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59:6.7 (683.4)evolution of, early, 61:2.4 (695.2), 65:2.5 (732.3)life, of early Oligocene period, 61:2.4 (695.2)Insight(s)of absonity, the Supreme the living way from finite consciousness to the, 117:3.3 (1281.5)cosmic, relation of, to moral choosing, 16:7.8 (193.7)of cosmic mind, three innate, 16:6.5 (192.1)a definition, 48:4.18 (549.5), 196:3.10 (2094.9)Deity, Perfectors of Wisdom the divine wisdom of, 19:2.4 (216.2)enhancement of, by gospel of Jesus, 160:1.15 (1775.1)expansion of, by prayer, 143:7.4 (1616.6)God’s infinite, and his wisdom, 4:3.4 (58.2)of higher animals on a motor level only, 16:7.2 (193.1)indispensability of, to the endurance of nations, 81:6.42 (911.7)intellectual, and spirit luminosity, 0:6.8 (9.10)Jesus’ possession of, result, 171:7.4 (1874.7)man’s self-consciousness of, 160:1.5 (1773.2)mind logic, need of, by approximations of mathematics and certainties of, 103:7.4 (1138.2)of moral beings, function of, 16:7.4 (193.3)into motion Godward, spirit-perceived time, 12:5.8 (135.7)as relating to personality, 112:1.10 (1226.14)religion’s development through, 101:1.4 (1105.1)sagacious, of Jesus, 141:3.4 (1589.5)of spirit, vs. the consciousness of mind, 9:4.2 (102.2)spiritual, ability of man to exercise, not dependent on experimentation, 16:7.2 (193.1)a definition, 6:6.4 (78.7), 140:5.13 (1574.6)innateness of, in cosmic mind, 16:6.9 (192.5)realities perceived by, 112:2.11 (1228.6)of the soul, ability of, to discern spiritual operations, 12:8.4 (139.7)spiritual realities perceived by, 112:2.11 (1228.6)uniformity of, vs. uniformity of destiny, 155:6.9 (1732.2)with zeal, religion’s joining of, 99:7.3 (1093.1)Insigniafamily, used as an early method of marking private property, 69:9.13 (781.7)of Michael, vacant temple on Jerusem sealed with, 46:5.32 (527.1)of priestly and kingly office, regarding of, as a fetish, 88:3.4 (970.5)of three concentric circles, belief of the Salemites in, an influence on subsequent triad gods, 95:1.4 (1042.5)interpretations and real meaning of, 93:3.3 (1016.5)Melchizedek’s followers’ attitude toward, result, 93:2.5 (1015.5)InsincerityAndrew’s abhorrence of, 139:1.10 (1550.1)eradication of, a purpose of morontia career, 48:5.8 (551.3)Jesus’ refraining from casting reflections of, on his murderers, 186:2.8 (1999.8)in Jewish rulers’ question, quick discernment of, by the people, 173:2.8 (1892.5)Lucifer’s, 53:2.5 (603.1)mind marred by, 9:5.7 (103.5)not a solution to problems of sex in society, 82:1.10 (914.6)Inspectionof all sectors of Ascendington, a privilege of mortals arriving on Paradise, 13:2.3 (148.2)by chiefs of transport during enseraphiming process, 39:5.14 (438.7)by Constellation Fathers of local systems, 46:5.15 (524.6)of Edentia, visiting ascenders allowed to make, 43:1.8 (486.7)of experimental worlds in Nebadon, 49:5.12 (565.13)of the Garden by Adam and Eve, 74:3.4 (831.1), 74:3.7 (831.4), 74:8.1 (836.14)of Jerusalem religious schools by Jesus, 129:2.7 (1422.4)of Jesus’ empty tomb by Joseph and David, 190:1.2 (2030.1)of kinship-serial activities in the local universe by certain high personalities, 49:5.29 (567.9)of records of Celestial Recorders, 25:6.3 (282.1)service in space, of associate power directors, 29:4.17 (325.10)tours of headquarters worlds, a function of Recents of Days, 18:5.4 (212.1)of the universe by man, using his analytical faculties, result, 103:6.4 (1135.6)of Urantia by Satan, occasion of his fateful visit to Caligastia, 67:1.1 (754.2), 67:2.1 (755.3)by Tabamantia, leading to arrival of Material Son, 73:0.3 (821.3), 73:2.1 (822.5)the occasion of his address to the chief of Adjusters, 108:3.5 (1189.1)Inspector(s) Associatesee Associate, Inspector(s)of departing seraphic transports, the energy transformers, 29:4.23 (326.5)of experimental worlds, 49:5.12 (565.13)of the Jerusalem temple, and sacrificial animals, 173:1.1 (1888.4)local universe, customary practices of, 108:3.5 (1189.1)of the Nebadon school technique, the Celestial Overseers, 37:6.1 (412.1)number 811,307 of Orvonton Primary Master Force Organizers, visit of, to future site of Nebadon, 57:1.3 (651.5)of Paradise to the Havona inner circuit, the instigators of rest, 27:1.1 (299.1)sanitary, Amadon’s, in the Garden, 73:5.4 (825.1)Sethite priests trained as, 76:3.5 (850.1)Inspirationancient, some accounted for by mental and physical conditions, 90:1.2 (986.5)of ascending mortals by Havona Servitals, 25:1.7 (274.4)of the children of the universe by God the Spirit, 3:6.8 (53.6)derived by Perfector of Wisdom from observing activities on worlds of the Master Spirits, 13:4.7 (151.1)divine, uprisings of the deep mind frequently attributed to, 91:7.1 (1000.2), 91:7.4 (1000.5)and guidance, prayer’s influence in man’s search for, 91:3.5 (997.3)humans induced by prayer to become, to other sufferers of ailments, 91:6.2 (999.5)to look to the superconscious for, 91:3.5 (997.3)inability of institutional religion to afford, in social reconstruction, reason for, 99:2.1 (1087.4)of men and the universe, part of Michael’s bestowal mission, 20:6.4 (229.3), 120:2.5 (1328.2), 120:2.7 (1328.4), 129:3.6 (1424.1), 129:3.6 (1425.6), 129:3.6 (1518.2), 129:3.6 (1585.1), 129:3.6 (1594.1), 129:3.6 (1712.2), 129:3.6 (2092.2)of morontia progressors and spirit beings, role of the emotion designers in, 44:6.5 (506.6)role of the morontia synthesizers in, 44:6.9 (507.1)of mortal artists, role of celestial artisans in, 44:8.2 (507.7)religious, practical tests for, 91:7.5 (1000.6)the religious idea of, roots of, in ghost fear, 92:3.2 (1005.4)of the Scriptures, misuse of doctrine of, by the scribes and Pharisees, 159:4.6 (1768.2)not a claim made by the authors of Hebrew history, 97:7.3 (1068.3)for Sons of God in their bestowal ministration, the Eternal Son, 7:5.10 (87.4)the term, a linguistic fossil of superstition, 88:6.7 (972.7)Inspired Trinity Spiritsabout, 19:5.0 (219.2–221.2)assignment of a corps of, to service of Union of Days, 55:10.3 (634.3)classification of, as Co-ordinate Trinity-origin Beings, 19:0.6 (214.6)functioning of, in outer space, 29:5.7 (329.7)organic association of, with Transcendentalers and Architects of the Master Universe, 31:9.13 (352.6)origin of, 19:5.1 (219.2)possible relation of Thought Adjusters to, 19:5.6 (220.1)probable mission of, 19:5.9 (220.4), 23:4.4 (262.5)resemblance of, to Solitary Messengers, 19:5.5 (219.6)Solitary Messengers’ awareness of the presence of, 19:5.5 (219.6), 23:1.9 (257.4), 108:3.9 (1189.5)detection of, indicator of possible connection to Thought Adjusters, 19:5.6 (220.1)the superpersonal expressions of the Paradise Trinity, 108:3.9 (1189.5)technique of, of detecting the presence of Adjusters, 107:4.4 (1180.7)without discoverable form, 42:12.10 (483.10)Installationof Adam and Eve, activities following, 74:3.1 (830.4)message of the Jerusem acknowledgment of, 74:4.5 (832.5)time and location of, 74:2.5 (829.7)traditions of, confused in legend with arrival of the Prince’s staff, 66:2.8 (742.8)of James, Jesus’ brother, as head of Jerusalem church, 194:4.12 (2068.2)by Jesus of James as acting head of the family, 128:2.4 (1410.3)of Joseph as acting head of the family, 128:7.11 (1418.3)of Lucifer’s successor, 53:7.12 (608.8)of Master Michaels as sovereign rulers, results, 21:5.8 (241.2)of Material Son and Daughter on planet of Michael’s third bestowal, 119:3.4 (1312.5)of new system sovereign in case of rebellion, timing of, 35:9.9 (394.1)of a philosophy of living, few have learned technique of, 100:5.1 (1098.4)of a Planetary Prince by Life Carriers, 49:5.22 (567.2)of replacement faculty members at Urmia, 134:3.6 (1486.1)of the technique of dematerialization for survivors of a planetary catastrophe, 51:2.3 (582.3)Instigators of restascending pilgrims’ first contact with, 26:11.6 (297.3)importance of, to the metamorphosis from time to eternity, 27:1.3 (299.3)Instinctive urgesman’s sharing of, with the animal world, 68:2.4 (765.1)Instinct(s)basic, vs. evolving ethics, 82:2.1 (914.7)basic mammalian, first appearance of, 61:1.3 (693.6)to care properly for infants, appearance of, in Andon and Fonta, 63:3.1 (713.1)of dawn mammals, 62:2.3 (704.2)for Deity, the adjutant of worship, 92:0.2 (1003.2)fear, and the institutions of self-maintenance, 69:1.3 (772.6)gregarious, and spirit of counsel, 36:5.10 (402.7), 62:6.3 (709.4)herd, not the only source of man’s altruism, 103:5.8 (1134.6)not solely responsible for present-day human society, 68:2.4 (765.1)and the spirit of counsel, 62:6.3 (709.4)hoarding, of mid-mammals, 62:3.6 (705.5)of an inferior race, a problem cited by a guardian seraphim, 111:7.5 (1223.7)inherent reflex, and spirit of intuition, (402.3) 36:5.6 , 36:5.6 (402.3), 36:5.6 (709.4)intuitive, vs. reasoned knowledge, in man’s mind evolution, 103:7.2 (1137.7)maternal, character and effects of, 84:1.7 (932.4), 84:3.1 (933.6), 84:7.2 (939.5)one source of the institutions of self-perpetuation, 69:1.4 (772.7)mating, character of, in primitive peoples, 82:1.6 (914.2)a driving force in human beings, 82:1.7 (914.3)effective long before modern emotions, 82:1.1 (913.4)parental, enhancement of, over generations, 84:7.7 (940.3)a natural unselfishness, 16:9.7 (196.3)strength of, compared with mating, 84:6.2 (938.6)play, introduction of, by the violet race, 84:8.3 (942.4)underdevelopment of, in primitive man, 63:4.2 (713.8)of self-preservation, death fear associated with, antidoted by the dream-ghost concept, 86:4.2 (953.1)the source of self-maintenance institutions, 69:1.3 (772.6)unchanging nature of, vs. mores, 84:5.13 (938.3)Institution(s)based on force, comparative ineffectiveness of, 81:6.33 (910.6)builder, man as an, 69:0.1 (772.1)the church as an, a contrastive illustration, 98:2.7 (1079.4)common, a feature of an

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