately conducted industrialism, 70:2.18 (786.9)of Judas, one of his character weaknesses, 193:4.5 (2056.3)Individualisticideal, marriage not just an, 83:8.8 (930.4)love motive in marriage, sudden substitution of, for property motive, results, 83:7.5 (928.6)tendency, overdevelopment of the, a problem with three of the apostles, 193:4.3 (2056.1)tendency of man, vs. associations of social progress, 68:1.6 (764.2)before partial socialization of the advancing races, 70:1.1 (783.4)Individualistssubmission of an entire race of, to authority, an accomplishment of ancient war, 70:2.21 (786.12)Individuality(ies)of adaptation, a characteristic of Jesus’ rulings as head of the family, 127:4.4 (1401.4)administrative, provided by the Seven Master Spirits in the superuniverses, 17:5.1 (202.4)of ascending mortals, nonobliteration of, by achievements in self-realization, 44:8.5 (508.3)of attainment, prayer as an avenue of approach to, 144:4.5 (1621.4)of calcium atom, vs. other forms of matter, 41:6.2 (461.6)the characteristic stamp of, the identification of one’s ancestral superuniverse, 16:5.2 (190.12)of creaturehood, the choice of a personality to destroy, and cosmic consequences, 117:4.4 (1283.6)a definition, 112:1.18 (1227.8)of destiny of each of the seven superuniverses, 15:14.4 (182.3)development of, a prerequisite to progress, 48:7.29 (557.13)differentiation of, nondisclosure of, by Personal Aids, 24:3.3 (268.3)diversity of, a characteristic of the planets of Havona, 14:5.6 (159.2)an effective human, Jesus’ weaving of his mortal and divine natures into, 127:6.9 (1405.1)electronic, relationship of, to nuclear proximity of electrons, 42:7.8 (478.2)as evolved by spornagia, reincarnation capability of, 46:7.4 (528.2)factors of, unified by personality, 0:5.11 (9.1), 9:4.6 (102.6)human, nonexistence of, in doctrines of Brahmanism, consequences, 94:3.6 (1030.6)impossibility of portrayal of, of various groups of universe power controllers, 29:0.5 (319.5)the initiative of, a characteristic of the rulings of the Ancients of Days, 18:3.9 (210.3)metamorphosis, endowment of physical controllers with capabilities of, and their transport abilities, 29:4.1 (324.3)monopoly of, not desirable in newer marriage mores, 83:8.8 (930.4)of Morontia Companions, ascenders’ ability to discern, 48:3.5 (545.6)of mota personality, an achievement in blending by ascending mortals, 45:7.8 (518.4)nonabrogation of, by equal treatment of those admitted to finaliter corps, 31:0.9 (345.9)nonexistence of, in men operating as machines in a purely material universe, 195:6.13 (2077.9)possession of, by relationships of group association, and sin consequences, 54:6.3 (618.6)a possession of the Ancients of Days, notwithstanding their identical nature, 18:3.2 (209.4)First Source and Third Source personalities, 9:8.12 (106.10)Trinitized Sons of Attainment, 22:4.4 (247.3)of the spirit consort of the Creator Son, contribution of Paradise Deity to, 17:6.7 (204.3)spiritual, capacity for attainment of, a feature of the seventh circle, 110:6.13

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